Hawaii resident among stars of Disney XD’s ‘Next X’

He may only be 11, smack in the middle of grom-hood, but Honolulu resident Heimana Reynolds will show off his skateboarding skills in front of a national TV audience when Disney XD’s “Next X” reality show premieres Monday.
Heimana is one of four contestants — two skateboarders and two BMX riders — competing for time on ESPN’s X Games 16, which takes place from July 29 through Aug. 1 in Los Angeles.
During the show, which has already been filmed and produced, each young athlete was paired with a professional who served as a mentor during the program’s six-week run. The winner was named Next X; Heimana’s pro mentor was Rune Glifberg, a nine-time X Games medalist.
When “Next X” aired last year, it reached 24.7 million viewers, including 4.3 million boys.
“Next X” will air locally at 4:15 p.m. on Oceanic Digital Cable Channel 445.