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Items left by homeless campers removed from Kaneohe park

Honolulu police officers conducted a homeless sweep behind the Kaneohe police station next to the Kaneohe Civic Park Friday afternoon.

City crews removed items left behind Friday morning by homeless campers at Kaneohe Civic Center Neighborhood Park in its continuing effort to enforce the stored property ordinance.

“The city does these types of enforcements four to five days a week at unannounced times and locations,” Jesse Broder Van Dyke, city spokesman said.

Last week, these cleanup operations by crews from the city departments of Facility Maintenance and Parks and Recreation occurred in Waikiki and at the Nehoa Street drainage canal. Other locations in November included Kakaako, Kailua and Kohou Street.

The ordinance allows removal of personal items left on city property with 24-hour advance notice.

In November, city crews removed 14.3 tons of homeless people’s items from various locations on Oahu, Broder Van Dyke said.

Many of the homeless in the Kaneohe park had vacated the area with the help of service providers before Friday’s operation.

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