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President Donald Trump has added more restrictive regulations to his hard-line immigration agenda, which make it much harder for poor legal immigrants to qualify for green cards (“Trump policy favors wealthier immigrants for green card,” Star-Advertiser, Aug. 13).
Most immigrants came here with nothing and could not speak the English language proficiently. So, they needed help. A vast majority of them held multiple low-paying part-time jobs. But over time, their job and wage prospects improved and they became self-sufficient.
The impact of immigration on the economy is one of the most-studied economic issues. According to a government report, on average, immigrants pay more in taxes than they received in benefits.
The “public charge” rule is punitive, mean-spirited and is being used as a weapon of racism. Having received public assistance for a short period of time should not be used as a litmus test in ascertaining eligibility for permanent residency status.
It’s a crying shame that the president is using the “public charge” argument to justify his ethnic cleansing policy.
Rod B. Catiggay
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