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Forty years ago I came to Hawaii from Oregon and started a business. I was advised that Hawaii was a very difficult place to do business. But I ignored the advice.
My business is still operating. I hire local people and have been very successful. Because of this business, I was able to move to Hawaii and raise my daughter here. She went off to college, but was able to return to Hawaii, her home, because her husband got a high-tech job with one of the telescopes.
My daughter is now going to join my business, what we proudly call our “family business.” But what if the business climate back in 1979 was like today? With the Superferry defeated and the Thirty Meter Telescope, which passed every test, now blocked by lawbreaking individuals, I can tell you with absolute certainty that no, I would not have come here.
It is so very past the time to remove the lawbreaking protesters, open the access road and allow TMT to proceed with building a telescope that will benefit all mankind.
Wendy Minor
Kamuela, Hawaii island
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