Unshackled Trump unleashes aggressive attacks on own party

Cuban-born Lilia Morraz of Miami, demonstrated with other supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump outside a rally for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and former vice president Al Gore, today, in Miami.

Republican Presidential nominee Donald J. Trump looked on during a rally at Mohegan Sun Arena in Wilkes-Barre Twp., Pa. on Monday.

WASHINGTON » The “shackles” gone, Donald Trump stepped up his fierce attacks on his own party leaders today, promising to teach Republicans who oppose him a lesson and fight for the presidency “the way I want to.”
Exactly four weeks before Election Day and with his campaign floundering, the businessman reverted to the combative, divisive strategy that propelled him to victory in the GOP primary: Attack every critic — including fellow Republicans. Those close to Trump suggested it was “open season” on every detractor, regardless of party.
“It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to,” Trump said in a tweet that brought new concern — near panic in some cases — to a party trying to stave off an all-out civil war before Nov, 8.
In another series of tweets, the Republican nominee called House Speaker Paul Ryan “weak and ineffective,” Sen. John McCain “very foul-mouthed” and “disloyal” Republicans “far more difficult than Crooked Hillary.”
“They come at you from all sides,” Trump declared. “They don’t know how to win — I will teach them!”
Rage against fellow Republicans from the face of the 2016 GOP exposed a party slipping from mere feuding into verbal warfare with advance voting already underway in roughly half the states. Polls suggest Trump is headed toward a loss of historic proportions if he doesn’t turn things around.
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His scorched-earth approach, days after his sexual predatory language caught on tape triggered a mass Republican defection, threatened to alienate even more supporters.
“Fighting for the sake of fighting is not really very helpful,” said former Trump adviser Barry Bennett.
Trump has acknowledged the possibility of defeat in recent days, but today he tried to shift the blame for his struggles on Republican defections and an election system that may be “rigged” against him. On Monday, he warned of potential voter fraud in heavily African-American Philadelphia, a claim for which there is no evidence but one that could challenge Americans’ faith in a fair democratic process.
At the same time, Trump’s campaign is considering whether to feature Bill Clinton accusers at his upcoming rallies. Trump shocked the political world before Sunday’s debate by appearing with several women who had accused the former president of sexual impropriety decades earlier.
The aggressive shift is in line with the philosophy of recently hired campaign official
Steve Bannon, whose conservative website has long fueled attacks on Republican leaders and perpetuated popular conservative conspiracy theories. Bannon is now leading the campaign’s messaging.
The approach has done little to endear Trump to anxious party leaders. At least 40 Republican senators and congressmen have revoked their support for the embattled Republican nominee — with nearly 30 of them urging him to quit the race altogether.
Republican Speaker Ryan, in a Monday conference call with congressional Republicans, said he would no longer campaign with Trump. He said he would focus instead on ensuring Clinton doesn’t get a “blank check” with a Democratic-controlled Congress, all but conceding that Trump would lose the presidential contest.
Yet Trump’s aggressive shift is popular among his most loyal supporters who continue to flock to his rallies by the thousands.
“He’s fighting for us,” said Megan Johnston, 54, who was among an estimated 2,000 people who packed into a high school gym to see him on Monday near Pittsburgh. She shrugged off his sexually aggressive comments in the 2005 video and pointed at Democrat Hillary Clinton’s shortcomings.
“He said what he said and he apologized. She should be in jail,” Johnston said.
While Trump devoted much of his fire to fellow Republicans today, he did not ignore his Democratic opponent.
His campaign released a new ad that focuses on Clinton’s recent bout with pneumonia. The ad features images of masked gunmen and nuclear weapons as a sick Clinton stumbles toward a vehicle.
“Hillary Clinton doesn’t have the fortitude, strength or stamina to lead in our world,” the narrator declares.
Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee declared that hacked emails released by WikiLeaks today showed collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Department of Justice during an investigation into the former secretary of state’s email server.
The evidence does indicate there was communication between the two about a court hearing date. But such dates are not inside information. They would have been publicly posted in advance on the court’s docket.
The emails show that in May 2015, Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon alerted other staffers that the Justice Department was proposing to publish Clinton’s work-related emails by January in response to requests by news organizations. Fallon, a former Justice Department spokesman, wrote that unspecified “DOJ folks” told him there was a court hearing planned soon in the case.
The name and email address of the person who shared the information with Fallon had been deleted.
