Clinton tears into Trump on taxes; He says he ‘brilliantly used’ system
TOLEDO, Ohio » Hillary Clinton tore into Donald Trump’s tax maneuvering, business skills and trustworthiness Monday as she sought to capitalize on news that the New York real estate mogul may have paid no federal taxes for years. Unfazed, he boasted of using U.S. tax laws “brilliantly” and cast himself as a savvy business survivor poised to save a reeling nation.
Campaigning at a Toledo train station, Clinton castigated Trump as a cold-hearted and bungling businessman who “represents the same rigged system that he claims he’s going to change.” She called for a new law requiring presidential candidates from major parties to release their tax returns, as Trump has refused to do, and she accused him of shirking his responsibility as a taxpayer.
“He’s taken corporate excess and made a business model out of it,” she said. “It’s Trump first and everyone else last.”
The Democrat’s broadside was her first response to a weekend New York Times report that Trump claimed a loss of nearly $916 million in a single year on his personal tax filings. The Times said the size of the loss could have allowed him to avoid federal taxes for nearly two decades, an assertion his campaign neither confirmed nor disputed.
Nor did Trump.
Instead, at a Colorado rally, he portrayed himself as a man who bounced back from financial losses, will recover from a currently difficult stretch of the campaign and propel the nation to a similar turnaround.
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“On Nov. 8, America’s comeback begins,” he told cheering supporters in Pueblo.
As for questions about his tax history, Trump said he had “brilliantly used those laws … legally used the tax laws to my benefit and to the benefit of my company, my investors and my employees.”
“The unfairness of the tax laws is unbelievable. It’s something I’ve been talking about for a long time, despite, frankly, being a big beneficiary of the laws,” Trump told the crowd in Pueblo. “But I’m working for you now. I’m not working for Trump.”
He acknowledged business failures as well as successes but declared, “I’m still here.”
He said that “our country is in need of a major comeback,” just like the one he was able to pull off after near-financial collapse in the 1990s — and the one, he implied, he would make from his recent drop in the polls after a difficult campaign week.
Several of Trump’s surrogates also rallied to note that the Times report did not allege wrongdoing and they contended the Republican presidential candidate was a “genius” for using the tax system to rebuild his fortune.
At the same time, the Clinton campaign seized on the comment with a new TV ad, asking, “If not paying taxes makes him smart, what does that make the rest of us?”
In her remarks in Ohio, Clinton mocked: “What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?”
Other Trump troubles mounted.
Former cast and crew members from the reality TV show “The Apprentice” described for the first time his treatment of women on the set. Show insiders told The Associated Press that Trump rated female contestants by the size of their breasts and talked about which ones he’d like to have sex with.
The campaign issued a broad denial, calling the claims “totally false.”
Also Monday, the New York attorney general’s office ordered the Trump Foundation to immediately stop fundraising in the state, saying it isn’t registered to do so.
The back-to-back bad news piled on a week of Trump missteps and his increasingly aggressive personal attacks on Clinton. Since a rocky debate last week, Trump has engaged in a distracting feud with a former beauty queen he called “Miss Piggy” because she gained weight during her reign. He seemed to try to shift the conversation Saturday night when he suggested, without evidence, that Clinton may have cheated on her husband.
Trump’s campaign is searching for a way to rattle Clinton — while also getting control of its own message. The new revelations only make that harder. While the incomplete tax records published by the Times show no irregularities, the size of Trump’s loss cuts at a core tenet of his presidential bid — his remarkable business success. Meanwhile, his boorish comments are threatening to turn away female voters.
Trump was more disciplined Monday both in Pueblo and at a forum in Virginia hosted by the Retired American Warriors PAC.
Seizing an opportunity he missed on the debate stage last week, Trump went after Clinton’s commitment to fighting cybersecurity threats and pointed to her use of a private, email server when she served as secretary of state.
He said Clinton’s handling of classified emails on the server makes her “totally unfit” for the Oval Office.
But Trump’s taxes dominated the conversation.
