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Ferd Lewis’ article about Hawaii’s basketball team hits the nail on the head (“Being OK in BWC not OK for Hawaii men’s basketball,” Star-Advertiser, March 17).
Being OK in the Big West Conference is not OK. But OK is all we can expect from Coach Eran Ganot and his staff, because they don’t know how or where to recruit good players. They want to recruit from California and overseas, but that’s not working. Why not recruit from the East Coast, Midwest or the South? Also, go into the inner cities and get good players who are good students as well.
UH won’t get the McDonald’s or Nike All-American players, but what about the second- and third-tier players? The UH team that went to the NCAA Tournament in 2015-16 had some players like that.
Why can’t Ganot’s staff find them? Simple: They don’t know how or where to recruit. So I guess we will have to settle for being just OK.
Guy Lanton
Salt Lake
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