Poll: Most young people dislike GOP’s Trump, say he’s racist
NEW YORK >> Donald Trump is wildly unpopular among young adults, in particular young people of color, and nearly two-thirds of Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 believe the presumptive Republican nominee is racist.
That’s the finding of a new GenForward poll that also found just 19 percent of young people have a favorable opinion of Trump compared to the three-quarters of young adults who hold a dim view of the New York billionaire.
Trump’s likely general election opponent, Hillary Clinton, is also unpopular with young people, but not nearly to the same extent as the real estate mogul and realty TV star. A mere 6 percent of young African Americans, 10 percent of young Hispanics, 12 percent of young Asian Americans and 27 percent of young whites see Trump in a favorable light, ratings that suggest the celebrity businessman faces a staggering task this summer to win their backing in his bid for the White House.
“I think if you want to be a moral young person, you can’t support Trump,” said Miguel Garcia, 20, of Norwalk, California.
The grandson of Mexican immigrants and a college student who also works at a tire shop, Garcia is a registered Democrat who has not chosen a candidate to support this fall — but is resolute in his disdain for Trump.
“It’s really hard to back anything Trump does,” Garcia said. “He just says prejudiced stuff.”
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GenForward is a survey by the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago with the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research . The first-of-its-kind poll pays special attention to the voices of young adults of color, highlighting how race and ethnicity shape the opinions of the country’s most diverse generation.
The GenForward survey is a poll of adults between the age of 18 and 30, not necessarily registered or likely voters. Those surveyed may not end up voting, or casting a ballot for either major party candidate for president.
The poll found that only 39 percent of young people have a favorable opinion of Clinton to 54 percent who have an unfavorable view of the presumptive Democratic nominee.
Desiree Batista, a former supporter of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, said she was “picking the lesser of two evils” in backing Clinton, a decision she reached in part because she believes Trump “was unqualified” to be president.
“I just don’t think he’s fit to be a presidential candidate,” said Batista, a 21-year-old college student from Colonia, New Jersey. “I understand people like him as a businessman, even though I don’t feel the same way.”
The depth of animosity toward Trump among young Americans may be driven by the two-thirds of those who believe he is racist. That includes nearly 6 in 10 whites, and more than three-quarters of African Americans, Hispanics and Asians.
Trump launched his campaign last summer by accusing some immigrants from Mexico of being rapists and bringing drugs into the country. He later vowed to temporarily bar foreign Muslims from entering the U.S., a position from which he has recently backed away.
“Clearly, from what Trump has said he can be categorized as racist,” said Barrett Coleman, a 28-year-old graduate student from Richmond, Virginia, who is supporting Clinton. “His comments about Mexicans, in particular, are just awful.”
A Trump’s spokeswoman did not return messages seeking comment about the GenForward poll, which found he does have some supporters among young people. Nour El Hanly, a 20-year-old student from Chicago, is a Muslim of Moroccan descent who said he found Clinton “corrupt” and will “continue failing Obama policies.”
“I do not favor all of (Trump’s) rhetoric, but he’s a smart businessman who will help the nation’s economy,” said El Hanly, a Republican. He said he favored Trump’s plan to strengthen security along the U.S. border with Mexico, but doesn’t think Trump will follow through on any sort of plan to bar Muslims from the country.
“Most of my friends don’t agree, but I think he is the best choice,” he said.
Still, the poll found little common ground between young Americans and Trump. About 7 in 10 oppose Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban Muslims from other countries from entering the United States. Seven in 10 oppose his plan to build a wall along the U.S. southern border. Six in 10 say immigrants in the country illegally should be allowed to stay, including large majorities of young Hispanics, African-Americans and Asian-Americans and about half of young whites.
Nathan Mclendon, a 22-year-old African-American independent, said he doesn’t believe Trump can relate to the concerns of young voters or people of color.
“He doesn’t understand what we’re going through. He’s not focused on equality,” said Mclendon, of Tampa, Florida. “I don’t find him trustworthy. And I’m not sure he cares.”
The poll of 1,965 adults age 18-30 was conducted June 14-27 using a sample drawn from the probability-based GenForward panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. young adult population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 3.8 percentage points.
The survey was paid for by the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago using grants from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Ford Foundation.
Respondents were first selected randomly using address-based sampling methods, and later interviewed online or by phone.
60 responses to “Poll: Most young people dislike GOP’s Trump, say he’s racist”
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he is a racist and bigot. he will lose badly.
It’s amazing how the sheep are led to the edge. The media is all over Trump, and young voters have no idea how corrupt the Clintons are. They blindly follow the progressive lead like lambs to the slaughter. You deserve what you get.
