I see that the city has brought its iron fist down on those pesky short-term rentals that are ruining the character of our neighborhoods (“City to ramp up enforcement of fines for illegal Oahu vacation rentals,” Star-Advertiser, Nov. 22).
That said, will our city leaders find the same enthusiasm for the monster house problem that also has become a plague on our older single-family residential neighborhoods?
There seems to be no regard for zoning or permitting regulations, or for the area’s original intent along with infrastructure, parking, crowding, ad nauseam. Heck, there is a place just down the road from me that, according to the city website, is a “single-family” home with 16 bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, at least three entrances and separate parking spots, all on about 6,000 square feet of land. Not a blade of grass in sight. If the parking on Aiea Heights Drive is any indication, there are several more around, ruining the character of the neighborhood.
It’s not only here in Aiea, but all over town. We don’t deserve this.
Gordon Fowler
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