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Startup launches energy efficiency program on Oahu

One of the startup companies participating in Hawaii’s Energy Excelerator program is rolling out a service on Oahu that will allow residents with mobile devices to remotely control energy use and monitor activity in their homes with video cameras.

California-based People Power is making its Presence service, complete with software and hardware, available to the first 600 qualified Oahu residents at no charge as part of a year-long pilot program. The service is valued at $375 a year.

Participants must have a WiFi router and a mobile device. Oahu residents can see if they qualify for the program by going to www.oahu.presencepro.com.

 People Power was one of 15 companies selected to participate in the 2014 class of the federally funded Energy Excelerator program, which is run by the nonprofit Pacific International Center for High Technology Research, based in Honolulu.

Participants will receive People Power’s Presence mobile application and several Monster Central brand smart outlets that can remotely control devices plugged into them.

Preliminary studies show that the system can shave up to 20 percent off a typical electric bill, according People Power.

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