As some Republicans fought to focus Trump’s anger on Democrats, another longtime Trump ally openly considered walking away.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said he was still grappling with Trump’s comments from the video, calling them “indefensible.” He said he still supported Trump “at this point” but was thinking about that.
96 responses to “Unshackled Trump unleashes aggressive attacks on own party”
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Deservedly so. Pour it on Donald
Pocho, this bugga is papule !
Republicans took the handcuffs off Donald Trump and are fitting him with for a straight jacket.
The latest batch of emails from the account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta show New York Times reporter and CNBC anchor John Harwood giving the Clinton campaign tips about other candidates and bragging about feeling vindicated by provoking Donald Trump as a debate moderator.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/11/nytcnbcs-john-harwood-advises-clinton-campaign-gloats-about-provoking-trump-at-debate/#ixzz4Mp4hRAd8
Hey Sarge, what about the substance of this article, you know other republicans refusal to endorse your candidate. Any comment on that?
sarge, why do you change the subject?
The subject is the election and the SA is only covering one side of the story. Just posting items of interest. You can read the whole article if you wish or ignore it.
@sarge22 I choose to ignore it.
“Pour it on.’? The man is a lunatic!
Finally, we get to see the real Donald again. This guy has been running a charade the whole time. He really does not want the job at all, and is trying to self destruct his own candidacy.
Trump is a horrible person and is in no way qualified to be president of anything. His failed businesses are embarrassing. But wait for the bomb shall : This guy has a dirty background and the real record is far darker than his abuse of females.
Allie, how does it feel to be abused, lied too and taken advantage? Crooked Hilliary thinks Democrats like you are easily manipulated. They will believe anything.
People voting for Clinton are able to see both sides of issues, are able to recognize she’s not perfect. For example, she was very careless with emails, and like any other politician, sometimes says the wrong thing.
It took her a bit long to admit to being careless with the emails, but she corrected herself the next day after saying “half are deplorables.”
Trump has yet to apologize for almost all his insults and for ALL his lies. He only gave a bad apology after the bus video because he simply had to.
But no matter to HIS supporters, who bury their heads in the sand regarding the tax returns he’s hiding. They went along with his tin hat conspiracy theory AND his ridiculous “I closed it” claim.
Fortunately for Trump supporters, he won’t be elected and he won’t be putting them in jail for bring ignorant.
Do you disagree with her position on Trump?
Sanders “free college” for everyone was meant for trump voters. No problem, Clinton will educate you.
The GOP took the bait, and now they are caught in his sticky trap. Trump’s goal all along was to bring down the GOP from the top down, and he is close to realizing this goal. He is a master showman, so don’t be fooled by his crazy antics. Just like a professional wrestler, Trump is a master of following his script to the bitter end. All that sold their souls to him will pay for it tenfold later.
They all knew he was racist, tax evader, liar, perv but there were enough people in the US with racial and other hate that propelled Donald to the top. Romney and many others saw it coming a mile away but could do nothing to do to stop because of so much pure hate for Obama and the Clintons fueled their fanatical support for Donald. No question Hillary is a flawed candidate, however compared to racist, lying, tax evading, dirty old perv man obsessed with grabbing poo-say Trump, Hillary will win by a landslide. Had the Repub Americans put aside their own prejudice and hate and supported someone like Kasich as their Pres nominee and Rubio as vice pres, the Republicans probably could have taken back the Whitehouse and maintained control of Congress. Instead the core racist, Clinton hating Americans might have won the battle in Trump giving them a voice of their hate, buy they will lose the war that Clinton and the Dems will retain the Whitehouse and may gain back part of Congress AND flood the Supreme court with liberal Supreme Court justices like Ginsburg and Sotomayor. As Trump gets flushed down the turlet after a major loss to Hillary, Foxnews will go down with him as well and CNN will rise back above Foxnews
These politicians put themselves first trying to get re-elected instead of fighting the fight against Crooked Lying Hillary
If your candidate, Trump is so good, then wouldn’t aligning themselves with him improve other politicians chances of being re-elected?
Really good question.
We need to drain the swamp in Washington and expose the crooked so called media!
“When you are up to your a$$ in alligators it’s difficult to remember that your initial objective was to drain the swamp”.
