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Planned Parenthood backing Clinton in primary race


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton greets supporters during a campaign stop at Iowa Western Community College in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016.

HOOKSETT, N.H. >> Planned Parenthood is swinging behind Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidential race and says that won’t mean negative campaigning against her primary opponents.

The endorsement by the group’s political arm marks Planned Parenthood’s first time wading into a presidential primary, and it comes as Clinton remains locked in a tight contest with Bernie Sanders in Iowa and New Hampshire, home of the first two nominating contests. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley trails both rivals in the race.

“Based on her record and extraordinary support that she’s given to our issues, people felt very strongly that she’s the candidate,” the group’s president, Cecile Richards, said Sunday. “There is nothing about this endorsement that should reflect badly on Senator Sanders or Governor O’Malley.”

Planned Parenthood is a large provider of abortion and reproductive health services and has become a lightning rod in the 2016 campaign. Most Republican presidential candidates object to continued federal financing of the organization and a measure has passed the Republican-led House to stop the flow of money.

Richards said the group is making an early endorsement so that it can begin reminding voters about the Republican candidates’ “extreme” positions on abortion rights and women’s health. The group plans to spend at least $20 million in the 2016 campaign.

“I don’t know that it has been particularly clear in the Republican primary just exactly how extreme these candidates are,” Richards said.

In contrast, she said, Clinton has long fought for women’s rights and to protect women’s access to birth control, safe and legal abortion and other reproductive health services.

Many Republicans stepped up their criticism of Planned Parenthood after anti-abortion-rights activists released underground video that showed an official from the group talking about the price of fetal parts. The video did not establish that the group was illegally profiting from the sale of fetal parts as some alleged.

13 responses to “Planned Parenthood backing Clinton in primary race”

  1. oiwi808 says:

    Planned Parenthood is good…decision to support this LIAR is bad.

  2. allie says:

    Hillary is a deeply flawed person and had a mediocre record as Secretary of State. But the Republicans are off the deep end and are clearly dangerous to America. It is too bad. Kasich of Ohio is decent but the others are merely cartoon characters. It would be funny but the thought of them in control of our huge nuclear arsenal terrifies me. Most of us will vote for Hillary just to protect ourselves from an utter disaster.

    • Pocho says:

      You’d think these feminist who support Plan Parenthood would back The Donald, I mean do they even care about women over seas living under Sharia or in US mosque’s.

      • DowntownGreen says:

        No, actually, I wouldn’t think that… mainly because it’s based on a whole bunch of false premises.

        • hawaiikone says:

          So women in Islamic nations have it as good as you?

        • TigerEye says:

          “So women in Islamic nations have it as good as you?”

          So, backing Trump would affect how good women in Islamic countries “have it”?

          But, what you and Pocho posted were not so much false premises as non sequiturs.

        • hawaiikone says:

          Try not to get confused. You take “false premises” however you chose, I’ll take it how I chose.

    • Jiujitsu_Fighter says:

      The Republicans aren’t the problem. Hillary becoming President will be the ultimate danger to American life as we know it. She lied to the families of the people that was killed in Benghazi.

  3. saywhatyouthink says:

    PP’s very existence depends on a democrat getting elected to the white house. With Obamacare fully implemented PP should be an unnecessary federal expense but like with every partisan pork barrel project, they outlive their usefulness.

  4. Ronin006 says:

    Planned Parenthood could end the government funding controversy if it created two separate and individually funded entities, one for providing health care to women and the other for killing unborn infants. Government funding could then go the health care entity with the condition that no funds, regardless of source, could be transferred to or used in any way to support the baby killing entity. Planned Parenthood and its liberal supporters claim government funds received by Planned Parenthood have not been used for abortions. Creating two separate entities is the only way to ensure that is the case.

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