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Suddenly unsure on immigration, Trump trying to clear it up


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke on Aug. 27 in Des Moines, Iowa.

JERSEY CITY, N.J. » It’s been the driving issue of Donald Trump’s campaign. Build a wall along the southern border. Make Mexico pay for it. And expel everyone living in the U.S. illegally with the help of a “deportation force.”

Ten weeks before the election, however, buffeted by conflicting advice from aides and advisers, Trump has seemed to be in full indecision mode.

At a Fox News town hall tall taping last week, in the face of pressing questions, he proceeded to poll the audience at length on the fate of an estimated 11 million people.

Trump is now planning a major speech on Wednesday, during which he’s expected to finally clarify his stance. Supporters are hoping for a strong, decisive showing. But for critics, many already disposed to vote against him, his wavering on what has been his signature issue, seems like a warning that he’s unable to handle a central element of any president’s job — making decisions.

It also underscores how little his Republican campaign has invested in the nitty gritty of outlining what he would do as president, especially when compared with the more detailed plans of his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.

“It’s just puzzling,” said Lanhee Chen, who has served as a policy adviser to several Republican presidential candidates. “This is the issue on which he rose to prominence in the primary and the issue on which he continues to stake much of his campaign.”

From the start, Trump has never been the kind of candidate to pore over thick policy books.

Indeed, he has mocked Clinton on the subject.

“She’s got people that sit in cubicles writing policy all day. Nothing’s ever going to happen. It’s just a waste of paper,” he told Time Magazine in June. “My voters don’t care and the public doesn’t care. They know you’re going to do a good job once you’re there.”

To date, Trump’s campaign has posted just seven policy proposals on his website. There are 38 on Clinton’s site, ranging from efforts to cure Alzheimer’s disease to Wall Street and criminal justice reform.

“I’ve laid out the best I could, the specific plans and ideas that I want to pursue as your president because I have this old-fashioned idea,” Clinton said during a recent speech in Colorado. “When you run for president, you ought to tell people what you want to do as their president.”

Trump’s new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, has said she’s pushing her boss to get more specific. Yet his positions on a host of issues remain vague at best.

For example, while Trump has slammed the Common Core education standards and touts the benefits of local control of education, he has no formal, detailed plans for improving public schools. He talks about student loan debt and the increasing costs of higher education, but has yet to propose solutions. He has teased plans to make childcare more affordable, but has missed his own deadline for unveiling them.

Until recently, however, there has been no doubt about where Trump stood on illegal immigration. The wall was going up — Mexico would have to pay — and those estimated 11 million people living in the country illegally were going to have to leave.

But over the summer, Trump began suggesting in closed-door conversations with Hispanic leaders that he might be open to softening his stance. On August 20, he convened a closed-door round table of Hispanic lawmakers and business leaders, and left some with the same impression. The day after, campaign manager Conway said his position on deportations was “To be determined.”

Trump’s supporters say questions about his recent waffling are overblown. His running mate, Mike Pence, describes him as “a CEO at work” as he consults with various stakeholders.

“You see someone who is engaging the American people, listening to the American people,” Pence told CNN on Sunday. “He is hearing from all sides.”

But Stephen Moore, a conservative economist who has worked with Trump to shape his tax and economic plans, says the vagueness on policies is also by design.

“We want to talk about the big visionary stuff. We don’t want to have a big debate about this loophole, that loophole,” he said. “This is a campaign, it’s not a write-up of a tax bill in the Ways and Means Committee.”

Ari Fleischer, a White House press secretary under George W. Bush, says the confusion that now exists about Trump’s plans for immigration underscores “the risk in electing someone whose candidacy is based on his personality and image, as opposed his experience and policy knowledge.”

While a Trump could succeed as president as a “big picture, set the tone, drive the direction and move the government” kind of leader, Flesher said that would require him to surround himself with a knowledgeable and capable staff.

“But the lesson in how he’s run his campaign — and frankly in how he’s run his businesses — doesn’t give you confidence that he would surround himself with a lot of capable people,” he said.

In addition, Chen said that a President Trump arriving at the White House without detailed plans could be limited in how much he might achieve.

“If you’re not able to hit the ground running, chances are you’re going to run into serious resistance if you sit there studying something for the first 100 days,” he said.

51 responses to “Suddenly unsure on immigration, Trump trying to clear it up”

  1. tod says:

    First! Oh wait, wrong blog.

    • thos says:

      What a load of hogwash!

      Most “plans” do not survive their first brush with implementation and “detailed plans” fare the worst.

      Planning is not the end of the process, but barely even the beginning.

      There is much to be said for tactical savvy, being light on one’s toes and ready to change direction as the unforeseen truth unrolls.

