Twitter, ‘lies’ and videotape: Trump shames beauty queen

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump signs a hat after a rally today in Novi, Mich.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke at a campaign rally, Thursday, in Bedford, N.H.

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. » Plunging deeper into campaign controversy, Donald Trump publicly shamed a former beauty queen today for her “disgusting” sexual past and then — in one of presidential history’s more bizarre moments — encouraged Americans to watch a “sex tape” he said would support his case.
The tweet-storm that Trump launched into at 3:20 a.m. started a day of did-that-just-happen moments that ended with Clinton’s campaign calling Trump an adult film star. Even many of Trump’s supporters shook their heads at their candidate’s latest outburst, worried it could further hurt him among the nation’s women, many of them already skeptical, whose votes he’ll badly need to win election.
“Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?” read a missive from Trump posted on Twitter at 5:30 a.m. That referred to 1996 Miss Universe Alicia Machado, a Venezuela-born woman whose weight gain he has said created terrible problems for the pageant he formerly owned.
Unsurprisingly, Trump’s pre-dawn Twitter tirade ricocheted across the campaign trail.
Trump’s campaign accused the media and Hillary Clinton of colluding to set him up for fresh condemnation, to which Clinton retorted, “His latest twitter meltdown is unhinged, even for him.”
Machado took to Facebook to say his tweets were part of a pattern of “demoralizing women,” calling them “cheap lies with bad intentions.” Planned Parenthood said it showed that Trump’s “misogyny knows no bounds.” And Clinton said they showed anew why someone with Trump’s temperament “should not be anywhere near the nuclear codes.”
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With less than 40 days left in the election, Trump’s broadside threw his campaign into a fresh round of second-guessing the candidate’s instincts and confusion about what to do next. To believers in traditional political norms, it seemed like the opposite of what was needed to win over females, Hispanics and young Americans whose support could well determine the election.
Shaming Machado over intimate details from her past could be particularly risky as Trump tries to win over more female voters, many of whom are turned away by such personal attacks. It also risks calling further attention to the thrice-married Trump’s own history with women.
What kind of a man, Clinton asked, “stays up all night to smear a woman with lies and conspiracy theories?”
Even Trump’s most vocal allies seemed at a loss for words.
“He’s being Trump. I don’t have any comment beyond that,” said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a top supporter. Generally chatty and occasionally critical of Trump, Gingrich said tersely that Trump sometimes does “strange things,” but that Clinton lies. “I’ll let you decide which is worse for America.”
But Trump’s inner circle followed his lead by refusing to concede any missteps. Trump didn’t mention the tweets this evening as he rallied supporters in Michigan. Instead, he returned to Twitter to invoke Clinton’s famous ad from her 2008 campaign portraying her as the best candidate to pick up an urgent call at the White House at 3 a.m.
“For those few people knocking me for tweeting at three o’clock in the morning, at least you know I will be there, awake, to answer the call!” Trump wrote.
Machado has been thrust to center stage in the campaign since Clinton noted Monday in the first debate that Trump had mocked her publicly for gaining weight after she won Miss Universe. If that was a trap laid by Clinton, the irrepressible Trump dug himself deeper the next day by saying Machado’s “massive” weight gain had been “a real problem.”
That gave Clinton’s campaign the opening it wanted. Her team circulated videos featuring Machado accusing Trump of destroying her self-confidence and arranged for reporters to interview her, just as many voters were starting to cast early ballots. Clinton’s spokesman said she called Machado Friday to thank her for her courage.
Said Trump spokeswoman Jessica Ditto, “This is the single biggest coordinated media attack in history.”
His Twitter taunts referred to footage from a Spanish reality show in 2005 in which Machado was a contestant and appeared on camera in bed with a male contestant. The images are grainy and do not include nudity, though Machado later acknowledged in the Hispanic media that she was having sex in the video.
Muddying the waters: an explicit 2000 Playboy video with a cameo by Trump. In a short clip posted on the website BuzzFeed, Trump pours a bottle of champagne on a Playboy-branded limo on a New York street, surrounded by a gaggle of women.
