Morning traffic accidents prompt Zipper Lane time extension
State Department of Transportation officials kept the Zipper Lane open an extra two hours today to help alleviate town-bound traffic on the H-1 freeway.
The Department of Transportation tweeted at 9:24 a.m. that the Zipper Lane would stay open until at least 10 a.m., and sent out a subsequent tweet at 9:59 a.m. that it would stay open until 11 a.m. The Zipper Lane is usually open between 5:30 a.m. and 9 a.m.
Traffic had backed up this morning due to two accidents on the H-1 eastbound: a traffic accident near the Kaonohi overpass that forced the closure of three lanes and a fatal pedestrian accident in Kalaeloa that necessitated an hours-long closure of the offramp and on-ramp in the area.