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Trump calls female accusers ‘horrible, horrible liars’

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Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke during a campaign rally at the South Florida Fairgrounds and Convention Center, today, in West Palm Beach, Fla.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. » Lashing back, Donald Trump heatedly rejected the growing list of sexual assault allegations against him as “pure fiction,” hammering his female accusers as “horrible, horrible liars” as the already-nasty presidential campaign sank further into charges of attacks on women.

Campaign foe Hillary Clinton said “the disturbing stories just keep on coming” about her Republican opponent, but she let first lady Michelle Obama’s passionate response carry the day. Obama, in battleground New Hampshire, warned that the New York billionaire’s behavior “is not something we can ignore.”

After years of working to end “this kind of violence and abuse and disrespect … we’re hearing these exact same things on the campaign trail. We are drowning in it,” Obama declared, her voice cracking with emotion. “We can’t expose our children to this any longer, not for another minute, let alone for four years.”

With Election Day less than four weeks away, Republican Trump was again forced to defend himself against allegations of sexual misconduct, five days after a video surfaced in which he bragged about kissing and groping women without their permission.

Similar behavior was detailed by women who accused Trump in articles published late Wednesday by The New York Times and the Palm Beach Post. Separately, a People Magazine reporter offered a first-person account accusing Trump of attacking her while she was in Florida to interview him and his pregnant wife.

Ever defiant, the New York billionaire denied the allegations and blamed them on Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the complicit news media as he campaigned in Florida. He promised to sue his media critics and said he was preparing evidence that would discredit his female accusers, whom he called “horrible people. They’re horrible, horrible liars.”

He went further during an evening appearance in Columbus, Ohio, saying he “never met” some of the women.

“I don’t know who they are,” he insisted and said they “made up stories.”

“These vicious claims about me, of inappropriate conduct with women, are totally and absolutely false. And the Clintons know it,” he said earlier. He offered no evidence discrediting the new reports except to ask why his accusers had waited years and then made their allegations less than a month before the election.

His comments came soon after he called a reporter “a sleazebag” for asking whether Trump had ever touched or groped a woman without her consent.

Trump’s attacks on his accusers’ credibility marked an awkward break from campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, who earlier in the week highlighted a Clinton tweet that said “every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.”

Conway hoped to encourage more women to come forward with allegations against Bill Clinton, building on the campaign’s Sunday decision to bring three of the former president’s accusers to the second presidential debate.

“His campaign is promising more scorched-earth attacks. Now that’s up to him,” Clinton said during a San Francisco fundraiser. “He can run his campaign however he chooses. And frankly, I don’t care if he goes after me.”

Trump running mate Mike Pence ditched the national reporters who pay to travel with his campaign in Pennsylvania. The Indiana governor’s Twitter account showed him meeting with faith leaders and stopping at a restaurant — after a Pence spokesman said the vice presidential nominee was attending closed-door fundraisers.

Republican leaders across the country said they were deeply troubled by the allegations against Trump, but there was no evidence of new defections. Over the weekend, dozens of Republican senators and congressmen vowed they would not vote for him, with many calling on him to step aside.

Some recanted after an aggressive weekend debate performance. And in what he called an increasingly “muddy” election, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson raised complaints about Hillary Clinton Thursday but wondered aloud what could change voters’ minds at this point.

“Is there a deal-breaker out there? How many emails have to be destroyed? How many investigations have to be concluded with question marks? How many comments have to come out from one campaign in reference to religious institutions that raises concerns?”

More Trump accusers may be coming forward, according to attorney Gloria Allred, who said women have contacted her office in recent days.

“The dam has broken, and more women will be coming forward,” she said.

The stories about Trump and his countercharges against Clinton’s husband have plunged an already rancorous campaign to new lows. They also have distracted attention from the release of thousands of hacked emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta that included some potentially damaging information.

A new batch indicated today that her 2008 presidential campaign had tried to move the Illinois Democratic primary to a later date, believing it might help her. The emails are being parceled out by WikiLeaks.