“There’s been a lot of talk about sex tapes today and in a strange turn of events only one adult film has emerged today, and its star is Donald Trump,” said Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill, adding he hadn’t seen the film.
Clinton’s campaign has highlighted Machado’s status as a new U.S. citizen and her plans to cast her first vote for the former secretary of state. But spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri said Clinton did not help Machado become a citizen.
For Republicans, the outburst seemed to foreclose any possibility that Trump, in the campaign’s final weeks, might reinvent himself as someone with the discipline and restraint that many voters want in their commander in chief. Trump’s allies have implored him to stick to attacks on Clinton’s family foundation, her emails or her long history as a political insider, critiques that fall further out of view whenever he sparks a new controversy.
In another risky move, Trump warned voters this week that a Clinton victory would bring former President Bill Clinton’s sex scandal back to the White House. The fresh rehash of the 1990s Monica Lewisnky scandal came despite Trump’s insistence that he’s been courageously restrained in not bringing it up.
110 responses to “Twitter, ‘lies’ and videotape: Trump shames beauty queen”
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Trump is a bully. No class…and certainly no compassion.
Alicia Machado is the perfect “personal assistant” for Bill while Hillary is President. After finding out the sordid past of this woman, Bill would jump a the chance to employ such a down trodden and abused sexpot.
Drumpf needs to realize that not all women can be as slim and trim as he is
Good ‘ol Slick Willy
So a Chump is encouraging America to go watch some porn? Nutty.
He is far more dangerous to the USA than being a bully. He is mentally ill and extremely dangerous. How on earth does someone this unstable and unwise make it to this level? Republicans are deeply shamed but many are scared of him and won’t say anything. Just horrible!
Some have stated that we have:
brash, bold and boastful (Trump)
devious, lying and cunning (Hillary)
They observe that with the first we know what is going on, and have the possibility of correction. With the second it is far more difficult and correspondingly dangerous.
One the subject of mental illness, one of the most dangerous is that of the ideologue, who projects her ideology onto reality, thinking that is reality. This is something far more serious than repeated fibbing. The typical result is that she can talk about something quite well, but her ideas of what to do to often result in disaster. It is like someone looking at a map of the world, and concluding that if you keep sailing to the east you will fall off. The map, i.e. the ideology, is not the real world.
I can imagine some of Trump’s supporters believe they will fall off the edge of the Earth.
There are a lot of uneducated ignorant people out there who are sick of politics as usual and believe all the insane promises he has made. He makes me just SMH every day. He is one of the most disgusting human being ever born!
Trump loves to lie and manipulate ignorant voters. He does very well with them. Fox news, which loves to manipulate and entertain to get ratings has aided and abetted this shibai fool. And trump going after Bill on sexual ethics? Yikes! Trump used to brag at his many affairs.
Because our country is filled with ignorant bullies, bigots and racists.
He was attacked and he fought back. Not really a fan of his but he has the cajones to defend himself which I would admire in anyone who does the same.
Sure. And what better way to fight back when women already hate him than to insult more women? That sounds like a winning strategy. How’s he doing in the polls?
And you retorted back. Trump replies are more abrasive but how is that not different when you respond to comments on this site?
Windward_Side – Well, I suppose the first big difference is that I’m not running for President.
Is that different enough for you?
Windward Side your thoughts and reasoning kind of shallow.
He got no kahonies, he is Richard-less. Hillary is the one with the kahonies.
Transgender HiLIARy?
Not “Richard-less”, but more like “way less than average Richard”. And his supporters, like sarge22, are all members of the tiny boto brigade. That’s what it’s really about for them. They feel inadequate. They feel impotent. So they latch on to a similar person who can “fight” for them on a larger, grander stage. They don’t have the intelligence and success in life to compensate for what they lack downstairs, so they feel angry and blame others for their misfortune in life.
Well, hie, I always marvel at the depths many around here are reaching, but you’ve managed to sink deeper yet. So far, you hold the record. Congratulations.
HIE your comment is a bullseye. Nailed it right on the head.
Now it’s a tie…
Yes, a really solid display of manly righteous retribution I’m sure he’d (have someone) hunt down and shoot a bird if it pooped on his limo.