In a story published over the weekend, the Times said it received the first pages of Trump’s 1995 state income tax filings in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut from an anonymous person. The filings showed a net loss of $915,729,293 in federal taxable income for the year — losses of a magnitude that they might have allowed Trump to avoid paying taxes for years.
His campaign said that he had paid “hundreds of millions” of dollars in other kinds of taxes over the years.
84 responses to “Clinton tears into Trump on taxes; He says he ‘brilliantly used’ system”
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AP/SA hit pieces always have one line that disparages the whole article.
Here again, the one line in this article…err hit piece…
“His allies noted the Times report did not allege wrongdoing and they contended the Republican presidential candidate was a “genius” for using the tax system to rebuild his fortune.”
Is English your second or third language? “Allies” means supporters. Of course they’re going to say meaningless things like that. His allies are ldiots. Do you need that translated?
Don’t seem to recall any of “your” allies reporting on the fact that it was a felony to steal his return. Nobody has alleged that he broke the law. Everyone alleges that Hillary has broken the law, many, many times.
Just Republicans allege Hillary has broken the law. What we do know is Hillary Clinton has never been charged with a crime while Donald Trump will be in court in late November to face felony charges in connection with Trump University.
Rite80..too much MSM & Koolade is not good for a simple brain…get informed.
Like Bernie said the system is rigged. Of the two Bills why is Cosby charged and Clinton not? Inquiring minds want to know.
Change the subject Sarge, but every legitimate poll and analysis has Trump, not just just losing, but losing big. What happened to all your prognostications?????
People who are not so bright are really funny–buahahahahahahahahahah.
The game is not over but keep trying.
It’s not over until the pant lady sings.
She appears to have been deeply involved in felony mishandling of top secret materials.
Eh Knuckledragger how you doin? Want a banana?
Only a Trump supporter would call someone that lost $916 million dollars in one year a genius….
haroldm…can you open your eyes a little bigger…to see the B I G picture?
Worth repeating: His allies are ldiots. Do you need that translated?
Oh no. Who let the monkeys out?
Clinton mocked: “What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?”
Only a moron would have such a poor understanding of the tax system.
First, you can roll over losses until the year when you take them.
Second you can deduct expenses/losses from income – otherwise how would business even operate?
This may be lost on someone who has never made money the hard way – starting businesses, taking risks, absorbing losses and moving on.
In the end, Trump seems to have done very well. That is the measure. Not the balance sheet at a particular time.
Cricket, is this why no traditional bank will lend to him–he has not been able to do regular banking in over 10 years. Goldman Sachs even has a training video on what entities not to make loans to –guess who is front and center of this video–yup, the Trump Corporation.
Watch what you call people. It may come back and bite you. LOL
Pot calling the kettle black.
MillionMonkeys aka KnuckleDragger did you check this out yet? This is about your female felon.
Maroon city! That’s not a news article; that’s a right wing opinion blog.
It only shows that HRC had a capital gains loss of $700k. It shows NOTHING about her avoiding taxes. She’s released nearly 40 YEARS of tax returns—that’s 40 more than your cheap hero TDump.
Just because this guy writes “WOW!” in capital letters, you think that proves something? Maroon!!!
HRC has paid tens of millions in taxes. She’s smart enough to earn hundreds of millions, and she’s been paying something close to 30% tax rate.
And the Clinton Foundation is a A-rated charitable organization that saves lives using 90-something percent of donations for actual help of people. The Clintons make no personal income off this.
monkey, if you insist on calling others “maroons’, you might want to rethink your overall strategy..
You mistake a righty gossip column for real news….hint, there’s a huge difference.
Worth repeating: His allies are ldiots. Do you need that translated?…Hillary Clinton used the same exact method as Donald Trump to pay less tax, according to her own tax returns released by her presidential campaign.
Donald Trump reportedly avoided paying federal income taxes by reporting massive losses on his 1995 tax return, which the New York Times somehow obtained before Trump himself released it.
