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As the Fourth Estate, I believe the media has a responsibility to exercise critical thinking when deciding whether or not to publish letters featuring opinions rooted in ignorance.
A recent letter (“Speed humps are an ineffective nuisance,” Star-Advertiser, Feb. 19) provides an excellent example of an opinion that should have been discarded by the editorial department because of its utter lack of factual basis.
A quick Google search could have informed the author, as well as the editorial department, that speed humps are a proven, effective means of reducing traffic speed and, more importantly, the number of pedestrian injuries — particularly among vulnerable populations like children.
Not all opinions are created equal. Media has a responsibility to platform opinions that have a factual basis, not ill-informed rants.
Will Caron
The Honolulu Star-Advertiser welcomes all opinions. Want your voice to be heard? Submit a letter to the editor.
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