Trump has been like this all his life and can’t stand it when somebody said he did something wrong. With all the lies he tells, he actually looks like he believes his own lies too. That’s why it’s important to keep somebody like this out of power, especially when you have the fate of the world at your hands with the push of a button. The only role that would suit Trump well is as one of the villains for WWE Pro Wrestling, since he seems to love sticking to the bad guy script perfectly. I bet his goal all along was to bring down the Republican party from the top all the way to the bottom.
The middle of the night tweets is a result of an ambient addiction. They should drug test the donald.
Nanakuli: aren’t you the one that so strongly supported Rail? Your comments have always been hilarious.
It was just a matter of time before you connected this to rail.
Are you seriously using that combination of words to tell someone he’s written something silly?
Trump dares at least to call some women fat or Miss Piggy. But by disapproving obesity he has the fat majority against him, especially the ugly fat women. Instead he should praise obesity to get elected.
Looks like you got over your post debate heartbreak. Ha ha ha.
Names? Hillary calls Monica Lewinsky (a junior intern half Bill’s age) a “narcissistic loon”. That sounds like a pattern after naming the other Bill dalliances “bimbos”.
Intelligent USA voters to Trump: YOU’RE FIRED!
Go Donald. Keep doubling down on stupid remarks. Why anyone would vote for this clown is beyond me. Hillary may not be ideal but at least she will not be an embarrassment. The Donald is a complete joke.
This really sad new Trump low may finally – at long last – expose his profound mental illness to his supporters. He is a psychotic. Obviously.
Thanks to everyone who helped to make Mr. Trump the Republican nominee! Without having any idea what you were doing (of course) you guaranteed a Clinton win in November.
Mr. Trump’s electoral college winning path is essentially shut off. Whew!
Trump’s attack on Ms. Machado is appalling. If nothing else has proven his unfitness for the Presidency, this despicable attack does. Heaven help us if he ever attains the Presidency and has his finger on the nuclear button. Trump is sick!
He’ll recant this week and apologize, then say No,No,No when Hillary gets him in the second debate. Folks, the next debate will be Superbowl type audience.
He usually denies saying things that he said in public or says it was taken out of context. He has never given a sincere apology in his live. He thinks he can do no wrong. I am starting to get nauseated every time I hear his name!
Oh goodness, Sir, are you an 8th grader tied in a petty argument with a classmate? As it was not already abundantly clear, this preoccupation with trying to win every battle, but ultimately losing the war, is a deep character flaw of Trump. I’ll say, I can now see why he was on TV for a decade; he is very amusing and entertaining, but a complete unhinged nut.
Wow! And THIS Donald Trump is supposed to be a role model for our children?? We teach our children not to engage in these kinds of behaviors. If the Donald is still riled up over something that was mentioned at the debate, I cannot begin to imagine how he would react and behave should a super power say or do something not to his liking. This is a disgrace to the Republican party. I cannot believe the party couldn’t come up with someone with more class.
The party created him, and now they have to live with the damage he’s causing. The best news of this whole thing is that his behavior is going to cause the Senate to switch to Democratic control. So Mrs. Clinton’s SCOTUS choices will be confirmed.
Thanks, Trump supporters!
Speaking of “role models”… this isn’t the first time the democrats have marched a “role model” and it’s turned out that their choices have been far from what we would want to put up as an an example we’d like out children to aspire too, now is it??? Simple lawyer trick… try to make the witness look bad and not creditable by attaching their character. Well, the democrats better start doing Fact Checks on the witnesses they parade out as “role models” before they attack Trump. Interesting that people are more concerned about what Trump “said”, than what Clinton “did”.
Actually, Trump is a serial adulterer who abandoned his wife and children for a younger wife. Then he did it again.
That’s what Trump did.
The simpleton folks on this board who support Trump here will not defend or answer to your statement, to do so would require actually addressing facts.
“…unable to restrain himself from veering into unhelpful territory…”
Translation for meltdown.
He still doesn’t know he can’t insult his way into the Oval Office.
And now Trump is using Rudy Guiliani as his point man, calling Mrs. Clinton “stupid”. Mr. Guiliani had one of his marriages annulled after 14 years because he claimed that he didn’t know the woman he was married to was actually his cousin. And then he located the city’s emergency operations center inside the World Trade Center complex, after being told by dozens of advisors, including NYPD leadership, that a much more secure facility was needed. He knew better.