IRT Pocho, right on. Fully agree with your post. There has been these “RINO’s” in the GOP for years. They don’t care about the citizens of America, only about themselves and losing them will be excellent for the GOP and America. A true example is the State of Hawaii and the HRP leadership. Are they organized to assist any HRP candidate? No, not even. So these Establishment types, who support abortion, same-sex marriage, the 1954 Amendment against Pastors and Churches, in not fighting the challenges to our Constitution, and allowing the democrats move the Country way to the Left without challenge, and allowing America to go some $20 Trillion in debt. Again, right on Pocho.
Is it your opinion that Trump cares about US citizens? You know, like all of the women he continually belittles.
IRT Advertiser1, you betcha. Mr. Trump cares about all the citizens of the United States, period.
Advertiser1 trying to champion the most corrupt, vile candidate ever to run for President. If you did what she did with the email, you would be in jail!
Paulh808: How do we know another candidate in the whole history of the US wasn’t as vile and corrupt as she was?
Bastiat & Hazlitt are so clear and concise in their obliteration of the fallacies that socialism and government control of the economy are beneficial to society, that only a brain dead liberal, Ivy League economist, mainstream media shill, or a corrupt politician like Hillary Clinton wouldn’t understand. Clinton and her government interventionist minions play the game of promising “free” goodies to their special interest constituents, while promising to punish their enemies (the rich, deplorable middle class, coal industry, gun owners, religious conservatives, entrepreneurs, Russia, Assad).
One who’s concerned about illegal immigrants and the other just trying to make a quota. Which one do you think cares more about US citizens.
This fissure in the Republican Party was a long time coming–so it comes as no surprise that they have reached an inflection point on who they are and how they go forward. What is surprising is that it took an effete clown of a man, who makes past political caricatures seem sober and serious minded. What is probably most painful for the grand ole party is that he is not even a true or historical conservative, but rather a supreme snake oil salesman whose must consistent qualities are being an opportunist and a boorish pig.
As to the future of the R party, well, as a real life case study, let’s look at Americas’ Asian population. In the 90s, most Asians were republicans, fast forward to this election cycle, and most Asians are democrats. Why? That should be profoundly perplexing to R party leaders, as aside from sharing many cultural and political values to the Republican tickets, Asians are also the most educated and have the highest per capita income of any ethnic groups in the US.
In short, they fled the GOP, as many felt itracist, as not sharing in equal rights and being a party primarily of white evangelicals, without ANY policies that reflect the priorities of the greater Asian community. This utter failure of the GOP reflects the total reset that the party will go through the next 40 years…..
Same with hispanics. In the 70’s most hispanics identified as Republicans largely out of their religious and family traditions. Not any more. It wasn’t that long ago that California had a Republican governor, now Republicans holding statewide office in CA are rare. I thought after Rpmney the Republicans were going to widen their base, but with the nomination of Trump, they have basically abandoned that and become the party of angry white folks. I mean both Utah and Georgia is in play for Clinton. Never thought I would see that.
IRT HawaiiCheeseBall, yes, it has all to do with the Establishment republican “RINO’s” who are for self and let many of the Conservative Blacks, the Hispanics, and the Asians leave the GOP for the democrats, or became independents. President Trump will truly make “America Safe and Great Again”.
You have been drinking the Kool Aid!
I think the loss of Hispanics and Asian can be traced to the demonizing of immigrants. It was the establishment Republicans who were pushing comprehensive immigration reform but the conservatives pushed back. Trump has made it worse with the demonizing of Mexicans and Muslims.
LOL. While I respect everyone’s opinion, no matter how ridiculous some may be, I just had to laugh at your thought that Trump will make “America Safe and Great Again”. The more he speaks, the more frightening it gets if he is somehow elected President. Those who were undecided, should have a good idea by now who they should vote for. We’re voting for a President, not a tyrant.
IRT HawaiiCheeseBall, the loss of Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians from the GOP has been going on for years, from the 1980’s. Mr. Trump has been gaining them back with the announcement of nominees of Conservative Originalist for the Federal Courts, the program to bring the economy and jobs back, to bring prayer and Judeo Christian values back, to build our military so other Countries will again respect our military, and bring morality back to our Country. Mr. Trump has not demonized the Hispanics and Muslims. He has made it crystal clear that an immigrant entering the United States legally must adopt America, the same as our great-grandparents have done to build American into a great and unified Country called the United States of America.
Kuro, you are entirely and absolutely wrong. His polling numbers show that he will have the lowest amount of Hispanic, Black and Asian votes in over 40 years for a R candidate, that’s fact, not platitude.
Kuriowaj, are you saying Trump exemplifies morality?