The Wall Street Journal describes the loophole that Trump used:
The tax treatment of losses, bound to become a subject of national debate, is a typically noncontroversial feature of the income-tax system. The government doesn’t pay net refunds when business owners lose money, but it lets taxpayers use those losses to smooth their tax payments as they make money. That reflects the fact that “the natural business cycle of a taxpayer may exceed 12 months,” according to a congressional report.
Typically, for federal returns, such net operating losses can be carried backward for two years to offset past income and then kept on a taxpayer’s books for 20 years, though Mr. Trump’s losses could only qualify for a 15-year carryforward under the law at the time.
The Clinton campaign has hammered Trump on his unreleased tax returns. When pundits on cable news now refer to the “Taxes” issue, they’re usually talking about Trump’s personal “taxes” issue, not the taxes paid by American voters.
But the Zerohedge blog first noticed something that could undercut Clinton’s ability to hit Trump on his “net operating losses.”
Clinton’s 2015 tax returns reveal that Hillary Clinton also reported capital gains losses in order to lessen her tax burden through a “carryover.”
“To truly make America safe, we must make cybersecurity a major priority — which I don’t believe we’re doing right now — for both government and the private sector,” Trump said
HAHAHAHA This from the man who asked the Russian government to hack our system !!
Let’s get back to substantive issues. Like the giant FBI coverup of the Clinton’s private server and destruction of evidence that goes straight to little Barry Hussein’s oval office. Ot the speaking fees that Waldo took from giant Wall St. banks and what they might want in return. Or the very real failure of little Barry Hussein’s Obamacare. Or the rise of violent anti-police groups that the democrat party has embraced.
Well put.
What’s well put? Changing the subject, pivoting to some subject a little less uncomfortable? Please, keep on subject or just find an article that is at least on topic.
This is what is well put and the libs can’t handle the negative side of crooked HiLIARy. “Let’s get back to substantive issues. Like the giant FBI coverup of the Clinton’s private server and destruction of evidence that goes straight to little Barry Hussein’s oval office. Ot the speaking fees that Waldo took from giant Wall St. banks and what they might want in return. Or the very real failure of little Barry Hussein’s Obamacare. Or the rise of violent anti-police groups that the democrat party has embraced.”
Get your nose out of your “words to make you look smart dictionary” for a few minutes and try reading it a little slower. It is not that complicated.
Sorry Ike, that was a little harsh. Here is a more considered reply.
The tax business is a red herring.
It was raised by the Demos to pivot, to a deflect attention from their political scandals and questionable practices.
Returning attention to the real issues, the substantive ones, is not changing the subject, it is undoing a change back to the real subject.
Undoing the pivot that the article reflects is entirely on topic.
Really? Dishonest Donald NEVER took monies for speaking fees? You should really get your facts straight, but no matter your vote doesn’t count diddly in Hawaii….
Trump’s average fee for four speeches delivered in 2015 – before he declared his candidacy for president – average $200,000, according to a financial disclosure form just released by the Federal Election Commission. But one of those was a $450,000 fee paid by a company called ACN Inc., which has had various business deals with Trump over the years and may have been paying for more than one speech.
Hillary Clinton used the same exact method as Donald Trump to pay less tax, according to her own tax returns released by her presidential campaign.
Could care less about Trump’s taxes and whether he paid taxes. Everyone tries to pay as little taxes as possible and hope to get as much back as possible. Bill and Hillary hide everything in their shadowy foundation and claim they pay their rightful share when the majority of their charitable contributions goes to their foundation.
I care more about not trusting Hillary and Bill who believe they are above the law. Any other citizen that did what she did with classified documents would not be walking the street and definitely not running for President. Swearing up and down that they didn’t do something that they did do and then claiming I made a mistake and learned from it. That would never cut it as an excuse to avoid prosecution for anyone else.
Put her in JAIL NOW.
Have they ever settled the Whitewater scandals that the Clinton’s have swept under the rug? Weren’t there mysterious missing persons and deaths involved?? Taxes seem minor in comparison.
I found a list of some or the mysterious deaths – a few have been proven false, but….
Where is Vince Foster? Does Waldo know what happened.
Maybe he saw a picture of Sar$es wife and croaked?