For Trump, the cumulative effect of recent revelations and allegations about his personal life appears to be a tumble in the battleground states he needs to win in November. What was already a narrow path to the 270 Electoral College votes needed for victory has virtually disappeared unless there’s a significant shake-up before Nov. 8

He promised today to focus on issues in the final weeks, even as his campaign crafted plans to highlight decades-old accusations against Bill Clinton.

Trump confidant and informal adviser Roger Stone has long encouraged him to make Bill Clinton’s alleged assaults a centerpiece of the campaign. Steve Bannon, the campaign’s chief executive, until recently ran a conservative website that eagerly promotes conspiracy theories about the Clintons.

Back in New Hampshire, Michelle Obama said, “Enough is enough.”

If Americans let Trump win the election “we are telling our sons it’s OK to humiliate women. We are telling our daughters this is the way they deserve to be treated. We are telling all of our kids that bigotry and bullying is perfectly acceptable.”

102 responses to “Trump calls female accusers ‘horrible, horrible liars’”

  1. klastri says:

    Many more women are coming forward now – made furious by Mr. Trump’s lies – detailing how he walked into pageant dressing rooms at a TEENAGE beauty contest to stare at the naked young women. It’s going to be non-stop now. He made the mistake (again, incredibly) of attacking women who he abused and assaulted.

    He’s a psychotic. Obviously.

    • sarge22 says:

      “There are still a lot of people that believe what they see and hear on TV!”

      Yes and, unfortunately, they are allowed to vote

    • kuroiwaj says:

      IRT Klastri, sorry, the article identifies the same three women, two by the NYT and one by the Palm Beach Post.

      • klastri says:

        Do you read any other publications? There are others, you know.

        • kuroiwaj says:

          IRT Klastri, after supporting President Bill Clinton during his impeachment process getting he and Ms Hillary off the hook on proven sexual assault, now you have become a hypocrite to go after Mr. Trump on his “alleged” sexual assault. Is it because Mr. and Mrs. Clinton are liberal progressives and Mr. Trump a conservative? Are they all Americans and must be held under the same laws?

        • advertiser1 says:

          Kuriowaj, as others have pointed out, Mr. Clinton is not running for president. Mrs. Clinton did not sexually assault someone did she? Nor is she accused of it, is she? But, Trump has been, and those allegations were all prior to the election, it’s just now more have surfaced.

        • amela says:

          To all you Trump supporters, Hillary should hire a special prosecutor to put that bum Trump in jail when she becomes PRESIDENT.

    • allie says:

      agree. Trump is not remotely qualified to be President. He is in no way conservative or even a Republican as many Republicans have noted. He is an entertainment figure.

      • aomohoa says:

        He thinks he is about either party. He wants to be King or a dictator. He wants to rule the USA and then the World!

        • amela says:

          Saw a Trump supporter holding a sign that says “I rather grab a P@@@y than be called a P@@@y”, now what does that say about the people supporting him? Now that’s what I would define as deplorable!

      • mxp2000 says:

        I agree with you Allie. Trump is the only candidate that will make America Great Again! And he does it with such flair that it’s entertaining.

  2. Readitnow says:

    Trump’s next statement will start off with … “I’m rubber you’re glue”

  3. NEtrades says:

    Trump’s new slogan: “Make America Perverted Again”

  4. lunalilohi says:

    Dishonest Donald’s next quote will be “it takes one to know one”…. What will the Republicans do in 2020 after this walking and talking disaster.

  5. klastri says:

    The Republicans have really done themselves in during this election cycle. In addition to nominating the spectacularly unfit Mr. Trump, they have alienated women (53% of the electorate) Latinos, Muslims and just about anyone else who doesn’t have the uniformly snow white skin color found at Trump rallies.

    The hope among Democrats is that there will never again be a Republican in the White House. Mr. Trump has started that party down the path of the Whigs.

    Good riddance to him and them.

    • BuhByeAloha says:

      Go ahead klastri, vote for crooked HiLIARy. She’s a wonderful human being. Great leader, honest, and morally straight. You think this country is imploding now, just give her a few years to completely ruin the U.S.

      • klastri says:

        Thanks for your advice. I’m going to do just that.

        Completely ruin the U.S.? Another great analysis!

