I’ll join the chorus of dissent to Richard Turbin’s commentary, “Poorly planned bike lanes endanger all” (Star-Advertiser, Island Voices, Dec. 19).
I bike-commute: waking up 30 minutes early, packing my lunch, clothes and work materials in waterproof bags, charging my white and red lights every two days, carrying a U-lock and cable, putting on my helmet and reflective vest, and wheeling my bike past my car.
Why? So there’s one less car “idling” and making life more “difficult.” And to save the planet, save my health and save our roads, of course.
We certainly don’t want “poorly planned” bike lanes, or road changes that endanger users. We want our state, city and supporting agencies to plan infrastructure that, especially, gets single riders out of single cars, taking single trips. Hooray for TheBus, Skyline, TheHandi-Vans, carpoolers and micromobility users!
Join us, and you won’t be trapped in your parking garage!
Eric McCutcheon
Wilhelmina Rise
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