I agree with the recent letter about police pursuing perpetrators, at a high rate of speed, if deemed necessary (“Police chase justified against active shooter,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, Jan. 5).
But in the case of the recent “active shooter,” it was a good call not to announce it to the public. I believe Good Samaritans may have tried to intervene in helping the police, and perhaps those with firearms also. And what about the rubberneckers who for the thrill would follow the chase, and become victims in the pursuit?
Surely the people who witnessed the chase knew what was happening — perhaps with slight question, but they knew there was a pursuit. By announcing it, the alarmed suspect could have reacted more aggressively if he knew he was spotlighted, not only by the police but by the public, which could have had him striking out to people he saw gawking at the chase.
In retrospect, I believe the police made a good decision, and that they had to make the least destructive decision for the public’s safety.
Bonnie Matsumoto
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