        • BuhByeAloha says:

          If you and others actually feel that HiLIARy should be the president of the United States of America, then the country has no hope, and is essentially ruined.

        • mctruck says:

          Well what do you know!??, that’s exactly what the Russian’s are saying too!
          But of course, Putin and Trump are two peas in the same pod.

        • sarge22 says:

          Wouldn’t that be great if Trump and Putin get along as well as the USA and Russia? The military-industrial complex and Lindsey Graham are in shear panic. Remember what the real Ike said.

        • Adobo_bobo says:

          Me too, thanks for the advice.

          Let’s see, I’ve had a full-time job since 17, I own a home, I pay my taxes, I can freely comment on your paranoia…if that’s imploding, bring more of it on!!

          AMERICA IS GREAT (if you put forth the effort to get skilled and educated…if not, yeah it may not be so great).

      • amela says:

        Trump would destroy the country in one day.

  6. AhiPoke says:

    Campaigning has reached new lows. It’s really hard to figure out what’s true and what are lies. While I find it believable that Trump did these things, I also find it equally believable that Clinton’s campaign put these women up to lie on her behalf, especially when they waited years or decades to come forward and there’s already evidence that she/they are up to doing such things.

    • klastri says:

      Blame the victim. That tactic always works. It’s certainly helping Mr. Trump in the polls.

      Great advice!

      • AhiPoke says:

        Who’s giving advise? You? And, who’s the victim? What I was saying is, it’s hard to believe what anyone is saying as they all are willing to lie. I’m not supporting Trump but I also know that Clinton is a proven liar as well.

        • advertiser1 says:

          I can understand part of your position. However, waiting decades to report should not be used as evidence of it. It is well documented that victims of sexual abuse often times do not report crimes. I guarantee you know victims who have not reported. We also see well known examples such as victims of priests, or Cosby. We know that Trump has little regard for women, as is evidenced even by the statements he has made on television (and on the bus). So, it is entirely believable that he actually did physically abuse someone. Ivana testified that he raped her…

        • saveparadise says:

          adv1, I agree with what both you and Ahi are saying. There are two perspectives on how a male or a female lets the opposite sex know that they are attracted to you and many different approaches on how to ask for it or deny it. It seems that no meant no and was taken as such since nothing further occurred which would have resulted in a rape case. The Cosby cases are totally different in that actual rapes using incapacitating drugs are involved. The timing of this accused perceived misconduct which occurred decades ago has no benefit to the political issues at hand and is media propaganda fodder. How did Bill Clinton hit a home run with Monica without trying to get on first and second base? Your own father and mother getting it on for the first time for that matter?

        • advertiser1 says:

          Save, right, so for the ladies that have come forward, maybe not rape, but sexual assault, and Ivana did testify to rape in their divorce proceeding. From a practical perspective, do you really think groping on the plane or grabbing P is appropriate even before someone says “no?”

        • saveparadise says:

          adv1, It is still totally unlike the Cosby case. Answering your direct question I would say no it is not appropriate. But I was not there and do not know the circumstances. It seems they at least knew each other. Can you really say for sure what happened 40 years ago? Are you passing judgement just because of what the media has fed you or because you simply dislike the accused? It seems hypocritical as politically correct is not always the absolute truth.

        • saveparadise says:

          Geez, I am being moderated by SA. No profanity whatsoever. Please await my response.

        • advertiser1 says:

          Save, my whole point about the Cosby thing was directly related to Ahi saying that the fact that victims didn’t come forward for years somehow makes the crime less believable. And of course, we will never know what happened 40 years ago, but we still do have to make a decision soon. So, we have to weigh what we do have, such as a lawsuit filed by Harth years ago, Ivana testifying using the word rape, a new lawsuit about a 13 year old Jane Doe. Multiple comments directly from Trump (which have been consolidated into a Hillary commercial) saying that he doesn’t treat women well, that women can’t be a 10 with small breasts…Again to reiterate truth and facts are mutable, they are not as many believe them to be concrete. I wasn’t there when Cosby raped those women either, and the info I have also comes from the media…from your comments it seems like you believe them, right?

