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Michael Tsai

Michael Tsai

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Residents return to Leilani Estates

The barricades that once blocked entry into the Leilani Estates emergency evacuation zone were gone Saturday as residents long separated from their homes made their way back along the familiar roads of the Lower Puna subdivision. Read more

Head of La Pietra finds direction in exploring the uncharted

During a recent eighth-grade English class at La Pietra School for Girls, in a class discussion on Iranian author Marjane Satrapi’s autobiographical graphic novel “Persepolis,” head of school Josh Watson broached the idea of revolution and whom, should conditions ever merit, the students might look to overthrow. Read more

Isle woman finds healing in waters of inclusion

When Ann Yoshida was yet a budding surfer, she and her friends would spend long hours honing their wave-riding skills along the North Shore — a bold choice for recreation given the legendary power of the area surf and, not insignificantly, the conspicuous lack of feminine presence in the lineups. Read more

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