She wants to be President and does not even know who writes or whats in the tax code? Sad
HRC has absolutely no knowledge of how private businesses have their ups and downs, resulting in positive or negative cash flows. She has been in government service her entire life and is an expert on entitlements and freebees for all.
The claimed that Trump ” Brilliantly used the system….” . What happen to him not being qualify to become our president? Maybe this guy has some redeeming qualities after all . Smile!
“Brilliantly” used in an ironic sense. Like saying “He’s a smart serial killer” or “That pervert is a clever flasher.”
so, by following the law and acquiring deductions for losses on income taxes, the orange one is being demonized by the female felon.
the same female felon who committed felonies in the mishandling of classified information. the same female felon who the f.b.i. granted immunity to coconspirators and then agreed to destroy the evidence themselves.
the democrat talking points for this last debate is demonize the combover. it’s all they have to counter the exhaustive negatives that the female felon eagerly brings to the presidential race:
a serial sexual assault/rapist husband who will lead the economy;
mishandling classified information;
destroying evidence, hiding evidence: in the email scam, whitewater gate, travel gate;
steadily declining health issues including fainting, extreme fatigue, concussions, “short circuit” confusions, falls;
the webb of lies woven around chelsea;
pay to play involving $100s of millions funneled through her money laundering operations.
the congenital liar’s media fluffs will have to raise the volume on their attacks on the orange one if they hope to drown out the public’s curiosity into the female felon’s criminal past.
money laundering enterprise run as a family slush fund;
Dumbat Hillary: The system is there to be used. And anybody who is brilliant in doing so can fix it. Trump said he will.
I guess he Clintons use the 1040EZ form.
I believe they use the 1040IP form where IP stands for influence peddling.
The Trump Foundation’s $57,000 in donations to veterans groups from 2009 to 2013 amounted to far less than Trump’s donations to the Clinton Foundation. “Trump is listed on the Clinton Foundation’s donor page as having given somewhere between $100,001 and $250,000,”
What has hiLIARy accomplished in her 30+ years that benefited a MAJORITY of Americans (job titles excluded)?
As I’ve said before, Donald Trump did not write the tax code. Congress does. What did Hillary Clinton (or Baraack Obama) do about the tax code when they were in congress…? NOTHING. She now screams about her own incompetence.
Clinto brilliantly used the poorest nation on earth’s donations as her own piggy bank. That is not just a little wrong – it is wicked evil.
You’re referring to Haiti no doubt. The Clintons backed up their money truck and cashed in on the Haiti disaster in 2010. An enterprising MSM investigative journalist could have dug into this but job loss or worse would surely follow.
“worse” you meant…never mind.
Hillary is just mad because now there’s less federal money for her and her cronies to waste! Everyone, rich or poor, should be paying the least amount of taxes possible. Good on Trump.
Wow. Unbelievable comments, here.
You Trump supporters are still going to vote for this fraud? Unbelievable.
You know, Hawaii is a blue state. Is every Trump supporter in Hawaii commenting here? All 11 of you?
Wow. Unbelievable comments? Only in the eyes of the sheep. Trump supporters are everywhere and the establishment is in panic mode. Trump did this Trump did that. HiLIARy lied and four men died. Clinton Foundation, classified emails, Whitewater, Clinton hit list, health problems. Come on SA what’s the latest. FBI and wiki wiki will do the job
And how many died because of Bush/Cheney/Powell’s lies? Thousands.
lies? as in bill clinton’s iraq liberation act of 1998:
“Iraq admitted, among other things, an offensive biological warfare capability, notably, 5,000 gallons of botulinum, which causes botulism; 2,000 gallons of anthrax; 25 biological-filled Scud warheads; and 157 aerial bombs. And I might say UNSCOM inspectors believe that Iraq has actually greatly understated its production….
“Over the past few months, as [the weapons inspectors] have come closer and closer to rooting out Iraq’s remaining nuclear capacity, Saddam has undertaken yet another gambit to thwart their ambitions by imposing debilitating conditions on the inspectors and declaring key sites which have still not been inspected off limits….
