I am sure it was an unintentional oversight by Jim Keefe, who said that President Joe Biden has accomplished much more than Donald Trump (“Biden accomplished much more than Trump,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, Sept. 6).
So, in an effort to remind him of what Trump accomplished, here are just a few highlights from the Trump administration:
>> The Abraham Accords, reached through real international cooperation, unlike the Biden administration, in which we and others still buy Russian oil and fund their war on Ukraine;
>> An end to the war between the Kurds and the Turks;
>> A secure border, so less fentanyl to kill our young people;
>> Energy independence;
>> The lowest rates of Black and Latino unemployment to date (better than the Obama administration).
>> Operation Warp Speed, which enabled a vaccine in record time with new technology because the federal government worked with businesses and didn’t threaten them.
Please don’t forget to get your booster when the new one comes out.
Glenn Emanuel
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