Belief in God can be found in Declaration
Gail Ishikawa suggested that religious arguments against abortion are not valid because they are not based on science (“Abortion beliefs based on religion, not science,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, June 17).
Does she believe in our Declaration of Independence, which says that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights … ”
Is this based on science or a belief in God?
She claimed that crime increases when there are more unwanted children. Her solution is population control by allowing abortions and thereby reducing crime.
She ended with: “My solution to the ‘issue’ of abortion is: You don’t like abortion, then don’t have one.”
I also have a solution: If you don’t want a baby, then take precautions to prevent having one.
Harold Nakagawa
Creating fear leads to control of population
If you control what people fear, you control the people.
Preaching bigotry — at rallies, on television, in churches — creates fear, which causes hatred, and then violence.
Manipulating people is so easy, anyone can do it. Some make their living doing it.
Thomas Luna
Using harsh words can stir up anger, division
Did Cal Thomas’ usually bloviated column provide us a “gentle answer” to turn away wrath, or a “harsh word” to stir up anger and division (“Democrats, too, throw sticks and stones and much worse,” Star-Advertiser, June 14)?
John Henry
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