“It is obvious that there is an attempt here, based on the whole history of this operation since 1991, to protect whatever remains of his capacity to produce weapons of mass destruction, the missiles to deliver them, and the feed stocks necessary to produce them. The UNSCOM inspectors believe that Iraq still has stockpiles of chemical and biological munitions, a small force of Scud-type missiles, and the capacity to restart quickly its production program and build many, many more weapons…. ”
it was bill clinton that lied and americans died.
Your ability to deal with reality is just about as much as Dishonest Donald’s.
Your continued inability to state the facts continues. Clinton wanted to destabilize the government and replace it without military intervention. IT WAS THE REPUBLICANS LED BY LOTT WHO WANTED MILITARY INTERVENTION.
President Clinton’s first explicit call for a “new government” in Baghdad and his pledge to implement a new plan for arming opponents of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein heartened opposition leaders yesterday. But Clinton’s comments appeared to signal more of a heightened political effort to destabilize the Iraqi regime over time than any immediate military strategy for overthrowing it.
Senior administration officials said Clinton’s words were intended to signal an “intensification” of support for a broad array of Iraqi opposition groups and in that sense represented a change in policy.
A British diplomat closely monitoring the Iraq crisis called Clinton’s expression of support for Iraqi opposition groups in an effort to help create a new regime in Baghdad “one policy change we’ve seen out of this weekend.” The diplomat called the shift “a more forward-leaning American move to go beyond containment.”
But Defense Secretary William S. Cohen made it clear that Clinton’s vow of support for the Iraqi Liberation Act — a congressional initiative that makes $97 million in military support available to the Iraqi opposition — did not mean that such aid would be provided to opposition groups any time soon.
“He was not calling for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein,” Cohen told reporters at the White House. “What he was saying is that we are prepared and will work with opposition forces or groups to try to bring about in some future time a more democratic type of regime.”
Congressional supporters of the bill, led by Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.), envision U.S. military aid going to train and arm an opposition army that as early as next year would invade Iraq, capture lightly defended areas in the southern and western parts of the country, encourage mass defections from the Iraqi military and ultimately bring down the government.
sarge22…short & sweet…nailed it!
How did the dude manage to lose a billion in one tax year anyway?
He bet on a democrat.
lol ^5
Last I looked everybody and I mean everybody made money during those years…..
Look again with your eyes open.
That’s the point that most people do not understand. The super rich like Trump hire tax attorneys to dig up phantom depreciations, deductions and losses while hiding profits in offshore accounts under multilayered corporations. Trump can afford to pay these attorneys millions per year in order to save ten times that in taxes. The rest of us chumps do not have the means to do that. How many of you believe that it is OK for 95% of the population to support the country with our taxes while the super rich freeload? Do you believe that Trump will change the tax system to take those benefits away from him? If you believe that and think that some of that will rub off on you if Trump becomes president then you are a double chump.
All tax laws are written and passed by Congress since ratification of the Constitution in 1788.
If ‘one’ is able to follow the rules and use the tax laws/loopholes to their advantage, does this constitute a violation of having to not pay taxes?
Or, is it in the nay-sayers plight to cry ‘foul’ if someone is NOT paying their fair share?
Seems the culprit is in the actual laws/loopholes that allow one to delineate between paying taxes and CPA- genius.
The tax laws currently allow this all to happen.
Trump’s average fee for four speeches delivered in 2015 – before he declared his candidacy for president – average $200,000, according to a financial disclosure form just released by the Federal Election Commission. But one of those was a $450,000 fee paid by a company called ACN Inc., which has had various business deals with Trump over the years and may have been paying for more than one speech. Excluding that outlier, Trump’s average speaking fee is a mere $117,000, or half of Clinton’s average fee.
Donald Trump – $1.5M
Topping the list by a longshot is billionaire birther and infamous reality-TV host Donald Trump. “The Donald earned a staggering $1.5 million per speech at The Learning Annex’s ‘real estate wealth expos’ in 2006 and 2007,” according to Forbes. “Trump appeared at 17 seminars and collected this fee for each one.”
