Please, residents of Manoa Valley, let’s make sure this project does not go through (“Manoa community split over plan for senior affordable rentals,” Star-Advertiser, Jan. 8).
I have lived in Manoa for 81 years, and have seen the huge change in what was once a peaceful, quiet valley.
I understand there will be 288 units. With two people per unit, that would be 576 people, with probably two cars per unit. That alone is absolutely ridiculous!
Right now Manoa Road is like a freeway. If this development is allowed, East Manoa Road and Lowrey, Oahu and University avenues all will become traffic nightmares, because the increased traffic from East Manoa Road will increase traffic to the other main outlets.
Will there be restrictions on new buyers not being able to buy for investment purposes? Will there be restrictions on how many people can live in a unit?
I’m sure everyone has noticed that our grassy sidewalks now are being used for parking cars because of the increase in the number of cars.
Kathryn Beamer
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