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At the end of a recent letter expressing support for Donald Trump, the writer asks us to ponder this question: “Am I better off today than I was four years ago?” (“Only Trump can get America back on track,” Star-Advertiser, Oct. 18). Well that’s an easy one. It’s an unequivocal yes.
The Biden-Harris administration, in all areas, was superior to Trump’s. But that’s not the key issue of this election. Policy is irrelevant. This election’s about the survival of our democracy and the constitutional rule of law.
Trump is singularly unqualified. He lacks the character and competence, has tried to overthrow a legitimate election and subverted the entire electoral process. He’s a convicted felon and faces several other indictments. He’s vowed to use the Justice Department and military to go after his critics in politics and the media if elected.
The real question to ask is: “Do you want to risk that by voting for this corrupt, morally bankrupt reprobate?”
Michael Clark
Ala Moana
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