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California confirms Trump opponent as attorney general

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Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif., responds to a lawmakers question during during his confirmation hearing before the Assembly Special Committee on the Office of the Attorney General in Sacramento, Calif.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. >> In their first official action since Donald Trump became president, California lawmakers on Monday confirmed a new attorney general who has vowed to defend the state’s liberal policies against the Trump administration and a Republican Congress.

Xavier Becerra easily cleared the final hurdle to become the state’s top law enforcement official, with a 26-9 vote along party lines in the Democratic-controlled state Senate. Becerra, who represented the Los Angeles area in the U.S. House for more than two decades, will be the state’s first Latino attorney general.

Democrats said Becerra will fight to defend California’s protections for the gay and lesbian community, women and immigrants.

“He will be a very strong partner for our state to work with the federal government when we can and to resist when we must,” said Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon, a Los Angeles Democrat.

Some Republicans said they voted against him because of his promise to challenge federal policies. Republican Sen. John Moorlach of Costa Mesa says he’s worried Becerra will jeopardize billions of dollars in federal funding by antagonizing the Trump administration.

Democrats in the Assembly approved Becerra’s confirmation earlier this month. Becerra worked as a deputy attorney general for three years before winning an Assembly seat in 1990.

He will replace Kamala Harris, who was elected to the U.S. Senate in November.

Many of California’s liberal policies face an uncertain future amid promises by Trump and Republican lawmakers to overhaul the nation’s health care, immigration and climate change laws.

“Our state has the law, the grit and the guts to fight for hardworking families,” Becerra told lawmakers at a hearing earlier this month, later adding, “I think the best defense is a good offense.”

The day of Trump’s inauguration, the White House was already at odds with the country’s most populous state over climate change policy. The White House website said Friday that Trump planned to stop former President Barack Obama’s climate action plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.

The same day, California regulators plowed ahead with their own climate change goals, releasing a 157-page plan to reach a target of a 40 percent reduction in emissions from 1990 levels by 2030.

Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown has called Becerra “battle-tested” from his time in a polarized Congress and said his experience will serve him well in defending California’s policies.

In addition to confirming Becerra, Legislative leaders have taken their own steps to challenge the new White House administration. The day after Trump was elected president, de Leon and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon issued a joint statement rejecting Trump’s campaign message.

“While Donald Trump may have won the presidency, he hasn’t changed our values,” they said. “We will lead the resistance to any effort that would shred our social fabric or our Constitution.”

Earlier this month, they hired former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to advise them on a legal strategy as they prepare to clash with the Trump administration. Holder’s firm will be paid $25,000 a month plus expenses from the Legislature’s budget to help lawmakers develop strategies “regarding potential actions of the federal government that may be of concern to the state of California,” according to the contract with Holder.

16 responses to “California confirms Trump opponent as attorney general”

  1. MoiLee says:

    I don’t care if they hired Perry Mason and Eric Holder to represent California.The President WILL Defund all Sanctuary Cities if they do not comply with Federal Laws.Simple as that! They can “Resist” all they want,but at the end of the day? They will lose.

    • klastri says:

      He can’t. The Constitution won’t allow it.

      Try learning something today. Anything would help.

      • Pirate says:

        He literally can. That’s why all the State’s set their drinking age at 21.

        You comply with the drinking age and you get federal funds. You refuse to comply and no more federal funds.

        The US Supreme Court interprets the US Constitution’s commerce clause to allow Congress to coax states into complying through federal funds.

      • MoiLee says:

        Wrong again!….as usual. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Seriously? Do you think people here take you “Seriously? “Reading is Fundamental”.

        • MoiLee says:

          That was for “Mr. Wrong Again “Klastri.

        • hawaiikone says:

          Actually, to a degree, he’s right. From my understanding, two specific SC rulings will not allow the withholding of federal funds when used for coercive purposes, although earmarked grants might be withheld for specific reasons. Whether or not Trump can, by executive order, target individual cities for certain violations remains to be challenged.
          Regardless, there’s a few ways Sessions can proceed with some form of penalization, but undoubtedly the constitutional legality will be questioned in court.

  2. d_bullfighter says:

    California sinking further off the left coast.

  3. lespark says:

    California should secede and take Oregon, Washington and Nevada with them.

  4. meat says:

    No surprise there.

  5. calentura says:

    Will Holder be fast and furious in his efforts…?

  6. yogaman says:

    This is an example of the idiotic nature of politics. Why does California want to have an adversarial relationship with the POTUS from the get go. Whether or not you agree with the proposed stance of the incoming administration, working together and negotiating to find common ground is always the best practice. Enough already!!!!

  7. Keonigohan says:

    I count my Blessings I don’t live in CA. Well..Hawaii isn’t that far off…I know that…sigh.

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