And he is calling Mrs. Clinton stupid? WOW!
Dishonest Donald talking of sexual misconduct? He of three marriages and his own bragging on TV shows? What would he if some foreign leader told him the truth to his face, nuke the country? The more he talks the more of a fool he shows himself to be.
I was watching Frontline the other day and part of the reason he left his first wife was because he could no longer be sexually attracted to a woman who has had children. Who could ever be attracted to that pig? It’s got to be all about the money and power because it could never be about his character. None of his wives have been to bright either. No surprise. No intelligent woman would ever be attracted to him in any way.
His own worst enemy. What an absolute idiot.
I would say that I don’t think this changes anything. He’s been doing this all year and his support remains relatively stable. He knows that. Everyone says that he has to “win over more women voters”, but really, even before this outburst, was there anything he could have said that would have turned women voters who were already against him around? Basically he can say almost anything he wants and it won’t move the needle that much. This is such a strange election year, evangelicals have stayed with him notwithstanding the fact that he has been married three times. You have a lot of working class guys looking past the fact that he hire foreign workers for his business and manufactures clothing overseas. No to many Trump represent SOMETHING different from the status quo. Its what a great number of Americans, disenfranchised by stagnant wages and an uncertain future are willing to grasp on to and at this time its Trump because they see no alternative.
The reason why Trump has been hanging around is because of the strong dislike for Hillary and the Democratic Party for their behavior during the primary. The party never Bernie Sanders and it was so tilted towards Hillary and the establishment made sure it did. How sad that Democratic could lose this because of their own arrogance and disregard for the voters.
How did you analyze that the Democrats are losing anything? Mrs. Clinton is way up in the polls; the electoral college vote for her is looking great; and Mr. Trump is helping deliver the Senate to Democrats.
Looks like winning to me.
There is nothing wrong with Trumps behavior! There is difinately some thing wrong with people voting for Trump or backing Trump up.
The really scary thing is that a sizable segment of our population supports this guy — and a lot of them are here in our backyard. They’re true believers drowning in their own denial and conspiracy theories. By the same token, Clinton has yet to answer some serious questions about her own campaign, leading voters to wonder about her character. As the election nears, other candidates, such as Bernie Sanders, who didn’t survive, begin to look a lot better.
No the really scary thing is that after 7yrs. of Obama we are faced with a nation that thinks it is ok to back a bigoted hateful person on one side and a lying hateful elitist on the other. Whoever wins this election is just what this country deserves because of the divisiveness that was drummed up with the full support of President Obama. A true student of Saul Alinsky another hateful human being.
Somebody should fact check this girl’s history. Trump stood up
for her & her title/job. She had live sex online. She is employed
now by the hillery foundation. Trump will win this election.
He’ll win the election because he’s shaming a woman?
He’s lying, of course, about standing up for her. The pageant management already said there was never any discussion about releasing here. He made up that whole thing.
Thanks for the remarkable analysis. You have quite a mind!
What have you been smoking? Must be some pretty powerful stuff. lol
The media won’t tell the truth… They are told what to “tell you”!
Good morning everyone!!! Here’s some info ya may not know…
1) ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Adviser.
2) CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
3) ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Obama Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney.
4) ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary.
5) ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood.
6) CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
Etc… etc… Get the picture yet!?
Not really. Still am wondering why the Donald is not in jail for going to Cuba and not following procedures for charities. Tired of its ok if you are republican. Throw the bum in jail already!
You’re as nuts as him!
AP article starts with:
“Trump accused Hillary Clinton’s campaign of helping 1996 Miss Universe winner Alicia Machado get U.S. citizenship, but offered no proof. ”
and then a few lines later the apparent real truth about what he said:
“Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?”
Unless I am missing something, AP needs a lesson in logic 101, the first statement does not follow from the second.
Bottom line…Crooked hiLIARy again using poor choices in her debate content…Poor Judgement…Unfit for the Office.
Sad Dem choice, shoulda gone with Bernie.
