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The letter titled “Feral cats help maintain balance in ecosystem” (Star-Advertiser, March 1), is fatally flawed. Cats, amazing and beautiful predators that they are, have no predators to control their population in Hawaii. They are an invasive species that is destroying what very little we have left of our native ecosystem.
How is it that a small minority of outspoken folks get to feed and protect colonies of these sad, pathetic creatures, allowing them to kill our native birds, spread disease and defecate everywhere?
If a cat cannot be properly kept in the home like any other pet, it should not be allowed to roam wild. Cats are cute because humans have bred them to be so. That’s not a rational basis for allowing them to kill everything they can catch outdoors.
We spend millions of dollars and countless volunteer hours to protect the last of our native birds and habitat, only to allow a small group of folks to feed and protect feral cats that decimate the species that belong here.
Mark Ingoglia
Niu Valley
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