  2. Keonigohan says:

    Trump: Build the WALL (Mexico will PAY for the WALL) and follow the LAW.
    hiLIARy: OPEN BORDERS to ALL, 550% more MidEast Immigrants than O (Black/Hispanic votes not enough need more).

    Mr. Trump will present his policy this Wednesday.
    Rotten hiLIARy….crickets

    • PoiDoggy says:

      Then you’re not looking very hard. Go to hillaryclinton dot com. Select “Issues.” There you see “Immigration Reform.” It says:

      As president, Hillary will:

      Introduce comprehensive immigration reform. Hillary will introduce comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to full and equal citizenship within her first 100 days in office. It will treat every person with dignity, fix the family visa backlog, uphold the rule of law, protect our borders and national security, and bring millions of hardworking people into the formal economy.
      End the three- and 10-year bars. The three- and 10-year bars force families—especially those whose members have different citizenship or immigration statuses—into a heartbreaking dilemma: remain in the shadows, or pursue a green card by leaving the country and loved ones behind.
      Defend President Obama’s executive actions—known as DACA and DAPA—against partisan attacks. The Supreme Court’s deadlocked decision on DAPA was a heartbreaking reminder of how high the stakes are in this election. Hillary believes DAPA is squarely within the president’s authority and won’t stop fighting until we see it through. The estimated 5 million people eligible for DAPA—including DREAMers and parents of Americans and lawful residents—should be protected under the executive actions.
      Do everything possible under the law to protect families. If Congress keeps failing to act on comprehensive immigration reform, Hillary will enact a simple system for those with sympathetic cases—such as parents of DREAMers, those with a history of service and contribution to their communities, or those who experience extreme labor violations—to make their case and be eligible for deferred action.
      Enforce immigration laws humanely. Immigration enforcement must be humane, targeted, and effective. Hillary will focus resources on detaining and deporting those individuals who pose a violent threat to public safety, and ensure refugees who seek asylum in the U.S. have a fair chance to tell their stories.
      End family detention and close private immigration detention centers. Hillary will end family detention for parents and children who arrive at our border in desperate situations and close private immigrant detention centers.
      Expand access to affordable health care to all families. We should let families—regardless of immigration status—buy into the Affordable Care Act exchanges. Families who want to purchase health insurance should be able to do so.
      Promote naturalization. Hillary will work to expand fee waivers to alleviate naturalization costs, increase access to language programs to encourage English proficiency, and increase outreach and education to help more people navigate the process.

      There’s a further link underneath that says “Read the fact sheet.”

      You may not agree with these policy ideas. But you can’t say she hasn’t made them public. No, she’s not saying “Open borders to all.”

  3. klastri says:

    Yet more evidence of Mr. Trump’s inability to hold a thought for more than 30 seconds. For those of you who think there will be a wall, there won’t be. And obviously, Mexico would never pay for anything like that. The President of Mexico said that, emphatically, while he was mildly questioning Mr. Trump’s sanity

    Mr. Trump has no idea what it means to be a sovereign country. He’s a psychotic.

  4. ready2go says:

    When is Trump going to respond to Warren Buffet’s request to show his 2015 IRS tax filing? Why is he avoiding Buffet?

    • sarge22 says:

      Warren Buffoon is in HiLIARy’s pocket. Why should Mr Trump respond to this cricket?

      • Keonigohan says:

        Wonder if Rotten hiLIARy will show her medical records? Within a years time she aged alot.

        • kvlogic says:

          Unlike tax returns, medical records are private. That is federal law.

        • Keonigohan says:

          Wonder what hiLIARy is hiding in her Health records.
          2011, hiLIARy’s Foreign Policy Adviser Jake Sullivan researched drugs used for Parkinson & Alzheimers and reported the results directly to hiLIARy. Google it.

        • klastri says:

          kvlogic – Any person can release his or her own medical records. There is no such law restricting that, so I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Mrs. Clinton has already done that, despite the lying here that says she has not.

        • MillionMonkeys says:

          They should both be screened by a psychologist and release those results.

          One of them will be described as narcissistic, pathologically fabricating facts, and unable to focus on a topic for more than a few minutes. Who would that be?

      • keaukaha says:

        Because he is the bar for the mega rich but has been able to remain grounded.

      • Ikefromeli says:

        I know it’s quite witty and catchy, but cant you even think of your own catch phrase?

        • klastri says:

          And who could be more of a “buffoon” than Mr. Buffett, who has already started giving away money to reach his pledge to donate 95% of his many $ billions to charity.

          The ignorance here is breathtaking. It’s so sad.

        • sarge22 says:

          The same guy that stopped the Keystone Pipeline so his railroads could make more money. He has done well but why should Mr Trump respond to him?