IRT Advertiser1, Oh yes, a 1,000 times more in the morality category as compared to the Clintons, both Mr. Bill and Mrs. Hillary.
Ikefromeli – Why do you bother with him? Facts mean absolutely nothing. Zero.
The unseen government behind the curtain represents the Deep State. This hybrid association of key players from Wall Street, Silicon Valley, mega-corporations, the corporate media, Madison Avenue, the Federal Reserve, shadowy billionaires, and bought off politician hacks, effectively governs the United States with little or no consent of the governed. It’s they who pull the wires directing the public mind. It’s they who choose your leaders. It’s they who reap the economic benefits of financial, trade, and tax legislation.
sarge22 – Do you ever write your own words? You plagiarized this whole comment without offering credit to the original author.
Are you illiterate?
I foundanother item of interest and have provided the appropriate credit. Hope you feel better now. When you are on the “other” side the awaiting moderation bug bites….…http://arkancide.com/
Here’s Ike from the department of redundancy department weighing in again. I’m sure the Asians who have been victimized by democrat mandated affirmative action policies agree with your one-sided analysis.
Hmmmn, this was actually a case study from Pew.
So, to further be redundant, Republicans don’t care about Asian people.That’s the message Asian-American voters are sending in the Fall 2016 National Asian American Survey, which shows Hillary Clinton with an enormous 41-point lead over Donald Trump. The survey is in keeping with a larger trend of Asian-Americans becoming more Democratic, though Trump himself has been a particularly powerful catalyst. “Trump’s unfavorables are like nothing we’ve seen before,” Karthick Ramakrishnan, the survey’s director, told NBC News.
Since the early 1990s, when George H.W. Bush beat Bill Clinton for the Asian-American vote, they have been steadily gravitating to the left for a number of reasons, including the Democratic Party’s positions on health care, affordable education, the economy, and guns. While certain Asian-American groups share conservative cultural affinities with the Republican Party, Asian-Americans are by and large supportive of the idea of big government.
Moreover, the defenestration of any centrist policies by the R party, and allowing the far R of the party, specifically the white evangelical quarter, to not allow for other vantages and perspectives, basically disqualify the R party to ever be competitive in ANY national election. Here is a hint, American and it’s demographics are getting browner and more coast oriented, not less. Just a bunch of blah blah blah from Ike–hardly. Just the 17 democratic states of each respective coast, amount to the following: almost 2/3 of the electoral college, 2/3 of the headquarters of Fortune 500 companies; and almost 70% of the country’s GDP. Do the math my dense friend…..
But above all, it’s hard to escape the conclusion that Asian-Americans, like other minorities, simply see no home for themselves in a Republican Party that has increasingly been defined by its whiteness. If Bill O’Reilly’s latest foray into New York’s Chinatown is any indication, it’s not only Trump who’s the problem.
Wassup SA?
The latest batch of emails from the account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta show New York Times reporter and CNBC anchor John Harwood giving the Clinton campaign tips about other candidates and bragging about feeling vindicated by provoking Donald Trump as a debate moderator.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/11/nytcnbcs-john-harwood-advises-clinton-campaign-gloats-about-provoking-trump-at-debate/#ixzz4Mp4hRAd8
Sarge, again keep on topic…..
Looks like Mrs. Clinton will win with a margin somewhere between 105 and 130 electoral votes. Hopefully, that margin can be increased a lot between now and November 8th. A complete blowout – say 170 electoral votes – would be helpful to embarrass, humiliate and silence Mr. Trump.
Most bizarre election i have ever seen.
America’s form of Arab Spring. There are many unhappy and disenfranchised people beginning perhaps with the Rust Belt.
Appalachia, Rust Belt and the Deep South. Mostly white males, some white females, mostly undereducated and underemployed, I’m not trying to be pejorative, but this is the basic outline of the Trump voter…..
Maybe Trump U. was part of a master plan to under-educate more people, make them poor, so they’d support anyone who promised change.
He’s a geeeenius!
Exactly what the Democrats have done. Check out the voting from the inner cities and disregard the propaganda from the establishment’s NYT. Free stuff for all.
Sarge, except for the fact, that the vast majority of these undereducated and underemployed white folks live in Red states, care to present some observations and explanation to that salient fact??
MillionMonkeys: You talking about Trump U or the DOE?
This is an insane megalomaniac that really wants to be the King not President. Off with their heads if they disagree with the nut that wants to probably be the leader of the World. He is that far from Hitler?
Heil, Trump!
