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Wednesday, March 12, 2025 80° Today's Paper

Breaking News

Lihue tennis courts to be closed for lighting project

The Lihue County Park tennis courts will be closed for one month beginning Monday for a lighting replacement proj­ect, Kauai County announced today.

The county is installing shielded lights that reduce the amount of light shining upward, which can attract seabirds and put them at risk.

Paul’s Electrical Contracting was awarded a $1.1 million contract to retrofit lights at Hana­pepe Stadium, Isen­berg Park, Lihue County Park tennis courts, Peter Rayno Park and Vidinha Stadium.

“We are committed to installing bird-friendly lighting at all of our facilities in order to minimize the impacts on endangered and threatened seabirds,” said Parks and Recreation Director Lenny Ra­pozo, noting that there were no lighting-related bird deaths at any county facility last season. He said the shielded lights are energy efficient and are designed to reduce “spillover” onto nearby homes.

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