Clinton, Warren meet for first 2016 campaign event

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, accompanied by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., arrived to speak at the Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal in Cincinnati today. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
CINCINNATI » Elizabeth Warren offered an impassioned endorsement of Hillary Clinton on this morning, symbolically unifying the Democratic Party behind the presumptive nominee and giving voters a rousing preview of what could be a historic joint ticket.
Throwing clasped hands high in the air, the two women promised to “go big” and “go bold” to level the playing field for frustrated and angry workers.
“I’m here today because of her,” said Warren, a champion of the party’s liberal base, before 2,600 cheering supporters at the historic Cincinnati Museum Center a Union Terminal. “We’re here to fight side by side with Hillary Clinton.”
The picture-perfect image marked an important moment of party unity after Clinton’s long-fought primary against liberal challenger Bernie Sanders, who has not yet endorsed his former rival. And with the Massachusetts senator under consideration to be Clinton’s running mate, it may also be a harbinger of the party’s future.
Warren showed how she could play the role as an attacker-in-chief against Republican Donald Trump, calling him a “small, insecure money-grubber,” ”a nasty man” and “goofy.”
An unprecedented two-woman ticket would electrify the party’s liberal wing, boosting enthusiasm for Clinton’s campaign as she continues to face high unfavorable ratings.
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Warren could also help Clinton combat the perception that the multimillionaire former first lady is disconnected from the struggles of working Americans — an image encouraged by Sanders during his campaign.
Her arm over Warren’s shoulder, Clinton lavished praise on the progressive icon, whom she called a “friend” and a “great leader.”
“She is considered so terrific, so formidable, because she tells it like it is,” she said.
Warren returned the compliment: “She just remembers who really needs someone on their side and she gets up and keeps right on fighting for the people who need her the most,” she said of Clinton.
The two women have never been close, according to aides, who note they didn’t overlap in the Senate and worked in different corners of the Obama administration. Clinton served as secretary of state, while Warren helped establish the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
At times, their relationship has seemed almost frosty. Warren wrote in a 2004 book that as a senator from New York, Clinton “could not afford such a principled position” on legislation that would make it harder for consumers to relieve their debt through bankruptcy laws. She also implied that Clinton was short-tempered and impatient with her staff.
There was little of that distance today. They repeatedly hugged, smiled and threw their fists in the air.
Together, they slammed Trump, casting him as a small-minded, self-interested billionaire who would destroy the country’s economy.
“Donald Trump is the guy who wants it all for himself,” said Warren. “And watch out. Because he will crush you into the dirt to get whatever he wants.”
She’s taken his hits in return: He blasted her as “Pocahontas,” a reference to past discussions about her having Native American ancestry.
“Crooked Hillary is wheeling out one of the least productive senators in the U.S. Senate, goofy Elizabeth Warren, who lied on heritage,” Trump tweeted today.
Warren’s tough assault is valued by Clinton, who aides say particularly appreciates surrogates that don’t mince words in their attacks.
“I do just love to see how she gets under Donald Trump’s skin,” said Clinton.
Warren has been trying to endear herself to Clinton in other ways, too. A few days after a private meeting at Clinton’s home, Warren stopped by her campaign headquarters in Brooklyn to deliver a pep talk to staffers. The visit, bragged pleased Clinton staffers, was at Warren’s request.
She’s currently being vetted by lawyers involved in Clinton’s vice presidential search, and they’ve asked Warren for documents and to complete a questionnaire. The next step: a private interview with Clinton.
Other candidates under consideration include Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, a well-liked lawmaker from an important general election battleground state; and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro of Texas, a rising star in the Democratic Party.
Clinton remains weeks away from making her pick, according to aides.
But there was plenty of wishful thinking at her rally.
“We were really hoping that she would announce that Elizabeth Warren was her vice president,” Kristen Woods, 29. “She’s amazing. I would love her.”
49 responses to “Clinton, Warren meet for first 2016 campaign event”
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I suppose Clinton will ensure all cabinet and other high-level appointees are women.
One can only imagine what the rest of the world is thinking right now, looking at what a circus of a presidential election we have going on this year. That’s right folks, step right up and see it…(you can fill in the blanks with your own descriptions of what is happening).
”Step right up, folks, and see the two Little Egypts do their famous Dance Of The Pyramids. They Walk; they talk; they crawl on their bellies like reptiles. Just one thin dime–one-tenth of a dollar. Step right up folks!”:
BOTH Clintons want Warren.
Slick Willy is licking his chops as Hillary goes after the Indian vote. Great entertainment. The only question remaining is which Clinton wants her more.
One gotsta ask da question…”What have either of them accomplished that benefited a majority of Americans?” (Exclude: Claim of having Native American heritage & Lying about having American Blood on her hands)
Insertion (not referring to Bubba)……Lying about “NOT” having American Blood on her hands)
Was this a meeting or a Pow Wow? Pow Wow, Warren Fauxahontas, fake native American???? Get it?? Given Hillary’s willingness to lie at the drop of a hat and Warren’s self-promotion through a falsified ancestry, they are the perfect couple.
oh no…….
I hope this is the Democratic ticket, they would be so bashed by Trump. Here’s hoping HilLIARy is so tone deaf that she makes her first executive decision her final.
That wasn’t Bernie on that stage, so don’t try to act like the Party is getting together. Bernie was liked by his supporters becauce he was a true believer in his cause and didn’t sellout. Warren? Not so much.
The good news is that Mr. Trump is going down in flames – now behind Mrs. Clinton by double digits. He’s finished. The big goal now is to hand him a crushing, humiliating defeat to destroy his brand and to silence him.
Get ready for another eight years of a Democrat in the White House. Thanks to Mr. Trump, it’s almost certain that the Senate will also be Democratic (making SCOTUS nomination easy) and maybe even the House will fall.