But she’s beating Trump, right? His numbers are collapsing. Hmmmm…
So she certainly looks like a good choice from that angle. Democrats are going to have the White House and the Senate. That’s a winning combination for SCOTUS choices!
I thought his handlers were trying to keep a muzzle on him?
Very presidential.
juanita broaddrick
kathleen wiley
paula jones
sandra allen james
eileen wellstone
christy zercher
carolyn moffet
helen dowdy
becky brown
regina blakely hopper
monica lewinsky
elizabeth ward gracen
gennifer flowers
connie hamzy
dolly kyle browning
sally miller (perdue)
lencola sullivan
I think to be Fair and Balanced, wouldn’t you have to provide a list of all the men Ivana, Marla and Melania slept with? After all it’s the candidate’s spouse you are referring to.
Some of these in the list from st1d claimed they were abused/assaulted/raped.
It is reported that some were hounded and humiliated by Hillary or her people for daring to speak up.
bust does not appreciate the difference between rape and sexual assault survivors and willing partners. nor does bust understand that the female felon said that she would assign the stain an active role in her administration leading the economy and job creation programs, thus, making the stain’s character an issue.
apropro: is the orange one’s labeling the female felon as “crooked” hillary a reference to paula jones’ identification of the stain’s “crooked” willy in her successful lawsuit in which she won over $800,000?
He lost the election already. Might be time to give up on this. It’s over.
Is this the type of verbiage we want from our next president?
Boy, he sure doesn’t pick his battles well. Talk about thin skinned. He can’t handle being criticized by a beauty queen. What would happen when he’s dealing with a world leader?
Honestly, if you had a co-worked who behaved this way, they’d likely be fired. And recommended for psychiatric treatment.
Seminal moments with Trump seem endless, and only contribute to further losing focus of what this election actually represents. Voting for an individual is tantamount to voting for a party’s philosophy, and, as Trump’s ongoing antics continue to alienate him, it’s critical for us to remember his success to date was not initiated or encouraged by the GOP, but brought about at the insistence of a disgruntled electorate from both parties. But nevertheless, he stands representative of the republican philosophy, and it’s far too late to say “oops”. Continuing to defend him by highlighting the shortcomings of the opposition is an exercise in fruitless denial. Coupling that with the inability of any third party candidate to gain traction, we find ourselves in a “rock and a hard place” moment, with implications extending far beyond the next four years. Momentarily ignoring the distasteful options before us. we have to consider the probabilities of either a democrat or republican led administration, which special emphasis on the ramifications of a liberal or traditional oriented Supreme Court. Truly thoughtful voters will do exactly that, and find in the process that the decision is far more complex than voting either for a liar or a dufus.
Why do supporters on both sides seem to point at the ugliness of the other candidate when their candidates ugliness is questioned. Ask about Trumps actions and it always seems to be answered with “What about her emails”. Bring up Clintons emails and they tell you to look at Trumps behavior. I guess it is true that we tend to focus on the ugliness of others to feel better about ourselves.
To an extent I would agree. There’s a common phrase, “he ain’t the brightest bulb in the closet”, but it seems as though whether the bulb is very dim or shining brightly, if they’re motivated by closed mindedness they become equally dangerous.
“bulbs are”. But who cares..
they should just put this to rest, Hillary trying to use a liar like her and she former miss universe turns out she was involved in criminal activity, including driving a car for her boyfriend after he murdered somebody and also threating a judge all in Venezuela boy Hillary can sure pick them, now that all this came out, it might backfire on Hillary, looks like felon’s of the same feather flock together
She ought to be shamed. She wins Miss Universe, and promptly violates her contract by gaining fifty pounds. The pageant officials wanted to fire her, and the Donald steps in to save her.
In ’98 a Venezuelan judge caller ID’d her on a threat for wanting to indict someone she knows after she beat a charge of driving a getaway in a murder attempt by her then boyfriend Regetti.
Then she poses in Playboy, and has sex on a tv broadcast which caused her fiance Bobby Abreu, from the Phillies to drop her. I’m beginning to think she may have worked out a citizenship deal in exchange for dumping on Trump, a guy who saved her contest crown.
