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Clinton picks Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, a centrist, as running mate

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Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign event at the Florida State Fairgrounds Entertainment Hall today.

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In this July 14 photo, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, accompanied by Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., speaks at a rally at Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale, Va.

TAMPA, Fla. >> Hillary Clinton named Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine as her vice presidential running mate today, adding a centrist former governor of a crucial battleground state to the Democratic ticket.

In a text message to supporters, the presumptive Democratic nominee said, “I’m thrilled to tell you this first: I’ve chosen Sen. Tim Kaine as my running mate.”

On Twitter a few seconds later, Clinton described Kaine as “a man who’s devoted his life to fighting for others.”

Kaine himself tweeted, “I’m honored to be her running mate.” The two will make their first appearance together Saturday at a rally in Miami.

Clinton’s decision caps a highly secretive, months-long process to find a political partner. Clinton called Kaine by phone around 7:30 p.m. today to offer him the job, and he accepted, according to a campaign aide. She then called President Barack Obama to inform him of the decision.

Kaine, 58, had long been a favorite for Clinton’s ticket. Active in the Senate on foreign relations and military affairs, he built a reputation for working across the aisle as Virginia’s governor and as mayor of Richmond. He’s also fluent in Spanish, which could help the campaign appeal to many Hispanic Americans who have been turned off by Republican Donald Trump’s harsh rhetoric about immigrants.

Clinton was weighing two finalists: Kaine and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, a longtime friend of the candidate and former President Bill Clinton. Kaine’s strong ties to Virginia, a crucial general election battleground, and his foreign policy experience put him over the top, according to a person close to the campaign, who insisted on anonymity because the person was not authorized to discuss the process publicly.

Both men had friends and allies lobbying the Clinton campaign on their behalf. But Kaine had a particularly powerful backer: Obama, who told the campaign during the selection process that he believed the senator would be a strong choose.

Trump, in a text to his own supporters, said Obama, Hillary and Kaine were “the ultimate insiders” and implored voters to not “let Obama have a 3rd term.”

Kaine is viewed skeptically by some liberals in the Democratic Party, who dislike his support of free trade and Wall Street. They pushed Clinton to pick Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren or Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, intensifying their criticism of Kaine late this week as his selection appeared imminent.

Stephanie Taylor, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, said today that Kaine’s support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact gives Republicans “a new opening to attack Democrats on this economic populist issue.”

Clinton’s campaign largely declined to comment on the search process, trying to keep the details — even the names of the finalists — under wraps to try to maximize the impact of their announcement. She made no mention of her impending pick during a somber meeting today with community leaders and family members affected by the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando and a later campaign rally in Tampa.

As Clinton prepared to make her VP pick today, Trump met with supporters at his convention hotel in Cleveland to run through a long list of thank-yous after the end of his four-day coronation as head of the Republican Party.

But rather than stay focused on Clinton or reach out to the general election voters he now must court, the newly minted Republican nominee spent considerable time stoking the fire of his bitter quarrel with Republican former rival Ted Cruz. “Ted, stay home,” Trump said, dismissing any interest in an endorsement the Texas senator refuses to provide. “Relax. Enjoy yourself.”

Trump boasted of his TV ratings, his primary victories and other achievements, including winning over his wife, Melania, in a stream-of-consciousness delivery with his vice presidential nominee, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, standing quietly nearby.

“I don’t do anything unless I win,” Trump insisted. He promised to work “so hard” as the nominee and vowed his campaign was “not going to disappear,” even though he has no plans to campaign this weekend and no events on his schedule for next week.

No matter, perhaps, as that time will belong to Clinton and the Democrats, whose own convention begins Monday in Philadelphia. Kaine, who won election to the Senate in 2012 after serving as Obama’s first chairman of the Democratic National Committee, will likely speak in the slot reserved for the vice presidential pick on Wednesday night.

Before entering politics, Kaine was an attorney who specialized in civil rights and fair housing. He learned Spanish during a mission trip to Honduras while in law school, an experience he still references on the campaign trail. During his political career, he’s demonstrated an ability to woo voters across party lines, winning his 2006 gubernatorial race with support in both Democratic strongholds and traditionally Republican strongholds.

His wife, Anne Holton, is the daughter of a former Virginia governor, a former state judge and, currently, the state’s Education Secretary. The couple has three children.

Clinton’s plans to pick Kaine, hinted at for several days leading up to today’s announcement, had been viewed as a safe choice against the Republican ticket of Trump and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence.

