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It was alarming to read the letter “Guilty verdict will only embolden Trump camp” (Star-Advertiser, June 3). This sounds like a threat that is so un-American. To the writer I ask one question: Do you love your country? How can anyone compare the bombing of Pearl Harbor to the indictment of a former president?
Donald Trump has and continues to destroy America with so much hate and revengeful remarks based solely on lies and unfounded comments. I love my country and the freedom that it provides me and all Americans. I enjoy my medical, Social Security benefits and the right to vote — all of which Trump threatens to cancel. Trump wants to be a dictator like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping.
Is that what the GOP party wants — to turn America into a Communist country where all our freedoms and constitutional rights will be taken away?
Georgietta Chock
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