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Thursday, March 6, 2025 80° Today's Paper

Hawaii News

Crime cameras going up on Oahu

Camera-based crime-fighting is coming to high-crime areas on Oahu thanks to a grant from a major retailer.

The Honolulu Police Department is to announce tomorrow the start of Proj­ect PUEO, or Policing Using Electronic Observation, at a news conference in Waipahu.

Cameras are to be placed in strategically located areas of federally designated Weed and Seed sites in Ewa, Wai­pahu and Kalihi/Palama/Chinatown. The initiative is aimed at deterring graffiti, illegal drinking and drugs, and illegal dumping in the Weed and Seed areas by monitoring and recording crimes in those areas.

PUEO — Hawaiian for "owl" — is made possible by a $100,000 grant from Target’s Safe City Proj­ect.

HPD already uses video cameras to monitor illicit activity in Waikiki and Chinatown. It’s unclear whether those programs will be absorbed by PUEO or operate independently.

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