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Be a hanauma guide

The Hanauma Bay Education Program will hold training sessions on Saturday mornings throughout May for new interpretive guide volunteers. No experience is necessary, but volunteers must make a six-month commitment of four hours per week. Go to www.hanauma­bay­edu­ca­tion.org, email hbvp@hawaii.edu or call 394-1374.

Councilman avoids ethics accusations

WAILUKU, Maui » The Maui County Board of Ethics has dismissed complaints filed last month against a County Council member concerning his ties to the visitor industry.

Mike White’s office announced Friday that the board has rejected claims that he acted improperly when he advocated in Council meetings for increased funding for the Maui Visitors Bureau.

The complaints said White’s continued role as general manager of the Kaanapali Beach Hotel and his former position on the visitors bureau board represent a conflict of interest.

One of the people who filed the complaints was Kai Ni­shiki, who ran unsuccessfully against White in the 2010 election.

In an email to the Maui News, Ni­shiki called the ethics board’s decision inconsistent. She says other Council members who serve on nonprofit boards have been asked not to vote on grants and legislation affecting those agencies.

Maui students wrapping up Science Bowl

Maui High School students competed at the National Science Bowl in Washington, D.C., ending today.

The Maui team was among those of 69 high schools nationwide to be quizzed on various science topics including biology, chemistry, astronomy and math, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, the contest sponsor. The fast-paced question-and-answer format is similar to "Jeopardy!"

The Maui team members are Michael Flynn, Zachary Hill, Trent Hori, Ross Ito and Dane Oshiro. Their coach is Ed Ginoza.

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