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Protester in Trump rally scuffle denies being Clinton plant


A man, second right, is escorted by law enforcement officers moments after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was rushed offstage by Secret Service agents during a campaign rally in Reno, Nev., on Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016.

A protester involved in a scuffle at a Donald Trump rally in Reno, Nevada is denying accusations that he is an operative for Democrats.

Austyn Crites said Sunday he went to the rally with a “Republicans Against Trump” sign of his own volition.

The 33-year-old registered Republican says he has donated money to Hillary Clinton’s campaign and canvassed for her last week.

But he says he has never met with Clinton or her campaign.

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told CNN the protester was “a Democratic plant or operative” but offered no proof.

Crites says people were kicking and choking him Saturday when someone yelled something about a gun.

Secret Service agents quickly hustled Trump away. The agency said no gun was found.

Crites says the Secret Service released him after more than an hour.

52 responses to “Protester in Trump rally scuffle denies being Clinton plant”

  1. klastri says:

    Ms. Conway, sadly, is every bit the liar that Mr. Trump is. They are grasping at straws to explain the fact that Mr. Trump is going to lose the election.

    The latest news is that Mr. Trump wildly misstated the success of his businesses on financial disclosure forms. It turns out that his Doral club – one that he claims shows his wonderful business acumen – actually lost $2.4 million last year, and didn’t turn a profit of more than $50 million, as he earlier claimed.

    Mr. Trump is a fraud. His income is derived from not paying contractors and vendors.

    • Corruption says:

      klastri is a DELUSIONAL ISIS RECRUITER !!!

      • Corruption says:

        Clinton’s are criminals and only delusional people will deny it and attempt to defend them !!!

        • nodaddynotthebelt says:

          The same could be said for both, Mr. Corruption. Trump is being accused by a woman of sexual abuse when she was 13 years old. And the list goes on and on as can be seen in this article by going to this link: http://people.com/politics/every-sexual-assault-accusation-against-donald-trump/. Given the context of Trump’s womanizing, these allegations are not to be taken lightly. Further, Trump has not paid taxes on his income for years. Because of this he is not sharing his tax returns with the voting public. Why? Because he knows that the public will be outraged that a man can live in a opulence while not paying a single penny in taxes while regular every day working Joe’s living paycheck to paycheck pay more in taxes every year. If that does not upset you, you must be blind.

        • mctruck says:

          Prove it. Where’s your evidence. pure nonsense.

        • Waterman2 says:

          Nodaddy don’t beat me again !
          You’re delusional. These are made up charges that have been debunked .

          Shall we delve into Billy Wanker’s and Hillary’s Sexual exploits ……like Child Sex Slave Island , where between the two of them they have visited some 42 times ? Or should we concentrate on the issues ? Oh yeah , the issues all show Hillary lacking.

          Lied to parents of dead from Benghazi
          Dodged sniper fire ….

          And then there is her incompetence , even Huma couldn’t believe that Hillary can’t run a copy machine !

          I could take up this whole paper listing her lies.

        • dragoninwater says:

          nodaddynotthebelt – I’ve posted this many times and you still post lies. The rape case was a fraud and has been withdrawn without prejudice. IT WAS a 100% FAKE FILING!

      • klastri says:

        An ISIS recruiter? One would think that with all of the practice you get at lying, that you would be better at it.

        Nothing is worse than a liar. Nothing is below them. Nothing.

        • hawaiikone says:

          Then why are you voting for one?

        • Waterman2 says:

          Yet you support Hilliary ? Give me a break !

        • klastri says:

          hawaiikone – Because Mr. Trump is a violent psychotic and sexual predator who is obviously unfit for the job. That’s why. I didn’t say it was a good choice. But it is definitely an easy choice.

          The good news is that there aren’t enough failed white men to elect Mr. Trump. He’s a loser.

        • dragoninwater says:

          Just for the record Klastri, HitLAIRy’s husband is the only convicted sexual predator and lets not forget soon to be convicted Weiner. All allegations of rape, abuse and groping against Trump have been withdrawn without prejudice. That means a lot as the credibility of these alleged victims is now shattered. I guess you can’t wait for Bill to get back into the White House and raid the new fresh young interns like a fox in a chicken coop. If you’re voting for HitLAIRy for the sole purpose because of your personal beliefs rather than facts only shows your sheer ignorance and lack of common sense.

        • hawaiikone says:

          klas, then they’re tied, as “nothing is below them”. Excellent choice you’ve made.