“I love the poorly educated!” Go Trump!
Sour grapes boohoo
Indeed Sarge! haaaaaaaaaaaaa! Going down in flames alright,And who’s polls shows this “going down in flames”? NBC and ABC? One of the two most dishonest newsmedia around. Donald is like the David VS Goliath. He’ll take down the MSM ,just like he did with the 17 republican presidential candidates. and….Hillary is NEXT.
That’s right. The polls are all deliberately wrong.
Excellent logic. Keep banking on that!
“I love the poorly educated!” Go trump!
When are you and boohoo leaving for Philly? Superdelegates? No fly list? Under investigation by the FBI? You guys are comedians.
I see that you and your ventriloquist dummy are tag-teaming now. Good for you! Under normal conditions, two brains are better than one. Not this time though.
Yes, of course. The no fly list and FBI investigations.
You need new material.
No fly no problem. HiLIARy flying high on her broom. UFOs are real.
sarge22 – I get it! A broom because she’s a woman and you think she’s a witch! You’re very, very clever!!
And you hate women. That too.
Only one. Be happy.
Where was Obama on 9/11/2012?
klastri, we should make your comment the headline, “Get ready for another eight years of a Democrat in the White House. Thanks to Mr. Trump, it’s almost certain that the Senate will also be Democratic (making SCOTUS nomination easy) and maybe even the House will fall.” Maybe then all the conservatives will think twice about not voting for Trump and we can prevent this catastrophe from happening. HilLIARy would be the third term of Obama, and she would finish the job about weakening America’s prestige and economy for generations. Thanks for your comments, and please keep them up!
Klastri and Bobo will be on the podium at the DNC Convention doing sound checks. Do you hear me now? Does anyone know where Obama was on 9/11/2012?
Trump is finished. Get used to it. He lost.
Thinking conservatives already know that Trump would be much, much worse than Clinton. They aren’t being silent about that. He has made the Republican Party the party of racist imbeciles. Just read these comments.
Trump is finished. The goal is to crush and humiliate him in the election, so he drags down the House and Senate.
The big goal is to avoid the indictment.
Yes, that again. You keep writing that. Any news on that yet?
You asked for it you got it. Check out the new book on the Clintons;
Yeah that and the Obama impeachments. How’s that going?
Win, Win, Win with Trump.
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Btw, you aren’t missing some eggs by any chance?
I know you would be happy with Warren as VP. She is a blowhard and hater just like you.
Got the Monday blues just from seeing these two….
Why does Elizabeth Warren continue to cast doubt on her claimed Native American heritage? Seems simple enough – just submit a DNA sample to end all accusations. Afraid to? Maybe there is truth to the allegations of her using a fake ancestry to help in her personal ambitions, in school and now politically. Just end all speculation, give a DNA, and if she is what she claims, would enhance her standing and end such accusations.
Why are the SA editors singling out my comment “awaiting moderation”? There were no inflammatory words, just a reasonable assessment of her predicament.
She has no predicament. She baited Trump into another racial mess – exactly what she wanted to do.
I feel sorry for you.
She has a predicament. She has a new bed buddy in Lizzy and Willie is jealous. What to do now.
Don’t forget Huma. Hillary broke her in like Billy did his aides. They call her the body woman. She gets a 1/2 dozen pay checks and a lot more for keeping her mouth shut. No kidding. They are inseparable. Her family has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. She’s the brains.
She had and soon to have access to top and very sensitive State secrets.
I am not making this up. No small wonder the Middle East knows what’s going to happen before It happens. Benghazi, Libya, you name it. That might explain the flow of money to the Foundation.
Loose Intel/emails kills Americans and Allies.
I think the American people are being had.
Thats a good idea. Hillary should take the lie detector test.
The people of Massachusetts elected her. Why should she care what Republicans, or you, think of her DNA?
Her standing is already enhanced by her work. Nothing will help her with Republicans, so she should ignore them, and you, completely.
Tyrone was having trouble in school; his teacher was always yelling at him, “You’re driving me crazy, Tyrone; can’t you learn anything?”
One day Tyrone’s mother came to school to see how he was doing. The teacher told her honestly that her son was simply a disaster, getting very low marks, and that she had never had such an unmotivated and ignorant boy in her entire teaching career.
Tyrone’s mom, shocked at the feedback, withdrew her son from school and moved out of Detroit, relocating to Cleveland.
Twenty-five years later, the teacher was diagnosed with irreversible cardiac disease. Her doctors all strongly advised her to have open heart surgery, which only one surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic could perform.
Left with no other options, the teacher decided to have the operation, which was remarkably successful.
When she opened her eyes after the surgery she saw the handsome young doctor who headed her surgical team smiling down at her.
She wanted to thank him, but could not talk.
Her face started to turn blue, she raised her hand, trying to tell him something, but quickly died.
The doctor was shocked, wondering what went wrong so suddenly.
When the doctor turned around to leave the room, he saw Tyrone, now a janitor at the Clinic, had unplugged the life-support equipment in order to plug in his vacuum cleaner.
If you thought that Tyrone had become a heart-surgeon, there is an extremely high likelihood that you will vote for Hillary.
Well, at least you can copy and paste.
That’s an improvement.
Where was Obama on 9/11/2012?
She accused Hillary of being a phony.
”Step right up, folks, and see Little Egypt do her famous Dance Of The Pyramids. She walks; she talks; she crawls on her belly like a reptile. Just one thin dime–one-tenth of a dollar. Step right up folks!”:
Can we just start over with two new candidates?
No, Vote for Hillary and open your arms to 65,000 Syrian refugees at a cost of 400 billion over 4 years. Show the love and compassion.
Elizabeth Warren Exposed Hillary Clinton as Huge Phony Years Ago – YouTube