Obama gets update on presidential library

One possible location in the Kakaako district of Honolulu to be considered for the Barack Obama Presidential Library. (AP Photo/Eugene Tanner)
CHICAGO >> President Barack Obama is getting an update about the competition to pick a site for his future presidential library.
Obama stopped by his family’s home on Chicago’s South Side while in town to designate a national monument and campaign for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s re-election.
The Barack Obama Foundation, a nonprofit, is choosing from four universities that made the short list. The White House said the board chairman, Marty Nesbitt, and other members of the foundation team briefed Obama on Thursday.
But a foundation official said no final recommendation was being made to the president. The official wasn’t authorized to comment by name and requested anonymity.
The University of Chicago, the University of Illinois at Chicago, Columbia University in New York and the University of Hawaii in Honolulu are competing. Last week the Chicago Park District approved transferring 20 acres to the city, to be leased to the foundation if Chicago gets the library. Emanuel intervened to secure the land after the foundation let it be known it was concerned that the University of Chicago couldn’t secure access to its proposed sites.