Brrr… 🙁
Hell yes.
This man has been setting the foundation to say the election was taken from him, and that Hillary was not a legit President. Just like he did with Mr. Obama. Trump has activated the poison in some people’s minds.
That’s because Hillary was not born in the USA and is not a true American.
LKK56, kinda too late for Hilliary’s birther conspiracy theory.
Well this was the fight the Republican party was going to have. Didn’t expect it until after the election when the Republicans vote for a Speaker of the House (assuming that they hold the house). I still think Trump wants to start his own TV network and is working to solidify his base which will be his primary viewing audience. I think Trump TV would actually work as many people view him with great reverence. For the Republicans it would essentially split the party. Interesting times we are in.
It is good to know who the RINO’s are. Trump has forced their hand. Guys like Ryan and McCain, Graham. George Wills, Katich, Mike Lee, Rubio, the Bush crime family, Fiorina and
George Mitchell. There are many others who are all part of the ruling elite. The R before their names do not mean anything and is just to fool the voters into believing that there really are
two parties and that they are different.
If Trump is elected, his life will be in great danger from the elite ruling class who will stop it nothing to maintain their positions of power. John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, John Kennedy Jr, and Ronald Reagan all learned that lesson. Only Reagan survived the attempt on his life but just barely and only by the grace of god. He was not the same man after that.
So, the Kennedy’s weren’t a part of the ruling elite? And are you saying John John’s death was an assassination and not a just a plan crash?
Yes, John Kennedy Jr planned to reopen the investigation into the killing of his father and Robert Kennedy once he was elected into the US Senate. He was planning
to announce running for the US Senate but he, his wife and a close friend were killed in that questionable plane crash.
Robert Kennedy had also planned to do the same thing had he been elected president and told those close to him of his intentions as he and the Kennedy family never accepted the findings of the Warren Commission but of course he never made it.
By the way, LA medical examiner, Thomas Noguchi who did the Robert Kennedy autopsy reported that Robert Kennedy has been shot behind the ear at very close
based on powder burns present at the wound site but interestingly the reputed shooter, Sirhan Sirhan was no where close to Robert Kennedy when he began shooting.
Noguchi refused to change his report and his findings despite lots of political pressure put on him and ultimately, he was fired from his job.
Wow, pretty impressive conspiracy theorist you are. You know siding with Heavy.com and whatreallyhappened.com or popdust.com.
No conspiracy theory. Read up on what I have reported. By the way, the 1976 US House Select Community on the Assassination of JFK an
MFK (Martin Luther King) came to the conclusion that JFK’s assassination was a conspiracy and the reputed shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald,
was not the lone shooter as the Warren Commission had claimed.
Sorry, I don’t mean to be lazy, but can you point me in the direction of the John John thing. I would like to read some.
There was nothing at al questionable about Mr. Kennedy’s fatal crash. He was an unqualified pilot who flew at night into weather. If you think that’s questionable, you have never been a pilot.
Okay, I will play. You will find a lot of info on the John Kennedy Jr plane crash on the internet and youtube.
Check out also you tube videos by John Barbour regarding Jim Garrison and the JFK assassination.
By the way, polls of the American public show that the majority do not believe that findings of the Warren Commission.
Our country has never been the same since that event.
fiveo, I know I can look it up. I was hoping that you could give me some of the sources you are relying on. I’m interested in learning more.
fiveo – I see. So you get your data on Mr. Kennedy’s plane crash from “the internet” and not the NTSB?
That may be the nexus of your problem.
Maaaaan, can we just line this juvenile SOB up next to Dick Cheney and …. well, i digress.I’m next in line behind Bob DeNiro, KAPU!
I have extreme dislike for both political parties but I wish one of them could have found a better candidate than either Trump or Clinton. One is an egotistical maniac and the other a corrupt career politician. A very sad situation when this country can’t nominate better candidates than them.
To me this is the most important statement on this board.
Clinton and Trump supporters both seem more interested at pointing at the other candidate/parties faults while minimizing or ignoring their candidates/party faults.
For the presidency shouldn’t we have been given the task of trying to figure out which of the quality candidates is more qualified than the other, while being able to still heave qualities in the other candidate that we like. We are instead given the argument of which crappy candidate smells better, which stink can we tolerate the most.
Refuse to read the daily bile and vote for Johnson. So what if he doesn’t win, his base grows whenever someone like yourself realizes the rock and a hard place is simply untenable. My Johnson bumper sticker will be looked at with “if only” sighs in a couple of years..