        • advertiser1 says:

          Save, by the way, the Cosby thing is related…well at least according to a psychologist at Ohio State U…


    • mctruck says:

      It follows the same reasoning of the 13 year old girl whom Trump and his convicted sex offender friend from Florida raped on several occasions and threatened physical harm to her and her family if she went to report these allegations to the cops, and only when she became an adult is when she hired lawyers to represent her. So, yeah, FEAR is what causes many women to accuse many men of these sexual offenses. Don’t act like you never heard of such a thing.

  7. aomohoa says:

    Of course they are liars! LOL Because Donald is such a good person. He had to pay women to come to the Debate to show how bad BIll was. He is such a nut case.!

    • amela says:

      aomohoa, Donald and his staff had to pay them to come? What? Good use of advertising money by his campaign. I wonder how many people he pays to be at his rallies.

  8. Ikefromeli says:

    The GOP Picked Trump On Purpose
    Lastly, and most importantly: The establishment GOP owns Trump, and abandoning him now can’t change that. In March, the GOP primary functionally turned into a two-man race: Trump versus Sen. Ted Cruz, with Ohio Gov. John Kasich in a distant third. Yet three weeks after Sen. Marco Rubio dropped out of the race, only two senators had backed Cruz.

    Trump was largely reviled by GOP senators, yet Cruz’s bombastic and self-serving style of Senate activism concerned them only slightly less than Trump’s problematic personal and professional ethics, and policy backflips. Likewise, influential Republicans like former Senate majority leaders Trent Lott and Bob Dole, and former House Speaker John Boehner, backed Trump

    It is true that neither candidate received a lot of establishment backing, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s endorsement of Trump was somewhat balanced out by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s backing of Cruz. Additionally, Trump garnered just one Senate backer, and Cruz did receive more Capitol Hill support—but where were dozens of other Republican senators and representatives?

    Their radio silence at the time speaks volumes—re-election was more important than making sure an actual conservative beat Trump. As importantly, where at the convention were these people who are now abandoning Trump at a record pace? They wait until now to make a stand? Over comments a decade old, that offer nothing new except salacious headlines?

    The silence of elected and other powerful Republicans during the endgame of the GOP primary spoke volumes. Cruz made a lot of enemies in the U.S. Senate and elsewhere, something Trump pointed out in a debate. But he holds actual conservative principles, and on his worst day cannot match the vitriolic and boorish style of Trump.

    Of course, now Republicans can’t ditch Trump fast enough. Thanks, folks—you helped give us Trump, and then when comments from the Bush era came to light, you carried Clinton’s water. That’s some impressive leadership, right there.

    Who wrote this sharp repudiation of Trump? A liberal? A democrat? The Wiley Ike? Nope, nope and nope. The Federalist Society……so very telling.

  9. Bully says:

    Sounds like the Jello Pudding man.

  10. Dai says:

    so…what happened to debates about the economy, national security, health care, jobs, the Wall of Trump, race relations and all the things that don’t matter to us?
    Instead we talking about lies, abuse and more lies and who lies more. Has there been a more non-issue elections as this one?
    Look at our choices and ask, who led us down this path and why are we following this lead?
    I guess America just loves a good soap opera.
    Dang it!….beam me UP!

    • CEI says:

      It’s the Clinton controlled media focusing on Trump’s behavior (but studiously avoiding Bill’s) in order to demoralize anyone who might dare support him.

      • klastri says:

        You seem to have missed this, but Mr. Clinton is not running for President. Mr. Trump is.

        • CEI says:

          Sorry, it’s not that easy. The Clintons have always advertised themselves as a 2 for one deal. Surely, as a super-smart, highly educated progressive you are aware of that. And since Bill has 8 years in the oval office under his belt (with a chubby eager to please intern under the desk for some of that time) it’s especially relevant.

        • HawaiiCheeseBall says:

          Yep all the Chump campaign has left is to attack Bill Clinton. They’ve lost all the policy debates, all they can do is throw mud.

        • nishi1 says:

          CEI – did you have to use “chubby” in your comment?

      • amela says:

        CEI, who’s Bill? What ticket is he running on?

