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Arrest warrant issued for Lohan, jail possible

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — A judge issued an arrest warrant Monday for Lindsay Lohan after the actress acknowledged failing a drug test less than a month after she was released from inpatient rehab.

Superior Court Judge Elden Fox also revoked Lohan’s probation in her three-year-old drug case while issuing the bench warrant in Beverly Hills.

However, the warrant was stayed, and Lohan was allowed to remain free pending a hearing Friday to determine if she violated her probation.

Fox previously threatened the actress with 30 days in jail for each violation. He must now decide whether to send her back to jail or into treatment.

Lohan must attend the hearing. A message left with her attorney Shawn Chapman Holley was not immediately returned.

The warrant was issued after Fox took over the case last month and laid out a path paved with therapy sessions and 12-step meetings that could have finally brought Lohan’s drug case to an end.

Lohan confirmed on her Twitter page last week that she failed the court-ordered drug and alcohol screening.

“Regrettably, I did in fact fail my most recent drug test,” she tweeted.

She also said, “substance abuse is a disease, which unfortunately doesn’t go away over night. I am working hard to overcome it.”

Lohan often posts updates with the account that’s verified by Twitter as belonging to the actress.

It could not immediately be determined why Lohan was not arrested Monday. A call to Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini seeking additional details about the warrant was not immediately returned.

Lohan was released from jail on Aug. 2 after serving 14 days of a 90-day sentence for violating her probation in the 2007 case involving drug use and driving under the influence.

Another judge had required her to begin a three-month stint in rehab at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. Fox, however, agreed on Aug. 25 to release her from inpatient rehab after reviewing reports by her doctors and medical records from a three-year period.

Despite ordering an intense regimen of counseling and therapy, Fox gave Lohan some incentives to succeed. He dismissed two drug counts to which the actress pleaded guilty in 2007.

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