Free bus fare for one week: This is a terrific idea to ease the back-to-school traffic and at the same time encourage the public to utilize bus service on a permanent basis (“Free bus fare week to alleviate Oahu’s back-to-school jam,” Star-Advertiser, Aug. 16).
What I do not understand is the requirement to obtain the HOLO card to ride for free. If the goal is to increase ridership, why impose this unnecessary extra burden? Just let everyone ride free for one week.
To obtain the card makes it humbug for the riders and is an added expense for the city to distribute the card. It makes no sense to me.
James Nakasone
Mililani Mauka
Trump failed his duty on classified documents
There are hundreds of intelligence professionals on Oahu with access to classified documents who are shaking their heads at the idea that former President Donald Trump would declare highly classified material he possessed as “declassified,” just because he thought he could do so.
As the old Esurance commercial goes, “That’s not how this works.” There is a process to declassify information and it’s not the president waving a wand like Harry Potter and saying “Expecto Patronum.” This incident shows that Trump and his staff were ignorant about how to properly handle and safeguard classified information.
Others, like Benjamin Pierce Bishop and Michael Misiewicz, knew that possessing classified documents was illegal and were sentenced to prison.
Since Trump regularly reminds people how smart he is, it sounds like he knew what he was doing was illegal, but did it anyway. If Trump does not get jail time for this incident, it is a slap in the face to every member of the intelligence community.
Terry Hunter
True patriots wouldn’t follow ex-president
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or other public official.
If the president tells you to overthrow the country’s government, a true patriot would refuse.
The true patriot who refused to listen to the president to overturn the results of the 2020 election was former Vice President Mike Pence.
Trump would seek reelection, not to uphold the Constitution or to serve the American people, but to get even with those who despise him. And he would undo all of the work done by the previous administration if elected.
Trump couldn’t care less where our country is headed as long as Trump is for Trump. The Jan. 6 insurrection is an example.
Trump could have been reelected if he wasn’t an egoist, and did the job he was elected to do. But no, he did a double-reverse and shot himself in the foot.
John Keala
Students learn lesson in naming seal pup
Kudos to the fourth-grade students and teacher at Waikiki Elementary School for naming the baby seal Koalani (“Waikiki Elementary School students name Hawaiian monk seal,” Star-Advertiser, Aug. 11). What a great way to engage the kids about wildlife and their needs.
Instead of taking the class to a nearby aquarium to gawk at captive animals in tanks instead of their ocean home, the students learned that they can make a real difference for animals.
Blocking off the beach to protect Koalani and his mother, Rocky, is a real-life example of the Golden Rule to be kind to one another. These young students are learning about respecting the animals with whom we share the planet.
It seems to me that at a time when people like to complain about having to go the extra mile for others — like wearing masks, for example — it’s even more important that we teach our kids that going out of your way to help others is not only expected, it’s the right thing to do.
Jason Baker
Diamond Head
Negative campaigns backfire on candidates
I hope the results of yesterday’s primary election send a message to those ambitious wannabes who accept the support of offshore political action groups that ran negative campaigns. This is an island community, and we know each other. If candidates can’t stand on their own accomplishments, and resort to slinging mud instead, it’ll only reflect badly on themselves.
Cyrus Won
Wilhelmina Rise
Articles on Title IX, women athletes inspire
Thank you for printing so many wonderful articles about women who have excelled in sports as a result of Title IX. They have been truly inspiring.
Sheila Beckham
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