You Trumpsters are amazing. Alicia Machado is disqualified to discuss how Trump misogynistically humiliated her because, among other things, she was a porn star (she wasn’t it was a look alike named Angel Dark), she drove a getaway car involved in a shooting (not a murder) with her boyfriend (Juan Rodriguez not “Regetti”) and the charges were dropped against her BUT Trump is qualified to be President because, among a long list of things, he’s a racist (he paid a fine for not renting to blacks), he’s stiffed a long list of American small business people, he’s used illegal aliens on his construction sites, he created a false University and conned people out of their money, he had affairs on both of his previous wives for gosh sakes! This is only a few off the top of my head!
You’re lying of course, but you already know that. Pageant officials said that there was never any move to fire her, and Mr. Trump said and did nothing to save anyone’s job.
The whole thing was made up to salvage a situation that he made much worse because of his mental illness.
I’ll be glad when Nov. 8 arrives; no more mudslinging.
Trump needs to review United States Golf Association (USGA) rules of Golf Etiquette, which all beginners are required to understand and practice. *** In the rules, Under miscellaneous; all golfers (including elementary students)
Difficult to determine the best of (2) evils.
He’s got Hellary playing his game now showing that she is the same as he is and forcing her not to hide it anymore. He has turned this presidential race into a media circus. Who even imagined Trump would get this far? Guess what? Anyone sick and tired of the “Establishment” and “Politically Correct” will be voting for him. The minority voice will someday become the majority voice if not this election the next if Hellary wins and gives us more of the forked tongue and empty campaign promises. Social unrest everywhere so who’s currently in charge?
Hey, I get it! You are spelling Mrs. Clinton’s first name Hellary to be funny! You are very clever!
It must be wonderful to have a brain that’s so easily amused. Good for you!
kl-asstray the fake lawyer! I’m glad you caught the humor. Good to see you trolling again. Howz the City’s continued sweeps of the homeless going for you? Someday you will realize your fear of the person was greater than your fear of the issues.
As far as the City’s homeless sweeps are concerned, you said I was unqualified to write that the City would be sued for the way they conducted those sweeps, and would lose that suit. I was correct, of course. You know absolutely nothing about the Constitution of the law. Absolute, relentless ignorance.
You never know anything – nothing – about the subject matter in your comments. Not once ever.
Why do you fear Trump so much? Tell us what the City lost since they are still conducting the sweeps which you implicitly said would end. As far as your personality disorder goes it is manifest due to your inferiority complex which causes you to lash out in derogatory and patronizing ways. Please get help. Your trolling has become insatiable. Get a life.
saveparadise – You’re lying when you write that I said they would end. I never said any such thing, of course. What I wrote is that the illegal way they enforced the ordinance would end. But since you don’t know anything about facts, or law, or the Constitution, you don’t understand what knowledgeable people write.
I’ve already suggested that you try to develop the self control to not read my comments. You have apparently failed at that too, so here you are. I couldn’t care less what your opinions about my comments are. You don’t understand them anyway, and you’ve proven that again here.
kl-asstray, the fake lawyer. Again you lie. It is you that first replied to my post showing your obsession. Please control your narcissistic emotions. No adult should act this way. Do you have a job or are you using your I-phone from Jamba Juice during your work time? I am positive that you are reading this:)
Something gotta give! No person can be this thick skinned of people’s feelings. Hence, my conclusion of Mr. Trump, he is deliberate sabotaging himself from the Presidency! His conducts and speech indicate thus! It’s ok Mr. Trump no matter what you say or do you may still have quite a few followers. Simply because it’s you or Clinton and there are lots of others who can’t visualize a person of Ms Clinton’s history of fabrications becoming President. Please note, neither of you has my vote.
*its him or Clinton…. ** Please note, neither has my vote.
“’Trump is on the verge of blowing it,’ wrote the former George W Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer on Friday. ‘Free advice: Focus on Hillary. No one else. Hillary is your opponent. No one else is.'”
“A Trump campaign aide in Florida also resigned on Friday citing concerns with the candidate’s behaviour. ‘It is clear the campaign is now going in a direction I am no longer comfortable with and I have decided to move on,’ Healy Baumgardner told Bloomberg.”
