Obamas join Richard Branson for private island getaway

In this recent but undated photo made available by Virgin.com, former President Barack Obama kitesurfed during his stay on Moskito Island, British Virgin Islands.

In this recent but undated photo made available by Virgin.com, former President Barack Obama prepared to kitesurf during his stay on Moskito Island, British Virgin Islands.

In this recent but undated photo made available by Virgin.com, former President Barack Obama, joked with Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, during his stay on Moskito Island, British Virgin Islands.

NECKER ISLAND, British Virgin Islands >> Former President Barack Obama, and his wife, Michelle, have spent some time vacationing with Richard Branson since leaving the White House.
The Virgin Group founder put up a blog post with pictures and video of the ex-president kitesurfing off one of Branson’s private islands in the British Virgin Islands. Branson writes that Obama, who’s a native of Hawaii, told him he was prevented from surfing by his security detail during his time in office.
Branson says after spending a couple days learning to kitesurf, Obama bested the billionaire in a watersport challenge.
He says inviting the Obamas to his island was “a huge honor.”
Obama spent his first days after leaving Washington vacationing in Palm Springs, California.
18 responses to “Obamas join Richard Branson for private island getaway”
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Why is this a story?
I don’t give two $%*#$ what Obama is doing or not doing, or where he may or may not be doing it. I’m glad he and his family are in good health, but aside from that I don’t want to read about him because he’s NOT RELEVANT. Period.
On second thought, however, perhaps such stories do serve a purpose. They remind me that he is a FORMER President, and that’s something every American can feel great about.
Barry, whatever you do, please stay in Chicago where you belong. Not that you’re even remotely local, but Hawaii doesn’t need another PITA transplant.
If you don’t want to read about him then don’t. Don’t even blog about him. Who cares what you think about Obama. Cancel your SA subscription so we won’t hear from you anymore.
I rather read about two smart leaders, than one clueless fake who is now in charge. Auwe.
Don’t read it what is wrong with you.
Yup, I think the SA editors should start forwarding every article to you first, and make sure you “care about it” before they post it.
Although I disliked his politics I bear him no ill will as a private citizen and it’s good to see him finally able to have a real vacation now that the burdens of the presidency and the nation are no longer upon him…..
Agree. He also looks very relaxed and happy. Good to be back in the ocean. Salt water heals.
Clean salt air cleans the smog laden DC gunk from his lungs. He still has to write a book for the advance he got.
Obama is a very good person whatever you think of his positions. We all miss him now that we are suffering from the crazed showman Trump.
I believe he is a good person even though I disliked his politics….even President Trump said the same of Obama……
allie and awahana> It’s really funny that you both don’t like POTUS. I use to like BKO, but I felt that he did some really bad things during the last days of his ADMIN. Like pardoning MANNING, and all those drug offenders, and terrorists in GITMO. I know TRUMP is not a “politician, per se” but he is trying to do a good job in my eyes and mind, but there are roadblocks and minefields all around him, which creates a very tenuous environment for his to smoothly execute his plans. Give the guy a benefit of a doubt and see what happens in the first 100 days. I look at TRUMP as a smart man who does and say things that makes people react adversely. I think he enjoys that because he can measure the impact he is making by the reaction that he gets out of it. In other words he tell that people are listening, and whether they get it or not does not matter at all. He knows the people are listening. Aren’t you also listening???
Does O’s lifetime SS protection include gunbo@ts?
Hanging with Branson. Guess what they say is true, “birds of a feather do flock together”.
Pres obama looks thrilled to be free to do what he wants. Huuuuge smile.
Ah so that’s why Trump is banning illegals, he know BO was out of the country…
Obama had to take a vacation after his Palm Springs vacation. Life is tough.
If the tax payer isn’t footing the bill, BO loves to get his freebies.
Michelle better watch out for Bill Clinton….BO could be invited to Lolita Island.