      • amela says:

        Oh and that protester was found to have been paid by the Trump campaign to stage this circus.

    • justmyview371 says:

      You are a fraud. Your comments have nothing to do with the story.

    • cajaybird says:

      Wow, strong words as usual. If anyone in this election is a liar, you know who that is. In fact, there is no comparison. By the way, maybe you can explain how Chelsea can receive 65k for a 10 minute speech. Must have been a good one.

      • nodaddynotthebelt says:

        It is amazing that Trump supporters will keep calling Hillary a liar (which is true in the context of some events) but will turn a blind eye to all of Trump’s lies. Trump lies so much that it is not even funny as he calls another a liar. Just in his campaign speeches alone as in SA’s Fact Check articles, Trump has put out bold-faced lies. Seems the kettle calling the pot black comes to mind.

        • amela says:

          Lock him up, lock him up. Sexual predator. I’m waiting to see him release his taxes after the election and sue those women accusing him of bad thing really bad things the worse I’ve ever seen.

      • Ikefromeli says:

        Perhaps cause she has a level of. education (Stanford, Columbia, Oxford PhD) and experience that you can neither comprehend or achieve.

        • dragoninwater says:

          If Chelsea attended an Ivy League school in basket weaving you’d still consider her a prodigy! pffttttt

        • Ikefromeli says:

          First, Stanford is not in the Ivy League. Second, there are no such majors at elite institutions. Third, her PhD is in global public health.

          So, let’s hear where you went to school?? That’s what I thought……crickets.

        • dragoninwater says:

          Ikefromeli – you don’t even know how to read so that you’re not even worthy of a proper response do debate with. I said “If” and I never said Stanford is an Ivy school. I’m well aware Ivy’s are the top schools geographically in the NE. Stanford’s sciences and engineering departments completely dominate the Ivies (it’s comparable to MIT)

          Why don’t you go back to your grammar correcting mommy Klastri and ask her to read the sentence back to you word-for-word so you can understand what I actually meant by the statement I made.

        • Ikefromeli says:

          Ahhhh, another correction the top Ivy schools are not just the top schools in the NE, they are are the top schools globally (with Stanford in the same company)–period.

          So, dragon what community college did you attend?

        • dragoninwater says:

          OMG, you really are a D.B. tool. You are debating about something you know nothing about and making you look like a complete J.A$$. Absolute M_O_R_O_N beyond belief. The eight Ivy League institutions are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Yale University.

          Stanford, MIT CalTech, etc are elite schools but are labeled as Ivy League schools. Please, go back to your High School in Nanakuli and ask your teacher Klastri to show you how to weave some baskets.

        • dragoninwater says:

          Typo, left out NOT in the sentence above…
          Stanford, MIT CalTech, etc are elite schools but are NOT labeled as Ivy League schools.

        • Ikefromeli says:

          Goodness gracious Dragon you are utterly dense. First of all, the Ivy League is an athletic league–period. While MIT, Stanford, etc are elite schools they are not considered Ivies for the specific reason I previously mentioned. Now, some will call these schools Ivy-plus schools, but that’s for purposes of generalization.

          How do I know? Well, I got a daughter at the college of Elihu and I have two degrees from there as well….

  2. justmyview371 says:

    Of course, he would deny. Obviously, that’s what you do when your caught. He may not have been a plant but he certainly was an operative.

    • klastri says:

      It’s you’re. Not your.

      It’s difficult to believe your analyses when you aren’t able to spell.

      • Waterman2 says:

        Deflect and deny. You along with the Clintons give the Democrats a bad name.

        • klastri says:

          I don’t care what your opinion is. Really.

          As long as Trump loses (which he will) nothing else matters at this point. He’s a profoundly mentally ill fraud.

        • dragoninwater says:

          klastri, you seem to get all riled up about spelling and grammar typos. Too bad you don’t get as riled up and perform due diligence about the candidates. For a supposed federal judge or even an attorney, you seem to bee far too biased to be in the legal profession. I’ll stick to my original assumptions based on facts that you’re an illegal alien or a paid shill blogger as you never post comments in any other article outside of the political race.

        • klastri says:

          dragoninwater – You keep lying about that federal judge thing. Why would you make up something like that?

      • hawaiikone says:

        Well then, “analyses” qualifies your credibility as well…

        • klastri says:

          The word analyses is the plural noun. Look it up. Your fourth grade English teacher would be disappointed.

          Your apology is accepted.