    • saveparadise says:

      Dai has hit the nail on the head. The election is not even entertainment anymore. I’m for national security, social security, criminal policies, and securing our borders from illegals. Things that make quality of life. Which candidate is going to give us the best chance at reform? You can hate the candidates but where are we going? Many countries hate us and we have begun race wars at home. Why?

  11. Ikefromeli says:

    “Lacking in any human decency”

    Michelle Obama…..enough said.

    • advertiser1 says:

      No, I think you should also include, “National disgrace” Colin Powell

    • sarge22 says:

      Is that the same Mooch that is not proud of her country? Not a reliable reference by any means.

      • Ikefromeli says:

        She has done more for this country in sixty seconds, than you have done in your entire pithy, underachieving, meandering and rather pedestrian existence.

        • sarge22 says:

          Like what, other than to divide the country. It’s not about me. You still haven’t learned. My trophy case is full.

        • Ikefromeli says:

          Of what, worlds greatest pervert dad. Worlds greatest one-sided reader? Worlds greatest one minute lov$r? Which one?

        • mctruck says:

          No Sarge, you haven’t learned. Infact, Ike is spot on with that comment.

        • HawaiiCheeseBall says:

          The amazing thing is we are here less than a month out from the election. Chump has spend the last couple of weeks left. He is probably betwen 38 and 41% in the polls, Clinton is between 45 and 49%. They both have their base of support, both of which are pretty solid. Here is what has been going on, Clinton has been focusing on the mobilizing Latinos and Blacks to get registered and get out and vote. Her early voting machine is cranked up and running. She is managing to put states like Utah and Georgia in play, unthinkable in previous elections. She even broke the glass and pulled out Al Gore who Millennials hold in high regard notwithstanding what others on this web site think, to campaign with her in Florida. In other words she is running a real campaign expanding her base, mobilizing voters. Chump is fighting with other Republicans (go ask Paul Ryan), fending off accusation of misconduct that continue to come, and basically throwing red meat to his base by talking about the wrong Clinton (Bill), while continuing to antagonize women. Not a real campaign. No ground game (he pulled out of Virginia and Pennsylvania), and all he can hope for is that Wikileaks comes up with something.

        • Cricket_Amos says:

          “Of what, worlds greatest pervert dad. Worlds greatest one-sided reader? Worlds greatest one minute lov$r? Which one?”

          OOH Ike
          You are starting to sound a little threatened.

        • sarge22 says:

          Ike learned all that at Elihuhu. He and his buddies can’t handle any rebuttals and resort to personal attacks. A complete waste of education. All hat and no cattle.