        • sarge22 says:

          Over the past decade, the lack of sufficient pipeline capacity (particularly in North Dakota) has made transporting oil by train increasingly common —and a boon for the rail industry. But those trains sometimes explode, as did one in Heimdal, North Dakota in May of last year. By one tally, there were ten such explosions in two years—including the nightmarish 2013 explosion of an unsupervised train in Lac-Megantic, Quebec, which killed 47 people in their sleep.

          In 2015, Canada’s generally pro-fossil fuel Fraser Institute found that moving fuel by pipeline was 4.5 times safer than doing so by rail. And according to a Fraser representative at the time, “saying ‘No’ to a pipeline is saying ‘Yes’ to rail,” which will “increase the risk to the environment and human health and not decrease it.”

        • klastri says:

          sarge22 – This is just one of many, many articles and interviews about Keystone. Mr. Buffett was, and remains, s strong supporter of the pipeline.

          You are simply unable to write anything truthful. Anything. Ever.

          Mr. Buffett quotes:

          >>The Keystone oil pipeline is good idea for the United States, Warren Buffett said Monday, even though it would take away some business from his Berkshire Hathaway rail subsidiary BNSF.

          The long-delayed leg from Alberta, Canada, to Nebraska should be approved, the billionaire investor told CNBC.
          “I would vote ‘yes,'” Buffett said in a “Squawk Box” interview, but added he has “no idea” if President Barack Obama will approve it.

          “I don’t believe in the Keystone pipeline because of the jobs you’d make building it. You can build anything and create jobs,” he said. “I just believe it’s a useful pipeline.”<< You lie about everything - even things that can be immediately disproven by a 30 second look in the public record.

        • klastri says:

          sarge22 – Mr. Buffett, of course, has been a strong supporter of the Keystone Pipeline. The public record is full of interviews and articles about his support.

          Why do you make up everything that you write?

        • sarge22 says:

          Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has agreed to buy Burlington Northern Santa Fe in a deal valuing the railroad at $34 billion. Berkshire Hathaway already owns about 22% of Burlington Northern, and will pay $100 a share in cash and stock for the rest of the company.

          When President Obama was first running for office, he publicly declared that Warren Buffet was his prime source for economic advice. As CNBC noted in July 2008:

          Barack Obama calls on Warren Buffett, among others, as he turns his attention to the troubled U.S. economy now that he’s returned from his international tour that featured a well-attended speech in Berlin.

          In an interview with Tom Brokaw on NBC’s Meet the Press over the weekend, Obama said that today he would be “pulling together” some of his “core economic advisers” to “examine the policies that we’ve already put forward–a middle class tax cut, a second round of stimulus, a effort to shore up the housing market in addition to the bill that was already passed through Congress, what we need to do in terms of energy and infrastructure.”

          President Obama would soon launch an endless review process that would kick the Keystone oil can down the road until he was ready to kill it, a non-suspicious interval of time having elapsed after economic mentor Warren Buffet would buy the railroad that would replace Keystone XL. So how did Buffett do on his investment and did he profit from buddy Obama’s delaying and then killing the pipeline? Some would say handsomely. As Forbes reported last year:

          His company, Berkshire Hathaway, purchased Burlington Northern Santa Fe for $34 billion four years ago. FORBES estimates its value has doubled since then. Part of the reason: hauling oil out of the Bakken formation of North Dakota.

          Doubling a $34 billion investment in just four years is huge. Warren Buffett is a respected investor but it doesn’t hurt to have the ear of the President as he kills off your competition in oil transport. As Investor’s Business Daily editorialized in January:

          Keystone XL would bring up to 830,000 barrels of oil per day and directly create 20,000 truly shovel-ready jobs. And it would carry not only Canadian oil, but also oil from the Bakken shale formation of North Dakota.

          Even if it carried only Canadian oil to foreign markets, it and the Gulf Coast refineries that would process the oil would be operated not by robots but by American workers. Would President Obama rather live in a world dependent on oil from North America or on oil from the Middle East and OPEC?

    • keaukaha says:

      Because he has too many skeletons in his closet. He will never release his tax returns and if there is one important reason why you shouldn’t vote for him that should be it. His favorite saying is “somethings going on here” and he is absolutely right.

    • cajaybird says:

      I hope he doesn’t. The media knows how large his business is. They have thousands of negotiations, etc. to sift through, just to find something they can try to use to add to a narrative. At the same time, they are not reporting the DOJ cover up for any investigation. The current administration could not be more corrupt if it tried.

      By the way, Hillary’s dossier of business is pretty thin; she hasn’t run a lemonade stand.

      • Keonigohan says:

        Only paycheck she signed was probably for chelsea

      • keaukaha says:

        It’s all about disclosure and any excuse is pure bu–sh-t.

        • sarge22 says:

          Full disclosure of the Clinton Foundation and Classified emails are most welcome.