Some Democrats believe Trump’s selection of Pence, a conservative white man from a largely Republican state, freed Clinton from pressure to add another woman or minority to her ticket. Her short list included Warren, two Latino cabinet secretaries and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, one of two black U.S. senators.

Democrats argue that Kaine could help her woo moderate and even some Republican voters turned off by Trump’s provocative rhetoric, which was at the center of his 75-minute Thursday night acceptance speech. Trump pledged to restore a sense of public safety, strictly curb immigration and save the nation from Clinton’s record of “death, destruction, terrorism and weakness.”

Democrats offered a different assessment of the state of the nation. Obama said today that Trump painted a picture that “doesn’t really jibe with the experience with most people.”

At a White House news conference with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, Obama said crime rates, especially those for violent crime, are lower than at any time in the past 30 years. He noted violent crime has recently risen in some cities, “but we’re not going to make good decisions based on fears that don’t have a basis in fact.”

Kaine got some practice challenging Trump’s message when he campaigned with Clinton last week in northern Virginia, where he spoke briefly in Spanish and offered a strident assault on Trump’s White House credentials.

“Do you want a ‘you’re fired’ president or a ‘you’re hired’ president?” Kaine asked in Annandale, Va., as Clinton nodded. “Do you want a trash-talking president or a bridge-building president?”

30 responses to “Clinton picks Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, a centrist, as running mate”

  1. iwanaknow says:

    Should a picked someone from LGBT pool?…..maybe the Mayor of Salt Lake City Utah or that gay Pay-pal billionaire?

    • lespark says:

      I hope the PayPal guy donates a couple of million to Trump.

      • HIE says:

        On that point…where are all the Trumpzis who said he was such a great candidate precisely because he was self-funding his campaign? He’s just like EVERY SINGLE POLITICIAN! He’s schmoozing…and owing…billionaire donors. He’s using a teleprompter just like every other politician, even though not using one was another thing Trumpzis said made him different. He’s been able to actually reach up and pull the wool over all the sheep who baa and clap at his ridiculous speeches.

        • klastri says:

          Mr. Trump was lying about that from Day One. He never financed his own campaign. It was all a mirage that his supporters didn’t get. Sad and pathetic.

  2. lespark says:

    Word is she had to get down on her knees and beg him, it was that bad. Nobody wants to be in the same room with her she’s so toxic. Pocahontas told her nothing personal but thanks but no thanks.

  3. Oahuan says:

    Perfect lapdog for Hillary.

    • lespark says:

      I wouldn’t sit on her lap.

    • BlueEyedWhiteDevil says:

      Yup, and a real lapdog for the muslim brotherhood too.
      As governor of VA, he appointed a Muslim American Society (MAS) head to the state immigration commission.
      Omeish is his name, Omeish was also head of the MSA, muslime students association, and ISNA, another Ikhwan front group. Fits right in with the shrieking harridan and her naive islamic outlook.

  4. MoiLee says:

    Good pick! At least he speaks fluent Spanish. And knows how to “shake it ,shake it.But seriously?
    This just seals the deal and will only make it easier for Donald J.Trump. Had she picked New Jersey Mayor Gary Booker? Than I would more concerned and say “Houston we have a Problem”.lol

  5. justmyview371 says:

    Great decision. I NEVER HEARD of him.

  6. atilter says:

    ummmmm – i am and never was a very big fan of “kool-aid” – the water flavored with artificial coloring and tons of sugar. i cannot make myself come to drink any of this emptiness. what you make of this comment is your choice.

  7. Boots says:

    I am sure Tim will help Hillary with her enthusiasm problem. lol I am sure Hillary will win in November but it will be much closer than if she had nominated someone else such as Elizabeth Warren or Al Franken. Hillary ever hear No guts, no glory?

    • lespark says:

      What! Hillary has an enthusiasm problem? No way. If you can find a better candidate for POTUS vote for HIM. Speaking of Sports Authority I heard Hillary was in there buying spiked shows, rope, carabiners, .That slope is getting slippery.

    • butinski says:

      Hillary – No guts?? It took plenty of guts to land in a helicopter in Bosnia amidst sniper fire. So intense she had to run for cover. Actually, it was only a welcoming group with flowers by an eight year old girl. Lying Hillary again.

  8. WizardOfMoa says:

    ….and the race begins. See no winner at the end, but two questionable and unimpressive candidates . Their running mates would have been better choices!

  9. Marauders_1959 says:

    She didn’t “pick” him !!!
    All the potential VP candidates drew straws… and he lost.

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