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Obama dines with CNN’s Anthony Bourdain in Vietnam

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President Barack Obama greeted women at the door as he walked from Bún chả Hương Liên restaurant after having dinner with chef Anthony Bourdain, today, in Hanoi, Vietnam.

NEW YORK » President Barack Obama dined in Hanoi, Vietnam, today with CNN personality Anthony Bourdain, whose “Parts Unknown” food travelogue is one of the network’s most popular nonfiction series.

Bourdain met with Obama to discuss the purpose of Obama’s trip to Asia and his interest in the people, food and culture of Vietnam, CNN said.

A huge crowd gathered outside the restaurant Bun cha Huong Lien, then let out a cheer when the president came out. Obama shook a lot of hands and waved repeatedly before vanishing into the motorcade.

Bourdain later tweeted that the meal cost $6, and he picked up the check.

Bourdain’s show has been on CNN since 2013. For each episode the chef travels to a different part of the world to explore that area’s culture, primarily by sharing in the area’s distinct native cuisine.

The interview with Obama will be featured in the eighth season of “Parts Unknown,” which begins in September.



18 responses to “Obama dines with CNN’s Anthony Bourdain in Vietnam”

  1. Keonigohan says:

    Free lunch.

  2. justmyview371 says:

    Obama just wanted more face time on TV.

  3. juscasting says:

    Looks Pho combination, side summah rolls, rice! Yummy!

  4. cojef says:

    Slumming with TV Chef Boudain in Hanoi! WOW, bet it made that restaurant famous as the only one where the POTUS dined that cost $6. Wonder if he is going claim that as expenses on his travel voucher like us peon? Or more like Kenoi except it is kind of low. Local boy likes a massage between his legs with his meals.

  5. what says:

    Ha, Obama is sitting on a cheap 99 cent plastic stool. What’s “Chef” Bourdain doing? I don’t think Bourdain has been a “Chef” for quite a while now.

  6. bombay2101 says:

    This is news?

  7. den says:

    was always a fan of Bourdain’s show, but what a score for him to land Obama.

  8. bleedgreen says:

    Vietnam is Anthony Bordain’s favorite country in the world as he visits there often and would know what to order. I wonder how President Obama enjoyed his meal?

  9. lokela says:

    Bourdain is as raw as they come. Obama certainly would need to have a very open mind when conversing with Bourdain.

  10. Denominator says:

    Obama loves to think of himself as an entertainment idol. If they had been hanging together, they would have gone for shots and a Presidential tat.

  11. Mr Mililani says:

    There is a restaurant in Saigon that has a picture of Bill Clinton posted. He visited there and the restaurant has done great business ever since. I guess this place will be successful too and maybe they will raise their prices to $7 for dinner which was probably pho. Bac Nam on South King is probably the best restaurant for Vietnamese food on Oahu.
    A TV station in Japan did a story about them a few years ago and they had to have menus printed in Japanese. The Star-Advertiser also did a full page story on them some years ago. There was a beauty parlor next door and business has been so great that they opened up the wall and took that area over when that place went out of business. The bar-b-que pork is fantastic with fish sauce on the side. It’s a momma and poppa hole in the wall but everything on the menu is great. It’s very clean but simple. Highly recommended.

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