Thank you for the timeline of the Maui fire situation (“Timeline offers a window into terrifying events of Maui fire,” Star-Advertiser, Aug. 20).
I have been trying to imagine the stresses and pressure on officials to deal with the deadly situation that was happening so fast and so chaotically around them.
I am struck by the lack of time to weigh so many critical decisions. And I’m somewhat aghast at the desire to find scapegoats so willy-nilly.
I also was struck by a letter suggesting that developers would be needed to redevelop Lahaina (“Developers needed to rebuild Lahaina,” Star-Advertiser, Aug. 20). I’m sorry, but I do not see Lahaina being rebuilt by developers. I see the people of Maui, and especially the survivors from Lahaina, coming together to pool their thoughts, their resources and their visions to recreate a destination that we all will once again want to visit.
There is plenty of expertise around the island, the state and the world regarding such challenges, and I’m absolutely certain developers do not have a monopoly on that know-how.
Mark Zeug
Waialae Nui
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