‘Beauty and the Beast’ dances off with top box-office spot

Dan Stevens as The Beast, left, and Emma Watson as Belle in a live-action adaptation of the animated classic “Beauty and the Beast.”

A scene from, “Power Rangers.”

LOS ANGELES >> Disney’s live-action “Beauty and the Beast” has continued to enchant audiences in its second weekend in theaters.
Studio estimates say the film added $88.3 million to its total this weekend, down only 49 percent from its massive debut. The box-office juggernaut has earned $317 million to date from North American theaters.
In a distant second, Lionsgate’s “Power Rangers” opened with a strong $40.5 million. The PG-13 reboot of the campy television show cost a reported $100 million to produce.
Not so mighty were the totals for the two R-rated films that opened this weekend. Warner Bros.’ raunchy action comedy “CHIPS” and Sony’s space thriller “Life” failed to gain much traction.
“Life” earned $12.6 million, while the critically derided “CHIPS” brought in $7.6 million.