  12. Ikefromeli says:

    In a weird and depressing year, this has to rank among the strangest and most dispiriting phenomena. The salt has lost its savor as the price of a place at the table on the Trump Train.
    The leading evangelical defender of Trump is vice presidential nominee Mike Pence, who could sound like he’s delivering a sermon when ordering a cup of coffee. The first step in Pence’s highly principled, faith-based testimonial for Trump was to wait to see how he did in the second presidential debate—in case Trump blew himself up and Pence had to craft a highly principled, faith-based way off the ticket. The second step was to pretend as though a penitent Trump was Henry IV standing barefoot in the snow begging forgiveness.
    Pence said it takes a “big”—not to mention, broad-shouldered—man “to know when he is wrong.” As if it were a difficult call whether Trump was wrong to try to seduce a married woman or, as he put it, “move on her like a bitch.” According to Pence, “My running mate showed humility, showed what was in his heart to the American people.” Actually, Trump expressed the minimum remorse possible.
    When the tape first surfaced last Friday afternoon, Trump’s reaction wasn’t contrite at all. He gave a pro forma “if anyone was offended” apology and slammed Bill Clinton for saying far worse things to him on the golf course. It wasn’t until after midnight that his aides extracted from him a fuller apology in a video, although it included another denunciation of Bill Clinton.
    Throughout, Trump gave off a sense of underlying anger at being caught. Bill Clinton sounded exactly the same way in the 1990s when he could no longer deny his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Not surprisingly, Trump was in Clinton’s camp back in the day (their “locker-room talk” together must have indeed been something to behold). Trump said at the time that Clinton’s conduct was no big deal and—true to form—dismissed the women he preyed on as unattractive.
    Clinton’s defenders used to wheel out the King David defense, and Trump supporters have resorted to it in recent days. It is true that the 10th century B.C. king of the Israelites committed adultery—and in truly spectacular fashion. He impregnated Bathsheba, got her husband killed to avoid discovery and then married her. A hot mic in King David’s court might have made Trump blush. But this story doesn’t end well—the consequence of David’s sin was deadly strife in his family and kingdom.
    Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University, likes the King David comparison, which he floated even before the release of the tape. Falwell endorsed Trump in the primaries, apparently on the counterintuitive theory that the man with the lowest character in the field who had the least genuine conviction on social-conservative issues would best serve the interests of the religious right. Falwell’s take on the tape is that its emergence might be a conspiracy of the GOP establishment, which is a little like blaming King David’s scandal on a honey trap set up by the Ammonites.
    The other common line of Clinton and Trump defenders is that we are all sinners.
    This is, of course, profoundly true. And people do change. But there is zero evidence that Trump has undergone any transformation. Despite all the hours spent with leaders of the religious right, Trump evidently still doesn’t have the slightest inkling that Christians aren’t supposed to be vindictive, dishonest, insulting, bullying, greedy or boastful, among other things.
    All this said, Jerry Falwell Jr. and Co. shouldn’t be taken for the entirety of the evangelical world. Christianity Today and World magazine, major organs of evangelical opinion, have blasted Trump. Beth Moore, a prominent Christian author and speaker, has expressed dismay at evangelical leaders giving Trump a pass. Wayne Grudem, an influential theologian who wrote a controversial apologia for Trump a few months ago, has recanted.
    The prominent evangelicals sticking by Trump believe that he would be better on the issues—especially Supreme Court nominees and religious liberty—than Hillary Clinton would be. This is a reasonable position, although very few Trump supporters can remain clear-eyed about him. Subtly and often not so subtly, they find themselves defending the indefensible because forthrightly acknowledging all of Trump’s faults makes backing him so awkward. They lower their standards and cede ground to the culture in a way they never would have imagined even a year ago.
    And they are doing it for a campaign that is sinking, more than anything else, from the character flaws of the candidate. It would be a perfect morality tale for the religious right—if so many of its leaders weren’t implicated in it.

    Who wrote this hit piece on Trump? A liberal? A democrat? A NYT commie plant? Nope, nope and nope. This is Richard Lowry, an uber conservative and a leading journalist in the Republican world.

    So very telling………

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/10/evangelicals-without-standards-214352#ixzz4N0ANzbN7
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  13. Tanuki says:

    Trump is in freefall. All that remains, besides his flailings and screams, is the SPLAT on Nov. 8.

  14. CEI says:

    Well I guess I have to be the adult in the room and remind readers of the damage old lady Clinton and little Barry Hussein have done over the last 8 years. Let’s start with Madame Secretary’s spectacular failure of the Russian Reset. Then there’s the privater server she used (that Barry Hussein lied knowing about) to further the agenda of the family foundation. The serial lies she tells that the media uncritically accepts. And the not so shocking corruption of the DoJ and FBI regarding her “mishandling” of classified information.

    Barry Hussein’s failure to lead has resulted in worldwide turmoil and the birth of ISIS. There are 94 million adults out of work. The borders are porous. He has purged real warriors from the senior ranks of the military in favor of politically correct yes men and unqualified females. Wealth inequality under Barry Hussein is increasing at a record pace. And government corruption is on the level of the worst banana republics. But at least adult men can use the ladies room if they so desire.

    The Clinton controlled media would rather have the unwashed masses focus on Trump and his behavior than real issues.

    • BuhByeAloha says:

      Best post I’ve seen in a long time

    • Ikefromeli says:

      That’s 15 million less than what George W, gave him, minus the huge huge surplus he was gifted at the start of his tenure.

    • Adobo_bobo says:

      “unqualified females”? Wow, I spent 27 years on active duty both enlisted and commissioned and all the females I knew were very qualified but hey, what’s your credential(s) to make this outrageous claim other than watch Fox News?

      • CEI says:

        That would be affirmative action pick Gen. Robinson of the USAF for one.