Republican’s are embarrassed by Donald Trump.
Dems are not embarassed with their proven corrupt, deceitful, above-the-law, American Blood on her hands candidate.
11 million Americans would like to see illegal immigrants deported. That would solve a lot of problems.
Perhaps, yet the staggeringly more important question is, to who?
Mr. Trump is a hateful, bigoted, racist, xenophobic buffoon.
It’s disgraceful that Americans support him.
I’m thankful that he is going to suffer an embarrassing defeat in the general election. Hopefully, that will shut him up forever.
Hillary for prison. Bernie bigot. Trump for President. “Make America Great Again”
Libs believe in a proven deceitful, lying, American Blood on her hands (LIED to Amb Stevens, Smith, Doherty & Woods families that it was a video when it is a fact she knew it was a planned terrorist attack, she even told chelsea) most corrupt person to run for the office.
The Donald is not a racist as the Lib MSM make him out to be.
The evidence is overwhelming. Of the many examples is an African American former Trump Casino employee who has given his name on record that when Trump arrived at his casino he was told not to show his face in front of Trump. To convince people that Trump is not racist you will need to convince that Michael Richards, Mel Gibson, Paula Dean and George Allen (‘macaca’ moment)are all not racists as well. Good luck on that one. FoxNew’s Hannity, Bolling and all the rest are trying like to heck to convince their viewers that Trump is not racist, just very outspoken, but the people they need to sway to make Trump the next Pres of the US are not convinced. Also was seriously willing to bet anyone a vanilla ice cream cone with white chocolate only that Trump’s VP running mate will be Caucasian and most likely male. After Obama for 8 years and the increased racial tensions in the US, can see why Trump is attractive for many to want to put white back in the White House but going in the exactly opposite direction would be just as bad. Would have preferred Kasich or even Romney who learned from his mistakes with Rubio or Fiorina as VP but with Trump as the Repub candidate, he will lose the swing states, hence he will lose to Hillary who now has the endorsement of Bernie Sanders. George Will had the best advice; Repubs need to accept and take the loss that Hilldog will be the next Pres of the US and in 4 years hopefully the Repub will be rid Trump who really has set the Repub party back at least 4 years, possibly more.
Donald is doing just fine and gaining in the polls. Check out Lou Dobbs on Fox. Hillary lied and four men died. Vince Foster, IRS, White Water, IRS, classified emails, Clinton Foundation and the list is endless. How can you possibly vote for a criminal? “Make America Great Again” Trump 2016
Well, there’s no real evidence he’s a racist OR a bigot (Vote is still out on buffoon). However, as to Clinton’s certainty of winning, not so fast:
“Did Donald Trump really just surge past Hillary Clinton in two of the election’s most important battlegrounds?
New swing-state polls released Wednesday by Quinnipiac University show Trump leading Clinton in Florida and Pennsylvania — and tied in the critical battleground state of Ohio. In three of the states that matter most in November, the surveys point to a race much closer than the national polls, which have Clinton pegged to a significant, mid-single-digit advantage over Trump, suggest.” Politico
Given how bad he is, how could this be? It could be because Ms. Clinton is a corrupt, incompetent, venal, greedy, unappealing, congenital liar, to the extent that she can’t seem to stop misrepresenting the truth. Now, buffoonish as Trump is, it should worry us to note what Clinton will do BEFORE being elected. One has to wonder what she would feel free to do AFTER being elected.
In a way it boils down to this. Trump is a giant question mark, Clinton, certain disaster.
Excellent points and well informed.
And, she’s going through some cash 10-1. Klastri, boots, all her supporters better whip out that checkbook. Wall Street is not returning her calls. Speaking engagements have vanished.
Need Evidence? With Trump’s “unfair Mexican judge” rant of a federal judge who was born in Indiana and an AMERICAN, Congressman Paul Ryan stated that Trump’s statement was a “textbook racist” comment. He should know as many consider him very knowledgeable, intelligent and clearly a Caucasian like Trump. There is plenty more evidence as well.
Paul Ryan? Really? A fallacious appeal to authority no doubt.
Mrs. Trump is a hateful, bigoted, racist, xenophobic buffoon,liar, dishonest under oath,pandered, corrupt,,,the disgraces are too numerous.
It’s disgraceful that Americans support her.
I’m thankful that sbe is going to suffer an embarrassing defeat in the general election. Hopefully, that will stop her lousing ways forever.
Did the Donald have sex change? Otherwise, this is a pretty good description of Mr. Trump.
