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The City Council’s proposed shopping-cart bill is punitive and not helpful (“Honolulu City Council pushes fines, jail for shopping cart violations,” Star-Advertiser, Sept. 10). If we really want to help homeless people, creative and positive ideas are needed.
One letter suggested the city provide lockers, another that students design more useful carts (“Shopping cart bill just criminalizes homeless,” Star-Advertiser, Sept. 16; “Provide a better cart for houseless to use,” Star-Advertiser, Sept. 22).
If we really want to be helpful, crazy- sounding ideas should not be automatically dismissed. Many homeless folks are responsible people who by circumstance find themselves on the street. What if the city identified them and worked with them to help coordinate helping others? Who better to help than those who know the ropes? How about a cart loan program with stations around the city where other kinds of help could be available if desired?
History tells us that Hawaii’s response to homelessness has not changed for 100 years. What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and getting the same negative result. Let’s try to minimize homelessness and help homeless folks by thinking creatively and positively.
Bob Kern
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