        • Ikefromeli says:

          It’s telling that someone who has not served a day in the military now feels, somehow fit, to make evaluations on HR decisions in the miltary.

          What next, CEI, a tale that you were simultaneously in the French Foreign Legion and the Navy Seals, while also working part time at NSA as a security analyst.

          Please thrill us with more fictious tales of education and careers of the legendary CEI!

        • advertiser1 says:

          CEI, I think Adobo’s question was related to your credentials….

    • Qbcoach15 says:

      Immigration is at net zero. There are not 94 million adults out of work. That number includes retirees & college students. My parents as many others chose to retire after 30+ years in the workforce and payed their fair share of taxes. So I don’t know why they include them on the “unemployed ” list. That inflated number also includes people who no longer choose to work due to child care or parent care. Wish they’d get that number correct instead of using it for propaganda.

    • cajaybird says:

      Excellent post CEI. The campaign and debates should be all about the topics you’ve listed. I believe if the mainstream media were even neutral, Trump would win easily. Instead, the bias is unbelievable. I wouldn’t be surprised if Hillary skips the next debate. This time she will not have all the questions ahead of time. Interesting that the media hasn’t brought up Bill’s many trips to Lolita Island.

      • mctruck says:

        You know what?, when trump decided to enter the race for President, according to his onetime campaign manager, trump’s plan was to rely on free media coverage in getting a leg up over his rivals.
        Well, he got all the free media coverage and then some; and now he claims media bias because it back fired on him. Further, his campaign overseers advised a full disclosure back ground check on trump himself so things like what’s showing up now would be quickly squashed, but trump quickly ignored authorizing such a move, just like his revealing his tax returns.
        So all of these decisions by trump himself were self inflicted and damage control is all but useless at this point in time.

    • Tanuki says:

      You are who your hero referred to when he said that he could shoot someone in Times Square in broad daylight and you would still vote for him. Don’t you get that he is calling you a dum-dum? Not me, him!

  15. bsdetection says:

    Now, Trump is blaming the “conspiracy” against him on international bankers and financiers. How long before he comes out and uses the “J” word?

  16. bsdetection says:

    NY Times devastating (to Trump) response to Trump attorney’s threat to sue the NY Times:

    • Ikefromeli says:

      You know how much of a chance of Trump winning a libel suit against the Times?? Absolutely zero, nada, no chance at all–period. Furthermore, he is such an effeminate coward, he would never dare go through the discovery portion of the case. He would be under oath during full discovery, and they would crucify him.

  17. Bergonia says:

    Liberals are incredible. When Hillary Clinton attack the women that was sexual harassed by the Bill Clinton, the Liberals were ok with attacking the accusers. The Liberals continue to side with the Clintons even after the truth came out. Trump is being accused by women and the Liberals believe the women and want Trump’s head. I want to believe the women but until there is proof there is nothing. I am neither attacking the accuser or defending the accused. I just want confirmed proof before a conclusion is made.

    • mctruck says:

      You’re talking, singular; we’re talking mucho multitudes. Got the picture now?
      And how do you think a woman whose husband cheated on her would take it?
      Look at the numerous times donald has cheated on all three wives; and his children have taken a beating of hearing and seeing all the disgusting things about their father and will continue to see and hear even more before election day and beyond.

    • advertiser1 says:

      Bergonia, I get what you are saying. Question, so what then is your position? You’re not going to get confirmed proof prior to the election, or probably even ever.

  18. mctruck says:

    And I’m sure all you trumpty dumpty followers know what a bigtime-billionaire your leader is.
    Among the world’s billionaires top to bottom in America that is, lord trump is listed as number, (156) at just over, 3 billion. That’s his personal wealth.
    That in contrast to the big boys he’s been trying to buck and bad mouth like, Bloomberg, personal wealth at, ($40.6 billion) and Buffett, at ($61.7 billion). He’s just a tad pol in a big ocean of heavy weights.
    In fact both Bloomberg and Buffett, are Clinton supporters, and both have been critical of trump not revealing his tax returns. On top of that from what I read, Buffett has paid much more in taxes and donations every year than what trumps personal worth is. So, yeah small time billionaire who thinks he can go around and threaten people with law suits, etc.
    So after these campaigns runs it’s course in November, I guess we’re looking at donald becoming an x-billionaire, unless he manages to steal donated campaign funds which he probably has stored in some russian bank account, curteousy of Putin.