Hilliary wears the pantsuit in that family.
Klastri, Clinton is outspending Trump 10-1 yet Trumps poll numbers are improving. In some States he has actually taken a lead. What can your candidate do to stem and turn the tide?
Trumps face will be a rash red after NOVEMBER elections. He will not need his daily MIAMI TAN BOOTH.
NB…did you find the backup on your claim that I said bad things about Chief Kealoha & the HPD yet?
K neva seen you in Nanaz. ? When you coming brah?
NB I’ll take it as an apology, accepted. Bro..coming where?
This whole pres. election is like something out of the twilight zone.
Twilight zone, World Wrestling Federation edition.
DNC too.
Oh and ” APPRENTICE “.
Let’s hope young voters — especially first-timers — will recognize the importance of their votes this year. I first had the opportunity to vote in 1970, a mid-term election. I not only voted, but actively campaigned for a City Council candidate, learning politics literally “from the seat of my pants” as a dog bit me while I was canvassing in Manoa.
Now I’m pushing makua age, but young people have their entire adult lives ahead of them. It’s really critical for you guys and gals to get involved and determine which way your country will go — you’ll have to live with the results longer than I will! We need your idealism and involvement … and you need to learn the way things work in politics so you can figure out how to make them better.
Sadly, if reports on millennials are anywhere near correct, our youth have the political IQ of a bag of hammers.
Is that better than a box of dull nails? 🙂
politically motivated story- no reason to print outrageous defaming junk like this- just not
I agree, since the facts and truth point to the most bigoted President in history,before since the years before the civil war. AND the WH and Dem party under Downhill will continue this by heralding such hate groups such as Black Lives Matter and making Mexican Illegals superior to all other peoples, both domestic and foreign.
The Dem polit-bureua claims sovereignty(have a secure border) and security(vet people coming from ISIS and AlKaida areas, is “racist” Baloney!
Younger, Middle Aged or Old. It seems as though Trump has everyone hating on him. Either it’s propaganda or the haters love government handouts. A person with common sense is now a racist? Can’t wait for the riots to begin. No food stamps, no jobs to pay back student loans and retirement accounts seized to support the bail in’s. Here’s to you Hillary!
I TRUST Trump to protect my family.
I DO NOT TRUST hiLIARy…..ask Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty & Tyrone Woods families about trust & hiLIARy.
The five cops killed In Dallas. She is dirty. Always playing the sex and race cards. She’s toxic. No credibility.
Each candidate is the best reason to elect the other, but you have to look at who would do the most and deepest damage to America, and that person is HilLIARy. She is a third term of the terrible Obama, who has divided America, and depleted American influence globally. HilLIARy would continue to weaken America further. NeverHilLIARy!
If O claims to be the most transparent admin in history I hate to see what a hiLIARy admin would look like.
I feel it usually takes several years if not a few decades for an average citizen to get to really understand the world of politics if they so choose to educate themselves just a little in the matter. The spins on issues, the unanswered questions, the behind the scenes lobbying, the empty promises of things we want to hear, and the out and out lies…these are just some of the things the things an average voter, who is willing to do their homework before casting a vote, must wade through. It is also a good idea to gather information from different sources and not from any specific media outlet. Hate to say it but many of the young and inexperienced voters are too gullible.
“The GenForward poll of young adults is a survey by the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago”
Nuff said.
Excellent post. When I see a poll I immediately look to see the source.
IMHO I could care less on this SA-AP article.
New Quinnipiac poll___Swing States. Donald has taken the Lead in Florida! See story on USA Today. Yaaayyyyyyyyy! Go Donald!
All i can say to these young “whipper snappers”,is educate yourselves! This is one of the issues that puzzles me,that Donald is a “Racist”.
How is The Donald racist? Because he’s concerned for our safety?Hmmmmmm, So let’s educate ourselves OK?
The Temporary Ban: Would be to “Properly Vet” Immigrants coming from the middle east.Hot zones like Syria. We really don’t know who these people folks.Let’s do this the right way,not the stupid way.
Educate yourselves:
We all know that ISIS is using this mass Migration to infiltrate other countries with hidden ISIS Terrorist cells. And the Obama Admin. is allowing thousands of these Syrians coming into our country? Where’s the safety in that! Remember he swore to uphold an oath. To serve and protect from foreign and domestic?
Educate yourselves:
Mexico: One of the largest,2nd to Asians,who come here Illegally. And just Overstay their Visa’s and simply blend-into our society. The Drug Cartels & their Drug Dealers,Felons, Murders.Who are reeking havoc to our country by killing our families and children with these crimes and drugs that are over flowing into our borders? So building a “Wall ” and having Mexico pay for it,is unreasonable?