        • hawaiikone says:

          Singular, not plural, would have been appropriate. Try again.

        • klastri says:

          hawaiikone – I meant analyses. Plural. I choose my words carefully and I stand behind them. Please don’t try to put words in my mouth, since I’m unusually skilled (particularly in this forum … good grief) at putting them there myself. Challenging me on the English language will probably not be productive for you (as it wasn’t in this case) but please do try again. Good luck with that effort!

          Speaking about things that have not been productive, how is your effort to get Gary Johnson elected President going?

        • hawaiikone says:

          I’m surprised both your arms still function despite their continual use patting yourself on your back. His premise was singular, as should have been your response.

          Gary’s failure, despite being a far better choice, is on types like you, and certainly not on him. Fortunately, Hillary’s first couple of years will guarantee a GOP mid term sweep. If Trump wins, we’ll still have much to endure. Not a pleasant road ahead for anyone.

        • klastri says:

          hawaiikone – My response was not singular, since I was responding to his multiple analyses going back over time. You cannot make yourself correct on this, no matter how many times you try, because you are wrong. I couldn’t care less if you don’t believe me. Your self-appointed role as forum sheriff may work with other people, but it doesn’t work with me.

          So the fact that Mr. Johnson is completely ignorant about foreign affairs and therefore is not qualified to be President (and was therefore ridiculed and marginalized in the process) is somehow my fault? That’s even more odd that most things you write. No matter – Mrs. Clinton is going to win.

        • hawaiikone says:

          However you regard my opinion is entirely meaningless to me, but by all means carry on..

      • mctruck says:

        Which also means that his/her vision is not 20/20 for sure…get your eyes checked.

    • nodaddynotthebelt says:

      And as Trump has stated, the election is rigged while hiring a firm that was connected to voter fraud. Do a fact-check on that one.

  3. mctruck says:

    Look at the republican cry babies. That’s it though to cry before the eventual trump loss.
    Now repeat after me; “it was rigged.” boo hoo hoo.

    • mctruck says:

      And actually if you drumpets paid attention; many republicans have openly denounced this old fart who had to be practically carried off of the stage. Looks like he was going to shit in his pantz.

    • nodaddynotthebelt says:

      Trump is alleging that the elections are rigged. But he himself has hired a firm that has a history of connections to voter fraud. That is who Trump is. He is the ultimate hypocrite. The billionaire who is running for office to enrich himself financially and feed his bloated ego. His followers call Hillary the liar but will blindly accept his lies even when they are proven false such as even in the Fact Check articles in SA. No matter what facts are shown they will overlook that and focus only one what failings Hillary has shown. Even with Trump’s actions in the past of ripping off people in order to enrich himself or his sexual assaults on women his supporters will overlook that and continue to put him on a pedestal.

      • mctruck says:

        trump is in debt to Putin and his crook friends in Russia over 700 mil., when he looses the election come Nov. 8th, Putin will be demanding a payback and I want to see trump trying to get out of PAYING. It’s what you call the shoe being on the other foot. PAYBACK.

        • mctruck says:


        • dragoninwater says:

          Post some sources. Right now, you’re allegations are as ridiculous as the I_D_I_O_T_S that claim to have been abducted by extra terrestrial aliens from outer space.

        • Waterman2 says:

          But we do know that Hillary sold Uranium to Putin.

        • klastri says:

          Waterman2 – You are lying about this, of course. That nonsense has been fully debunked.

          Today, Donald Trump asserted that as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton exerted her influence to approve the purchase of a large uranium mining company, Uranium One, by Russia. This claim has been widely reviewed and debunked. Despite the claims made by Trump, Hillary Clinton could not exert undue influence on approval of the sale because the State Department was just one of nine agencies represented on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (C.F.I.U.S.), which reviews such sales. The deal needed approval from multiple U.S. agencies and the Canadian government. Moreover, the State Department representative to C.F.I.U.S. said Hillary Clinton was not involved on the State Department’s review and did not discuss the uranium sale and called claims to the contrary “absurd conspiracy theories.” Clinton Cash author, Peter Schweizer, was forced to admit on ABC, “We don’t have direct evidence” that Hillary Clinton intervened in the deal, and FactCheck.org made clear that Clinton could not have “stopped the deal” through a veto.

  4. paniolo says:

    He was planted by Trump’s son who tweeted that there was an “assassination attempt” on his dad. He learned to lie from his dad.

  5. CEI says:

    Election is tomorrow. May the better man win.

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