Hillary Clinton – $200K
Commanding around $200,000, Clinton recently came under fire for her $250,000 speaking fee at an upcoming UNLV fundraiser. Hilary told ABC’s Diane Sawyer in June that her family was “dead broke” upon leaving White House.
Bill Clinton – $200K
Though he is typically paid around $200,000, there are some notable exceptions. Swedish Telecom firm Ericsson reportedly paid the former president $750,000 for one speech in 2011. The Washington Post published a comprehensive review of the astounding $104.9 million Clinton has amassed in speaking fees since leaving office
even as the combover receives applause and accolades by avocating for increasing stringent immigration programs, he should not conceal the fact that he did not come up with the plan all by himself.
credit should go to bill clinton for forcefully speaking out against the illegal aliens who burden u.s. tax payers, commit crimes, take jobs from americans and who make a mockery of the laws on immigration.
You have a very short memory or are only 18 years old. My what an about face you Republicans have done…this is from 40 years ago and the speaker is Ronald Regan.
“Rather than making them, of talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and then, while they’re working and earning here, they pay taxes here. And when they want to go back they can go back, and cross. And open the border both ways, by understanding their problems. This is the only safety valve they have right now, with that unemployment, that probably keeps the lid from blowing off…And I think we could have a fine relationship.”
What a country. We now have a choice between and out of control egomaniac or a corrupt lifetime politician. It’s very hard to determine who’s worse. Either way our country loses. What I find interesting is that both candidates seem to be leading people that are either blind as a bat (to their candidate’s faults) and/or equally as bad.
It is so much fun to out Dishonest Donald and his merry band of blind mice. Lacking any knowledge of history, geopolitics, how politics really work, and so many more things….. Keep on trying and maybe one day out of the blue you will get lucky and say something that actually makes sense or is actually true.
Only a Trump supporter would call someone that lost nearly a BILLION DOLLARS in one year a genius. Trump is right about one thing: “he loves his poorly educated” supporters!
Who would have thought another Dishonest Donald blind mouse would do this?
It turns out Mr. “Taco Trucks On Every Corner” Latinos for Trump founder Marco Gutierrez is also a serial bankruptcy filer. According to court documents from 2014, Gutierrez has filed bankrutpcy at least 14 times. A potential creditor and former friend explained how they used bankruptcy filings as sort of a pyramid scheme:
During the time I was working with [Debtors] they explained to me how they were using the bankruptcy court to prevent foreclosure on their home and to prevent other collection efforts, since they had no money. Mrs. Gutierrez explained to us that the way they were preventing a foreclosure was by filing for bankruptcy and then not following up on a legal requirement and the case would be dismissed. She explained to us that sometimes there was a three month period between the filing and the dismissal and that interfered with the foreclosure.
This is the man who created the “Latinos for Trump” group. He aspires to be Donald Trump, clearly. Serial bankruptcies, scamming immigrants, trying to use a federal program to help people save their homes as a personal piggy bank. These are characteristics of the man he supports so fervently.
Simpliticly put: pot, kettle, black.
Sadly, however, it appears as if Trump has hardly been the model philanthropist. And his continued failure to release his tax returns leaves his supporters hanging by a thread. All those hailing Trump’s “genius” may be forced to eat their words if later leaks show that he’s little more than a lawyered-up tax cheat.
Who wrote this…a lib? A democratic socialist? A HRC supporter? Nope, the uber conservative and republican standard bearer, the National Review.
Read more at:
“Buahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahah” Did you pick up that term in Halawa Housing or at Ole Miss with Eli Manning? Surly not at law school.
It’s surely, not surly. And college of Elihu, not Eli.
Just answer the question…Will Yale rename its entire university? Elihu Yale was worse than John C. Calhoun
Crooked Hilliary is a hypocrite. She has zero room to talk.
her fluffer media has given her carte blanche to talk as much as she wants with immediate biased coverage.
there will be no media pushback on the female felon’s numerous criminal activities despite her latest rants against the combover for filing a legally compliant tax return.
A Scout is trustworthy!