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Tim Kaine gets warm welcome from neighbors

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Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is joined by Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., as she speaks at a rally at Florida International University Panther Arena in Miami tonight. Clinton has chosen Kaine to be her running mate.

RICHMOND, Va. » Sen. Tim Kaine received a hero’s welcome tonight outside his Richmond home, capping off his debut as Hillary Clinton’s running mate.

Hundreds of neighbors and other well-wishers greeted Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton, on their return to their home in Richmond on a hot and sticky evening.

The Kaines had spent the day campaigning with the Democratic presidential candidate, who chose Kaine for the No. 2 spot on the Democratic ticket just 24 hours earlier.

Cheers erupted when Kaine and Holton arrived at their home in the tree-lined Ginter Park neighborhood on Richmond’s north side about 10:30 p.m. They had been in Miami at midday for his first appearance with Clinton since joining her campaign.

Kaine spoke for about 10 minutes at his homecoming, noting that he had launched his political career three decades ago in the same neighborhood when he sought a seat on the Richmond City Council. He joked that far fewer people had showed up for that announcement.

Carol A.O. Wolf, a longtime friend of the Kaines, said the close-knit neighborhood felt it important to turn out and show their support for their neighbor.

“This is his ‘hood, this is Kaine country,” said Wolf. “He may be for her, but we’re with him.”

During his remarks, Kaine told his neighbors how thankful he was for their support, as well as for their indulgence for allowing the Kaine’s yard to sometimes look a little ragged.

But he also gave a mini-stump speech, which included pointing out the importance of Virginia in presidential politics, from its history of nurturing early presidents to its current status as a battleground state.

He urged his friends and supporters to help him win the state for Clinton, saying there was too much at stake to let Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump win.

Kaine took jabs at some of Trump’s more controversial positions, including a proposed ban on the entry of Muslims from other countries. Kaine told the crowd that the American tradition is not to punish or prefer people based on religion and said, “If it’s Muslims, it could be Mormons next week.”

His wife coaxed him to finish up and told the crowd, “I’ve got to get him to bed.”

The Kaines are set to attend St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, their longtime parish, on Sunday morning.

One of the well-wishers outside the Kaine’s house was Larry Williford, a member of the church who has known Kaine for decades. Williford said he knew long ago that Kaine was destined for great things, but never pictured that Kaine would be a vice presidential candidate.

Williford joked that Kaine, who used to be a member of the church’s choir, had earned a special reward at Sunday’s church service.

“We’re thinking about letting him get a solo,” Williford said.

8 responses to “Tim Kaine gets warm welcome from neighbors”

  1. st1d says:

    got my mail-in ballot today.

    i will make my choices soon, just a few more undecided races to study.

    whatever your affiliations or thoughts about those running for office, make a choice and vote your beliefs.

    just vote.

  2. Ronin006 says:

    The Associated Press (AP), Hillary’s PR firm, is going to follow Kaine around like flies on dog poop and report everything he does as news. You will read more from AP tomorrow about the church he attended and such minutia as what he and his wife were wearing. It will get really nauseating.

    • Ronin006 says:

      AP did it. AP reported that the Kaines attended St. Elizabeth Catholic Church and that Kaine sang a solo during Communion. However, there was no mention of the clothing they were wearing.

  3. Keonigohan says:

    Comedy Central Week is upon us. Get comfy & enjoy!!

    • Keonigohan says:

      OH DEAR! Bad news…debbie washerman schutz is out as DNC head due to the TRUTH emails! Dang…a killjoy leak….Debbie Downer sorta speak.

      • lespark says:

        Tulsi was right. She could smell crooked Hillary’s stench from the get go. No matter what she says don’t trust her. She getting ready to throw America under the Bus.

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