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The granting of permits to install eight enormous monster wind turbines in the small town of Kahuku should never have happened. Many people tried to stop this before the permits were granted, but were ignored.
Kahuku residents already have sacrificed their town’s visual beauty by hosting their fair share of wind turbines. As the protesters have repeatedly said, they support clean energy.
But who among us would not protest these giant, 500-foot-tall noisy turbines if they were installed right next to our homes and schools? Everyone would. It’s industrial visual blight, plain and simple. And possibly a potential health issue.
They are just way too close to people. Solar panels are a much better choice. If the company really wants to be a good neighbor, it would agree to move them way, way, way back, like a mile or more away from people.
The deception by First Wind of our North Shore community a few years ago caused the visual blight overlooking the historic Waimea Valley.
I stand with the protesters on this.
Diane Anderson
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