‘A Melody to Remember,” a new South Korean film, was released Friday at Pearlridge Consolidated Theatres. Directed by Han Lee, the film is about a South Korean platoon leader played by Yim Si-wan, who loses his family and friends in the Korean War. When he is assigned to another unit, he meets several war orphans and tries to help them heal their wounds through music. With the help of Park Ju-mi (Ko A-sung), the pair create a children’s choir.
This week’s synopses
“The Legendary Witches”
6:30 p.m. today: Pre-empted for the broadcast of the 2015 SBS Drama Awards, cheer on your favorite drama star in the year-end awards! Fully subtitled in English. “The Legendary Witches” will return the following week. SBS Drama Awards will re-air at 1 p.m. Monday. The special is 2-1/2 hours long.
“Root of the Throne”
Episodes 29 and 30
Monday, 7:45 p.m.: Bang-won gets suspicious when the arrival time of the royal gift coincides with the time Yi Bang-ji will be away. Bang-won realizes Gil Seon-mi tricked Bang-ji to get him away. Jung Mong-ju urges Wang Yo to ascend the throne.
Tuesday, 7:45 p.m.: Yun Rang reveals her true identity to Wang Yo. Wang Yo drinks the antidote when he finds out Yun Rang is Cheok Sa-gwang. Bang-won asks Ha Ryun about information on Moomyung.
Episodes 11 and 12
Wednesday, 7:45 p.m.: Jin-woo starts his revenge against the people who lied at his father’s trial. Gyu-man blames a small company for a faulty microwave oven and drives the company out of business. Dong-ho hands Jin-woo’s business card to the fallen company’s CEO’s son.
Thursday, 7:45 p.m.: Dong-ho starts gathering corruption evidence against Chairman Nam Il-ho. Jin-woo prepares to put pressure on Nam Gyu-man. Seok-kyu is thrown into confusion when he finds out Gyu-man is the real killer of the Seochon college student.
“Identical Affairs”
Episodes 39 and 40
Friday, 7:45 p.m.: Baek Seok is unconscious after the attack. Hae-kang and Jin-eon heads to the police when they hear they’ve caught Seok’s attacker, but it turns out to be Shin Il-sang’s son. Jin-eon believes Tae-seok is behind the attack.
Saturday, 7:45 p.m.: Jin-eon threatens Tae-seok that he’ll put him behind bars for attempted murder. Hae-kang starts her revenge against Tae-seok and Chairman Choi.
Jeff Chung is general manager of KBFD TV, which televises Korean dramas with English subtitles. Reach him at 521-8066 or jeffchung@kbfd.com.