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VA makes public its disciplinary action against employees

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The Department of Veterans Affairs is the first government agency to make employee disciplinary data public. It’s part of an overhaul effort pushed by President Donald Trump.

WASHINGTON >> The Department of Veterans Affairs is posting a weekly list of disciplinary actions taken against its employees, part of an overhaul effort pushed by President Donald Trump.

VA Secretary David Shulkin said today the effort is aimed at improving accountability at the struggling department after Trump signed a bill last month to make it easier to fire, suspend or demote department employees. The VA is the first government agency to make employee disciplinary data public.

The weekly list will include disciplinary actions lasting over 14 days and occurring since Trump came into office on Jan. 20.

The first list posted online Friday publicizes actions against more than 700 employees. Names are redacted for privacy reasons and descriptions of their alleged offenses are not included.

VA has more than 360,000 employees.

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