An artist’s rendering of the Honokea Surf Villages is shown here.
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I am upset and frustrated that the Honokea Surf Villages and Resort project was even proposed (“Wave resort needs stronger analysis,” Star-Advertiser, Our View, June 7). A five-acre wave pool that will be near the recently opened Wai Kai wave pool? What are people thinking? We’re in the midst of prolonged water issues caused by the Red Hill fuel leak and exacerbated by climate change. We’ve already been asked to limit water usage, and as summer comes, we will most likely be asked to do more.
How can anyone who cares about our aina and ability to have enough water for basic necessities even propose such a project? The Honokea West team’s plan to share cultural education and skill-based recreation through the use of thousands of gallons of fresh water a day is wrong on so many fronts, and especially wrong coming from longtime keiki o ka aina.
Helen Gibson Ahn
Hawaii Kai
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