        • keaukaha says:

          We are talking about tax returns corporal22. I think that you know that a lot of undecided voters are waiting for his tax returns because he has full control over that and none over Hillary’s emails. He needs to clear out all of the controversies that are directly impacting him before he confronts Hillary. Hillary can continue to relax and watch the Chump chase his own tail.

        • sarge22 says:

          Undecided voters are waiting for full disclosure of the Clinton Foundation and Classified emails. HiLIARy is relaxing with medication in her hospital bed.

        • keaukaha says:

          In life it’s all about leverage and at this point Hilliary has it and the ball is in her court. It’s the fourth quarter with very little time on the clock and the Chumps team has absolutely no game plan. They changed the coaches at the end of the third quarter and trying to convince the crowd who are slowly leaving the arena that the game isn’t over. The only people who are left are the ones that are left are looking for a fight because hate is what drives them. The more intelligent ones will continue to ignore them because we know that goodness will always prevail.

        • sarge22 says:

          “The governments of the world, in the past 45 years, have behaved like habitual debtors, and their unlimited spending has changed the behavior of humanity. There is disorder in personal behavior; a shameless flaunting of vice; family life has broken down because the father, who used to be the support of the family, has lost his authority: his wife now has the opportunity of leaving the home to work and she has her own income; the children can ignore paternal authority and can live idle at home, instead of having to go out to work. In the world today, there is no longer any social consensus regarding the appropriate way to dress – a clear manifestation of the social transformation suffered by humanity in the last 45 years. How many hundreds of millions of youngsters have their own costly cell-phones? How many hundreds of millions of autos jam the streets of the cities of the world? How many millions of electronic screens in homes keep humanity in hypnotic state? The ample credit that is offered to acquire these things originates in the capacity of governments to go into debt and rain money upon their populations.” http://plata.com.mx/Mplata/articulos/articlesFilt.asp?fiidarticulo=293

        • keaukaha says:

          When are you going to use a original commentary. Always using other people’s hard earned research. Very sad but at the same time expected from a person that can identify with the Chump.

  5. Ikefromeli says:

    This, and dozens of other major gaffes, is why 110 significant Republican leaders have seen fit, to publicly repudiate Trump and reject his candidacy. Yes, that is right, these are republican leaders, see: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/08/29/us/politics/at-least-110-republican-leaders-wont-vote-for-donald-trump-heres-when-they-reached-their-breaking-point.html?_r=0

  6. CEI says:

    Let’s give the Trumpster the benefit of the doubt until we have heard his speech. After all The Clintons get break after break from the media and the brain dead low information democrats that continue to support them. If he had the media protection that Clinton does he’d be ahead of her in the polls by 20 points and she’d have to do a legitimate press conference now and then.

    • keaukaha says:

      The media wouldn’t be able to cover him as much as they do if the dummy would just shut up. If you don’t want the flies to swarm around you then don’t mess your pants.

      • CEI says:

        Or don’t mess a White House intern’s blue dress.

        • keaukaha says:

          You’re the ones that are complaining about media bias. The fact is that the Chump cannot control himself. He cannot take constructive criticism. It is so easy to get him out of sync. All you have to do is insult him and his overinflated ego will do the rest. I think that’s why Hilliary doesn’t have to work as hard because all we need to do is provide him with the rope and he will surely hang himself.

      • keaukaha says:

        Most of the negative issues that have affected the Chump has been self inflicted. He speaks his mind which makes him look ignorant and childish. He surrounds himself with people of questionable character and shady pasts. Most importantly he lies continuously without any regard that they can be proven false with very little effort.

        • sarge22 says:

          Trump is moving up in the polls and HiLIARy is lying low. She is waiting on the release of more classified emails. Wiki wiki Let’s not forget that Benghazi just won’t go away and that corrupt Clinton Foundation. She may be indicted after the first debate.

        • klastri says:

          sarge22 – in what polls, exactly, show an improvement for Mr. Trump?

          Good luck with that.

        • keaukaha says:

          Yep corporal22 you are surely following the path to becoming buckprivate22. Hanging on to a hopeless dream. Your snowy white America is only a fantasy that will never come true.

        • CEI says:

          The Clintons don’t have to surround themselves with people of questionable character and shady pasts. They are the people with questionable character and shady pasts.

        • aaronavilla says:

          “Trump is moving up in the polls” Oh, boy… I guess improving from an 18% chance to win (according to fivethirtyeight.com) to 21% chance to win counts as “moving up”. Way to read the ti leaves, Sarge…

        • keaukaha says:

          CEI just remember who has a commanding lead in the polls. The Chump can’t even pull the majority of the Republicans.

  7. 808comp says:

    Don’t think he has a plan for immigration that’s why he flip flop so much on that subject. Maybe his new manager can point him in the right direction.

  8. lunalilohi says:

    After 35 years still unable to do anything more creative than cut and paste articles……

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