Is this the Racism The Democrats are talking about?
We have a border and we have a process to receive Legal immigrants.Legally! After all we are a country of immigrants, but coming to the USA any other way is just plain Illegal!
Is this the Democrats “Mantra”? Because , the only ones citing racism these days are the Liberal Democrats. (Both Hillary and Bernies Supporters). Remember this…..If they disagree with you on anything! From expressing your second amendment rights, to you being a Racist,a Homophobe, a Zenophobes and a whole truck load of “Phobes”.You know you are dealing with a liberal Democrat….. This is their strategy.So stay calm.
So when you hear these words,remember who you’re up agaisnt,that these are Truly “The Uneducated”.IMUA
a real racist takes action to remove the personal freedom of people the racist fears. a real racist calls the targeted population one with “no conscience, no empathy, . . . we have to bring them to heel.” a real racist labels inner city black youths “super predators” and seeks extended mandatory prison sentences for them.
hiliar, a real racist, manipulated the public’s fear and intentionally caused a bill to be passed that punished black youths with extended sentencing. that’s how a real racist acts.
Yes, I agree. Pandering to the Latino and Blacks to get their votes sounds racist to me. She is using and abusing them.
When someone calls you a racist their reason is bc they have no or have run out of substance/facts to debate you with. Their last resort is to use the race card to try and shut you up.
I’ve been called a racist when I said O is half black half white.
Exactly, growing up in Hawaii as an Asian you quickly learned what was socially and politically correct. What jobs were open to you. What race you could date. We’ve come a long way despite what Obama says.
Okay, someone please fill me in, without being snarkey, please. I am really curious.
Hawaii is a progressive state and most people probably support Hillary.
Why is there so much hate for her in the Star–Advertiser forums, and so much passion for Trump?
I am really curious.
I’ll try.
1. Actually in the Dem primary HI Dems voted for Bernie overwhelmingly. Because Hil.is corrupt, dishonest. in the tank with Wall Street Banks and doled out favors for cash(see all the foreign donations and results during her Sec. State TERM.
2.As much as you may think everyone kisses the ground O. walks on. in almost every metric the country does not like what he’s done AND Hil promises to continue that.
3.Because of corruption, Hil. is treated with a different legal metric. We,just folks, would all be in jail many times over for what she’s done.People feel the injustice and unfairness.
4.She denies over and over that she had anything to do with Bengazi, but many discoveries point to her and a massive cover-up. People want, again, the truth, justice and accountability for something horrible that happened.
She’s crooked. For starters just google Clinton and the FBI, IG, Whitewater, DNA, BLM, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Wall Street, Clinton Foundation, Banks, Savings & Loans, Oversight, Attorney General, Bill, Secret Service agents, Arkansas corruption, Rose Law, Benghazi, e mails, private server, careless, negligent.
I think you guys who are describing Hillary as “crooked” have listed the the Republican partisans a bit too much.
The “New Yorker” recently ran an article saying that Hillary became very defensive after Kenneth Star started his partisan witch hunt to get the Clintons at any cost:
You might want to read the article (if you have time) before commenting in order to have a civil, meaningful discussion.
The thing that bothers me most about this election is, more than any other I can recall, the candidate who will win will be the one who is disliked least by the voting public. That’s pretty sad.
We can all avoid the impending gloom by selecting an honorable, successful, and experienced candidate. Vote Johnson!
The candidate that most people liked won the last two elections and that didn’t turn out very well. Time to try something different. “Make America Great Again” since “Hope and Change” didn’t work.
Didn’t turn out well for sarge. It’s okay for the majority
democrat party puts too much emphasis on electing another first whatever to president.
we should be trying to elect the best candidate for president.
This election really does come down to choosing the lesser of 2 evils. Neither candidate is worthy of the post, best you can do is vote your conscious.
I don’t a darn thing about the libertarian running but will likely vote for him anyway in protest.
Excellent. This cycle, more than ever before, a huge amount of voters feel just like you do. Justifiably. And enough protest votes equals a president.
Why would any educated person go with the same (clinton) knowing the it does not work? DUH!!!!….shows how ignorant people are in politics.
Ummm….people failing to follow the lawful orders of a cop are dying, because…well, they aren’t following the lawful orders of a cop. Follow the ordersand you won’t get shot. Disregard the orders and do something threatening, then the bad genes are eliminated from the gene pool…regardless what color their skin color is.