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American Red Cross apologizes for ‘racist’ poster

DENVER » The American Red Cross issued an apology today for a water safety poster that some suggested had a racist message.

The cartoon poster showed children playing in a swimming pool. Nearly all of the white children’s activities were labeled as “cool,” while the children of color were depicted acting in unsafe ways and were labeled “not cool.”

KUSA-TV talked to Margaret Sawyer, who first saw the poster in Salida, Colorado, and then again in Fort Morgan, Colorado.

She said she first thought it was outdated — that it couldn’t be a recent poster.

A Red Cross spokesman says the posters have since been removed and more appropriate material is being developed.

22 responses to “American Red Cross apologizes for ‘racist’ poster”

  1. HRS134 says:

    Don’t understand what all of the fuss is about. It’s a frigg’n poster. People are too darn sensitive these days….

    • klastri says:

      Let me take a guess …. you’re not black?

      • HRS134 says:

        My race is irrelevant. When I was growing up I was taught to ignore offensive things people said. If people grew thicker skin, the world wold be a better place.

        • klastri says:

          Of course it doesn’t matter what color your skin is!

          Let me guess …. Trump supporter?

      • Allaha says:

        Let me a guess: You are. Meanwhile the insistence that the color of the skin matters is false. What matters are crime statistics and they are the reason for racism and should be suppressed.

        • klastri says:

          Not really, no. Racism is caused by ignorance and personality defects. Racism follows along with poor achievement in life, poor or no education, and bad parenting.

          Take a look in the mirror.

    • WizardOfMoa says:

      Yep! Have to watch everything we say or do because someone somewhere will be offended or find it offensive! Funny what happen to our democracy it seems to have metamorphosis to an autocracy!

      • klastri says:

        You think that racism is connected to the system of government?

        How exactly did you come up with that analysis?

        • peanutgallery says:

          You’ve had your head in the sand for the last 8 years?

        • serious says:

          I just filled out a government form yesterday and for gender you had to mark male or female–not none of the above or all of the above. Wait until Obama sees that!!! Our world is not the same since——-.

        • laeboy says:

          Come on Klastri!!! Stop with all your useless nonsense no one cares what you think.

        • klastri says:

          laeboy – I already suggested that you not read my comments. Take that advice or leave it.

          I could not care less what your opinion is.

        • Allaha says:

          The real reason that Blacks are being discriminated is not posters or anything like that but the crime statistics and social conduct like teen pregnacy, kids produced out of wedlock, highschool drop out rate and such.

        • klastri says:

          Allaha – I think your comment is more a reflection of your remarkable ignorance than your lying.

          Blacks were the target of discrimination for hundreds of years in this country, before they had the opportunity to commit crime or have babies out of wedlock. They weren’t allowed to vote, not allowed to serve on juries, couldn’t attend school, were lynched, were prevented from applying for jobs and housing – the list goes on and on.

          You just don’t understand any of that, which is very sad for an adult. But your attitude isn’t a surprise. You very rarely construct a sentence or a paragraph without spelling errors, syntax errors, or punctuation errors. So the fact that you’re a racist fits the mold.

          The government sanctioned oppression of those people, and the spectacular ignorance of racists, resulted in the conditions we find today.

        • 808HRW says:

          klastri, you said, “they weren’t allowed to vote, not allowed to serve on juries, couldn’t attend school, were lynched, were prevented from applying for jobs and housing – the list goes on and on.’

          So when can one expect that this will no longer influence, affect, hamper, the development of a certain race/color of people? I fully understand what happened and know that it was awful and absolutely would never condone this type of behavior but it’s been a couple generations since this happened. And if this still affects recently born people of color then tell that to all the black millionaires in business, sports, doctors, lawyers, scientist, bankers, politicians etc. Someone forgot to tell the educated, successful, rich ones that they aren’t suppose to be educated or successful due to their color of their skin.

        • klastri says:

          808HRW – A couple of generations? There are people alive today, who I work with, who were not allowed to vote as young men.

          What are you talking about?

    • allie says:

      wrong. It is a silly and degrading poster. I ams surprised that the Red Cross would be so stupid and insensitive. This kind of poster is what many of the Hawaiian Sovs. would put out but with whites and Asians as the ones doing something wrong.

  2. Cricket_Amos says:

    There also appears to be genderism in the poster.

    Of the 5 acts labelled “Not Cool” 4 of them are being done by boys and only 1 by a girl.

  3. ALLDUNN says:

    Man some of you need to get a LIFE and stop trying to find fault with everything.

  4. ryan02 says:

    If this is supposed to reflect real life, and based on the horrible brats I’ve seen at swimming pools, EVERY child would be labelled “not cool.”

    • gmejk says:

      True. A lot of kids (not all) act like spoiled, entitled brats. And when you call them on their poor behavior you get a bunch of attitude and excuses. Some will not be able to deal with reality when they get older.

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