Kids invited to vie for conch shell title

Pearlridge recently held a series of workshops for keiki interested in learning how to blow a conch shell. Now the mall is sponsoring a conch-shell-blowing contest in conjunction with the 2017 Aloha Festivals.
Keiki can show off their conch-shell-blowing skills in a new contest being held in conjunction with the 2017 Aloha Festivals.
Pearlridge Center is hosting the “Pu Haaheo” or “Cherish the Conch Shell with Pride” competition at 12:30 p.m. Saturday at Uptown Center Court. There are two age categories — ages 4-12 and 13-17 — with judging based on presentation, technique, movement/style, appearance and overall appeal.
There is no entry fee, but participants must wear a 2017 Aloha Festivals ribbon, on sale at Pearlridge for $7. Pre-registration is required online at A limited number of conch shells will be available for use; it’s recommended that keiki bring their own.
Winners will receive a conch shell and invitation to take part in the Aloha Festivals’ Floral Parade on Sept. 30.
The contest is part of Pearlridge’s annual Keiki Ho‘olaule‘a, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 16. The Aloha Festivals Royal Court will make an appearance at 10 a.m., with arts and crafts demonstrations and entertainment planned throughout the event. Call 488-0981 or visit