  19. Pacificsports says:

    Trump already admitted trying to force his infidelity on a married women so why is it so hard for People to believe that he would actually put into actions his sexual misconduct that he bragged about?

  20. Ikefromeli says:

    A few hours after the article was published Wednesday night, Trump attorney Marc Kasowitz wrote a letter to Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet seeking a retraction. Failing to do so, he wrote, would leave his client “with no option but to pursue all available actions and remedies.”

    In Thursday’s response, McCraw suggested Trump couldn’t claim libel against the Times because he, not the paper, sullied his own reputation.

    “Mr. Trump has bragged about his non-consensual sexual touching of women. He has bragged about intruding on beauty pageant contestants in their dressing rooms,” he wrote. “He acquiesced to a radio host’s request to discuss Mr. Trump’s own daughter as a ‘piece of ass.’ Multiple women not mentioned in our article have publicly come forward to report on Mr. Trump’s unwanted advances. Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.”

    McCraw wrote that if Trump disagrees with women being allowed to speak out and believes “the law of this country forces us and those who would dare criticize him to stand silent or be punished, we welcome the opportunity to have a court set him straight.”

    That’s the equivalent as my daughters would say: “Mike drop-leave the room”

  21. davcon says:

    It makes me sick to my stomach that the press and the Clinton backers think that these allegations are far more detrimental to our Country than what really is going on. SA start reporting on the real issues the country is facing and the truth about Hilliar and how she really feels about the country. I advise everyone Democrat, Republicans and especially the press to watch “Hillary’s America”. It will open your eyes and give you something to really think about.

    • advertiser1 says:

      Can you please let us know what the real issues are? I’m sure we would like to debate them here too.

      • davcon says:

        Well we can start off with the biased media and how they are controlled by the Democratic machine then we can go with National Security, economy, health care, VA, immigration the list goes on this country is broken. With all this smut that is being reported on I am totally in the dark on each candidates stance. If you refuse to report the real issues this country faces at least give both candidates the same exposure, a lot of scandal about Clinton (wikileaks) but you don’t read it hear.

        • CEI says:

          Well said. The Clinton News Networks have strategized that it’s more beneficial to the old gal to flood the zone with the phony war against women attacks aimed at Trump. I think rational people are sick and tired of it and know they are getting played by the progressive media. It may end up backfiring on them if they don’t smarten up.

          The disaster of Obamacare looms above like the Sword of Damocles, the mid-east is on fire, the central government is a two-bit banana republic under the rabble-rouser community organizer and all the progressives want to talk about is Jerry Springer type trash.

        • advertiser1 says:

          Well, what about National Security and the economy for example? Specifics not general Trump like shots in the dark. Then at least we can have a debate. Again, we might disagree about causes and solutions, but at least we can discuss.

        • advertiser1 says:

          CEI, don’t know about you, but I’d rather be progressive than regressive.

        • skinut says:

          If you don’t understand trump’s stance on issues, it’s because he doesn’t have clear stances on most issues. On the other hand, there is a lot to read out there about clinton’s stance on issues, as she has expressed clear plans and goals.

  22. PMINZ says:

    OMG – Just had a Horrid thought what if the Election turns our to be a Yotal Flop, And Mr “O” decides there is an Emergency – declares Martial Law and places Himself in charge for many years !?!? OMG

  23. skinut says:

    Does this look familiar to anyone else? We’ve seen something very similar with the bill cosby situation. Once women who were victimized by trump feel empowered by the realization that others have had similar experiences, more will be speaking out. Things could get very interesting and very messy. With his history, one has to wonder why trump brought serial abuser roger ailes onto his team. I guess birds of a feather….

  24. HanabataDays says:

    Trump-Cosby 2016!

  25. lespark says:

    Michelle Obama convicted Trump in the media before he was tried. Sounds familiar. Obama started to destroy the Constitution and Crooked Hilliary will finish it.

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