He should stop this and go after felon Hillary with all the lawbreaking she has done, like being and accessory before and after the fact of 4 American’s murdered in Benghazi, the polls already show that people who like and vote for Hillary don’t mind a murderer like Hillary being president, remember before and after fact is the same as you pulling the trigger. that’s what he has to go after and all other law breaking stuff she did. then he will have a chance to win the presidency.
And how many did Bush/Cheney/Powell send to death based on their lies?
that was the gulf war where your fighting the enemy, this is different, this was murder he kept asking for help about 6 hundred times even when they were attacking his embassy stephens kept calling for help and all she did was ignore him, she was thinking, tough your on your own, that’s as same as pulling the trigger and murdering the 4 people, so stop justifying the means by bringing the gulf war into this, and making lame excuses, bottom line she is a murderer.
Your facts are all mixed up of course, so this makes no sense. But there you are!
it does not matter, the true fact is she is a murderer
Trump meets threats head on. Crooked Lying Hlliary started it. Trump will end it. He’s not going to let people or Countries throw sand in our face. Would you rather have a mealy mouthed potus and a Secretary of State sleeping at the helm or a man with convictions? He will fight for our rights and make America Great Again.
lespark, half of our America is comprised of women. Will he fight FOR them? Will Trump make America great for women too? Even fat and not-so-beautiful women? I’m seriously awaiting your truthful response.
Now we know that Trump, the candidate of the “family values” party, will be awake and ready to answer the 3:00 a.m. phone call — and to recommend a porn tape.
Republican leaders and strategists are unnerved by Donald Trump’s erratic attacks on a Latina beauty queen and other outbursts this week, increasingly fearful that the GOP nominee is damaging his White House hopes and doing lasting harm to the party in the campaign’s final stretch.
Party officials said they are newly embarrassed by Trump’s impulsive behavior and exasperated by his inability to concentrate on his change message and frame the race as a referendum on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, according to interviews with more than two dozen of them.
Senate and House candidates are ducking questions about Trump and distancing themselves, while Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has refused to talk about him. And few elected leaders are counseling him.
“Maybe every two weeks,” House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said to a business crowd about how often he speaks with Trump.
Reflecting upon Trump’s actions, Matt Borges, the Republican Party chairman in battleground Ohio, said, “Can this thing just end — please?”
“My God,” he sighed, “what a nightmare.”
Borges said he has personally urged Trump to run “a very disciplined, different kind of campaign,” although he remains confident that Trump will carry Ohio regardless.
Former Virginia congressman Thomas M. Davis, for decades one of the GOP’s top national campaign tacticians, said there is mounting concern that Trump’s lack of restraint is an anchor on him and the party.
“She’s nasty, but I can be nastier than she ever can be,” Mr. Trump said.
Sounds like a great strategy, keep on doing that, and you’ll continue to receive the beating in the polls that are now reaching the point of no return.
Apparently, millions of Americans don’t care that a man now within a nose-hair of the presidency may be the most prolific liar in modern political history. Nor do they care about the authoritarian policies he espouses, his truly scary embrace of dictators abroad and crackpots at home, or his monumental ignorance on every subject.
But as the impact of this week’s debate and the after-chatter have settled in, it’s clear that blood can boil across the land on at least one topic: We care about appearances. With little more than a month to go until the election, the fact that Donald Trump now finds himself in a very public fight with a beauty queen tells you everything you need to know about the sick soul of this man.
So, in the spirit of the discourse that Trump has brought us to, let’s objectify the Republican nominee on his terms. This guy is fat. Bigly. He’s got an extra chin, a gut you wouldn’t want to see riding above a bathing suit, and a rear that serves no purpose but ballast.NYT
Machado, she one local girl. A few lbs. just makes her become Tita Machado.
This south of the border Lolita has shamed the Latina. She must have been taking too much smack. How can it be Crooked Hilliary is associated with someone who threatened to kill a judge, spreads her piernas for every Tomas, Ricardo and Hidalgo. Cheap Hilliary is an insult to Americans. She, her mind and her supporters are in the gutter.
The next debate will bring out the dirty laundry on both sides. Ready to rumble in the jungle?
Why do children lie?