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The old adage is true: If you repeat a lie over and over, people will believe it. A recent letter said Donald Trump’s economic policies were great and Joe Biden’s economy is terrible (“Biden’s policies damages U.S., but Trump can fix it,” Star-Advertiser, May 28). What did Trump do for us? Yes, he reduced taxes, but personal tax cuts were temporary and those to big business were permanent. Let’s not forget that the U.S. had to sell Treasury bills to pay for those tax cuts, and that is going to hit our grandchildren and their grandchildren the hardest. Trump also tried to kill Obamacare and downplayed the severity of COVID-19. How many died because of his lies?
And Biden’s policies? Stock markets are touching record highs, unemployment was at its lowest point in over 50 years and more jobs are being created. No, many Americans do not want to go back to Trump’s policies.
Peter Chiswick
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