Unlike John Tamashiro, I agree with President Joe Biden’s proposed partial forgiveness of student loans (“Loan forgiveness plan unfair to students,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, July 5).
It is incongruous that we brag about being the richest, most powerful nation on Earth while many of our young people have to mortgage their future in order to get a higher education.
Other developed nations consider free or low tuition for higher education as their best investment in human development and economic future. They support it accordingly and do not enslave their young people in lifelong debt. We should do the same.
Biden’s plan would surely not upset loan holders with a payment plan in place. Neither would most people who have struggled to pay off their loans begrudge the arrival of better times for others. Partial relief from unfair weighty debt, a burden incurred by lack of wealthy parents and a short-sighted government, would open up more of life’s opportunities, such as owning a home, affording children, and saving for retirement, for millions.
Biden’s plan would not only make lives better for many, but also help reduce income and wealth inequality and boost national economic growth.
Ursula Retherford
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