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Philadelphia’s U.S. representatives boycott Trump inauguration


President-elect Donald Trump

PHILADELPHIA >> Philadelphia will reportedly be the only major city in the United States without representation in Washington during President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration later this week.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports all three of the city’s U.S. representatives on Monday pledged their intention to boycott Trump’s upcoming inauguration this Friday.

Rep. Bob Brady, Rep. Dwight Evans and Rep. Brendan Boyle have joined the growing list of Democrats who won’t be there to witness the peaceful transfer of power from President Obama to Trump.

A spokesman for Brady says the Republican’s derogatory comments toward famed civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis, of Georgia, made the group’s decision to skip the inauguration easier.

As Americans, Mayor Jim Kenney says the congressmen are free to express their First Amendment rights.

37 responses to “Philadelphia’s U.S. representatives boycott Trump inauguration”

  1. SanPablo says:

    Hurray–those that cannot accept the president elect should not go to the inauguration–Stay home!
    America is going through a revolution and those that don’t want to be part of it should abstain. This will be a great way to be be identified as standing in the way of the will of the American people. Winner by the rules–the electoral college process that is–the winner is the winner and Trump is the winner.
    How about the Reps from Hawaii? I would like to know if they want to stand out or to fall in line…
    and if you are to fall in line–you need to get working and Make Hawaii Great Again!

    • Keonigohan says:

      @ SanPablo
      Well stated!
      PE Trump wants the seats for those who wants to be there…always thinking about Americans that’s why he is
      American’s President!
      2 days til #MAGA

    • Boots says:

      Be proud that you republicans succeeded in electing the town butcher to perform brain surgery on America. Good luck with that. Miss GW do we? Don’t worry, it won’t be long before the Trump administration returns the country to where it was at the end of 2008, the worst recession since the great depression. When you give tax cuts to the rich, increase wasteful government spending, and squeeze the middle class, what else can you get? Some making America great again. Our representatives should stay home. No doubt in my mind that if Patsy Mink was alive she would be boycotting it with Barbara Lee. But sadly today democrats tend to be afraid of their own shadow and don’t want to offend anyone. Well they better start offending as the Trump administration is set to be the most corrupt in history.

    • Pocho says:

      These girlie men gotta start to grow some beards

    • MillionMonkeys says:

      “Winner by the rules–the electoral college process that is–”

      Yes, Trumpster won the electoral vote and he will be sworn in in two days. Do the rules say anything about manipulation by an unfriendly foreign nation?

      Since no one has brought up such a rule, we’re just accepting the results and saying Trump is the PEOTUS. But I don’t see how anyone can feel good about that “victory.” It’s a victory with a BIG asterisk. Asterisks are not good.

  2. lespark says:

    They might as well stay home for the next 4 years.

  3. MillionMonkeys says:

    Look at his hair from this angle. It’s RIDICULOUS. The wavy comb is WEIRD. And the color is UNNATURAL!!!

    • kahuku01 says:

      LOL! Not a “legitimate” president; ridiculous, weird, unnatural hair and what next, that people will be complaining about. How about the ridiculous, weird and unnatural hair styles from the few attention getter NFL players…must be okay since they’re professionals.

    • Keonigohan says:

      My comment is awaiting moderation.
      @ MillionMonkeys
      Ran out of substance?
      Resorting to sexist name calling…sad. BUT normal for left wing nuts.
      2 days…#MAGA

      • MillionMonkeys says:

        No one listens to facts and logic anymore, so I thought I’d throw that out for entertainment and to post something no normal person can disagree with. Right?

        Also I’m planting a seed of absurdity in the minds of those who have an unrealistic admiration for this guy. It’s like when you finally get to date the prettiest girl in the school. At first you’re feeling great, just admiring her flawless beauty and grace. At one point you notice she has a tiny weird hairy mole on the side of her neck. No problem, you say, I’ll just kiss her on the other side, and will stand on the other side when we walk together. Soon after, you start to notice a personality imperfection here and there, an irritating habit or two—and that piggish way she chuckles… And that mole starts looking bigger and uglier, until all you see when you look at her is one giant hairy mole that chuckles like a pig and smells like egg farts….

        So the weird hair, combined with all the weird things he says, the “youthful” twittering, all the forgotten promises, and the weird way he pervs on his own daughter all work together to gradually make you realize he’s not the stunning beauty you once thought.

        Is it working…..yet?

    • PMINZ says:

      IRT MillionMonkeys- No fair -we can not see if you have odd jewery, rings, piercings, or even odd hair.

  4. PMINZ says:

    Seems to me that the “protesting ” Dems. Are very childish. Grow up and mature.

  5. Amosilatus says:

    Trumps response to this matter likely will be “This is bad, very bad–very very bad.” It’s terrible to have to listen to a president that has such a limited vocabulary!

    • Pocho says:

      hmmm, it’s better too have a do’er of a President than a talking head that lies and deceives American citizens.

    • Keonigohan says:

      @ Amosilatus
      You misssd..” I want the seats for Americans who want to be there..I want the seats for Americans”
      Wonderful to finally hear a POTUS say that!
      2 days til #MAGA Officially begins for the next 4 years.

  6. PMINZ says:

    The protesting children need to out away their crayons, and have their afternoon Nap.

  7. Tita Girl says:

    To the whiners who are not attending the inauguration, please send the tickets to U.S. Representative for the 7th District of Tennessee, Marsha Blackburn. She has a list of 200 plus constituents who want to attend.

  8. NoFire says:

    They are not going to get their everyone gets a ribbon trophy then.

  9. WizardOfMoa says:

    Kids will be kids no matter their ages! Sigh!

  10. maile77 says:

    Adults acting worse than little kids… here in El Paso, we just had a high school group of seniors who wanted to attend the inauguration and with the help of their counselor had a fundraiser to make it happen. Here is what this high school senior said on the evening news, ” It’s about all the American people coming together in unity, and optimism to actually press forward and to make sure that we celebrate the tenets of our democracy which is of course, the peaceful transfer of power and whatever the outcome may be, this is a historic occasion none the less, and we want to be a part of it.” Sharp kid isn’t he? These adults (congressmen) could use some lessons in maturity.

    • kennie1933 says:

      You know, I’m no Trump fan, far from it. But, having said that, your last sentence sums everything up very well. If you are not invited or not usually a part of the inauguration then fine, you do not need to attend. But, if it is the normal practice for lawmakers in both parties to attend, then unless there are personal health concerns, you should attend. These boycotting lawmakers are like a bunch of high school kids on a prom committee who had to vote for a prom theme. One group’s theme idea lost, so they refuse to attend any more prom committee meetings to help with the event (Sorry, example from my days in the classroom). Yes, both parties are not without blame as the Republicans did everything they could to block Obama’s ideas, but SOMEONE needs to be the better person, cross the aisle, shake hands, and say, “Let’s try to work together for the sake of our country.” Oh and yes, the student in your example is awesome.

  11. willman says:

    These cupcake legislators from Philadelphia do not want to upset the black voters in their districts. The comments that Mr. Trump made towards Lewis seems to be
    the cause of them not attending. Representative Lewis has been a poor legislator living on his past reputation. His district in Georgia is plagued with poverty, crime
    especially drug use. Lewis has been unable to help his district due to his incompetence

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