I thought that at first, until I realized that a vote for Johnson is a vote for Trump because you’re taking a vote away from the only person who has a chance of defeating him: Hillary.
Plus, Johnson has no clue about foreign affairs. He didn’t know what Aleppo is, couldn’t name a foreign leader he admires, and couldn’t name the dictator of North Korea.
So who’s stopping you from voting for whomever you choose?
The best part of all of this is that Trump’s supporters think this is a good thing. Actually, for Democrats, it’s a great thing. The more Trump attacks other Republicans in the House and Senate, the more likely a Democrat is to take that seat.
Please … I’m begging all Trump supporters … keep encouraging Mr. Trump’s psychoses so he continues his attacks.
Sorry Charlie, I’m betting far too many voters checking the Clinton box are doing so only to defeat Trump, and when the mid terms come around they’ll intentionally keep the GOP in control simply to keep her in check. No one, except a relatively small cadre of extreme lefties, wants to allow someone that noxious to have unbridled control. Folks aren’t blaming the GOP hierarchy for Donald, and every republican that disavows him further evidences that fact, demonstrating their willingness to put the nation’s interest ahead of their party’s.
But maybe there is a chance that the people who don’t support or are let down with there support of either Democrats or Republican parties will look at this and see a chance to get on board with a candidate that is willing to be honest against both parties. I can see him now being that person who doesn’t care and calls both parties out on their problems instead of only painting his party as roses and the other party as stink.
You’re already assuming that Mrs. Clinton is going to fail – something about which a lot more than half the electorate don’t agree with you.
It has nothing to do with her failing. I am addressing the chance that people will look at his stance and agree that a person that can call out his own party for they’re shortcomings is a person hey want to follow.
jusris – I feel sorry for anyone who wants to follow Donald Trump. Those folks deserve our pity and sympathy.
hay all commenters just went to Walmart and picked up Michael Savage scorched earth go pick it up and read it, all liberals and conservatives demo and repubs pick it up and read it. it tells how Obama ruin this country in 8 years in office and Hillary to follow. very interesting.
Sure, and if you want the truth, listen to Michael Savage. Exactly.
Glad you agree.
he does not have a radio show down here, went to his webpage and he must be telling the truth because this year he was inducted into the radio hall of fame which is for excellent radio broadcaster, and to get in there you have to be truthful and popular among listeners, so he speaks the truth, if he was on the radio here go listen to him.
Right on. Old Doc savage hits it on the money every time. He’s also a great story teller and is particularly good at comparing today’s progressives with the Bolsheviks of Russian Revolution fame.
During the primaries, several Republicans and conservative media figures predicted that Trump would lead to destruction of the Republican party and the conservative movement. Others thought Trump could be tamed and he would come to favor the policies advocated by conservatives and Republicans. But look what happened. Conservatives and Republicans are finding that Trump cannot be controlled and he ignores the party agenda and policies, so they are publicly dropping support and in many cases endorsing Clinton to prevent Trump from destroying the Republican party and the conservative movement.
The political “leadership” of the Republican Congress has done nothing for decades but help Democrats maintain the status quo. Career politicians of both parties have been there too long and have become totally corrupted…looking out only for themselves. Who cares who they endorse? With the approval rate for Congress hovering around 14%, it’s time to clean them all out and start over. Trump attacking the establishment will be well received.
The election is completely rigged against Trump or any other candidate who threatens the status quo, which is why the Republican Party has never supported Trump. Both parties are owned by the same corporations who really run America. We are no longer the United States of America. We are the United Corporations of America. Their goal is profits, regardless of the damage done to this country. Jobs outsourced to third-world countries, continuous war, which is the most profitable business on earth along with energy and banking, and all power concentrated in a central federal government. They want you to vote for the candidate who will keep things just the way they are: the rich get richer; the poor get poorer and America gets weaker and in more debt. The media is campaigning for the Clintons and acts like Hilary’s personal public relations agency. Corruption is everywhere and the media is part of it. It would take a miracle for Trump to win. Rome was destroyed internally through insatiable greed and corruption before outside forces crushed it. History repeats.
The Republicans and Fox “News” created this monster…let them now live with it!!
What Trump apparently doesn’t realize is that even if he somehow wins (unlikely) he’ll be facing a congress that is unlikely to help him, no matter which party controls. Yes, I’d like to see our political system blown up as I think it is totally corrupt but I also have doubts that this man can do it on his own.